Supporting custom request-response message formats

The JAX-RS framework uses entity provider components for the marshaling and unmarshaling of the message body content (entity) present in the response and request objects, respectively. It is the entity provider component that maps an entity with the associated Java types.

The following table lists the default entity mappings provided by the JAX-RS runtime via a set of built-in entity providers. When you use one of the internet media types present in the following table to represent the request or response entity body, the framework takes care of the conversion and reconversion of the entity body to the associated Java type:

Data types

Internet media type










All primitive types









text/xml, application/xml, and application/*+xml


text/xml, application/xml, and application/*+xml

Application supplied JAXB annotated objects (types annotated with @XmlRootElement or @XmlType)

text/xml, application/xml, and application/*+xml<String, String>


What if you want to build your own media type for representing the message content? Or what if you want to customize the marshaling and unmarshaling process for specific media types?

JAX-RS has a solution for both these use cases. The JAX-RS extension API allows you to handle the request or response message bodies via custom entity providers. You can have custom entity providers configured for an application for serializing the Java type into the appropriate media type. They can also be used for deserializing the message body content present in a request to the appropriate Java types. In this section, we will learn how to use the JAX-RS provider APIs for building custom message handlers.

The JAX-RS providers are application components that offer a way to extend and customize the runtime behavior. There are mainly three categories of providers: entity provider, context provider, and exception provider. Each JAX-RS provider class must be annotated with the annotation. During deployment, the server scans through the deployment units for the @Provider annotations and automatically registers all the identified provider components. You do not need to do any extra configurations or API calls for integrating the provider components.

The JAX-RS extension API offers the following two contracts (interfaces) for managing the marshaling and unmarshaling of the entity body present in the request and response messages:

  •<T>: This interface provides the contract for the conversion of a Java type to the output stream. The class that implements this interface converts the message payload represented in Java into the one on the internet media type representation format that is sent over the wire to the client.
  •<T>: This interface provides the contract for the conversion of the input stream to a Java type. The provider class that implements this interface reads the message body representation from the input stream and converts the incoming message body into an appropriate Java type.
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