A quick recap

Having gone through in detail of various design guidelines in preceding sections, let's do a quick recap of the best practices as applicable to each of the key focus areas:

Focus area Best practices
  • Expose only those resources that are required for implementing the business use case
  • Naming of resource must be nouns; avoid using verbs
  • Avoid using generic name for resources, rather be specific
  • Resource names may include hyphens; avoid using underscores and other punctuation
  • Limit the length of the resource URI not to exceed 2,000 characters
  • Child resource must limit the scope to respective parent
Resource representation
  • Specify the content type supported by consumers of the API
  • Avoid using multiple content type for a resource representation, JSON is becoming the de facto standard for content type, so avoid using XML
  • Include Content-Type header in the response
  • If the API supports multiple content types, recommend client to specify their preferred content type in the Accept Request Header
  • If the API supports multiple languages, recommend client to specify their preferred language in the Accept-Language Request Header
  • It is recommended to use the ISO-8601 format for representing the date and time in your RESTful APIs
  • Use pagination to avoid returning all the records in response when the result set is of large size and connect the paginated results using Link Header
  • When large datasets are requested, use relevant encoding such as GZIP compression for efficient usage of the available bandwidth
HTTP method
  • Avoid using idempotent HTTP methods for non-idempotent operation
  • Avoid using safe HTTP methods for non-safe operation
  • Use each HTTP method for its defined purpose
  • To modify the state of a resource, use the widely supported HTTP POST method
  • Restrict the DELETE operation on a collection of resources, if the result is expected to perform hard delete and unrecoverable
  • Use caching only for idempotent and safe HTTP methods
  • Use the relevant HTTP status code in the response to qualify the correct response status
  • Faults must be qualified with correct HTTP error status code
  • Avoid sending OK Status(200) in case of faults
  • Enforce clients to use X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers to avoid overloading the service
  • Whitelist allowable actions on an entity.
  • Mention only allowable action verbs such as GET/POST, so other actions even if triggered by client are denied.
  • Validate the input data against the interface contract specification and reject bad request.
  • Validate URL to protect from injection attacks.
  • Avoid encoding sensitive information in the URL. If the request/response involves sensitive data/personal identification information as classified by enterprise data security guidelines, use HTTPs for encrypting the communication. For APIs exposed outside the enterprise for third-party clients, implement robust authentication and authorization such as JWT or OAuth 2.0.
Documentation of API
  • The interface must be documented clearly, qualifying the request, response, errors, and metadata as relevant
  • Specify example of request and response for applicable business scenarios
  • Mentio the backward and forward compatibility of newer version of APIs
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