Introducing JAX-RS Implementation Framework Extensions

In the last two chapters, we discussed the standard JAX-RS APIs for building RESTful web APIs. JAX-RS is a specification for RESTful web services with Java, not a product. In the previous chapters, we gave an overview of popular JAX-RS implementations, such as Jersey, Apache CXF, RESTEasy, Restlet, and so on. Also, we have been using Jersey for running the JAX-RS samples that we built in the previous chapters.

As you may know, Jersey is one of the many reference implementations available in the market today for the JAX-RS specification. In reality, the Jersey framework is more than just a JAX-RS reference implementation. It offers additional features and utilities to further simplify RESTful services and client development. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the most useful extension APIs provided by the Jersey and RESTEasy frameworks, which are not part of the JAX-RS standard.

We will cover the following topics in this chapter:

  • Dynamically configuring JAX-RS resources during deployment
  • Modifying JAX-RS resources during deployment using ModelProcessor
  • Building HATEOAS APIs
  • Reading and writing large binary objects using Jersey APIs
  • Generating chunked output using Jersey APIs
  • Supporting server-sent events (SSE) in RESTful web services
  • Understanding Jersey server-side configuration properties
  • Monitoring RESTful web services using Jersey APIs
  • RESTEasy framework extensions
All the examples that you see in this chapter use the latest versions of the Jersey ( and RESTEasy ( releases.
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