GZIP compression/decompression

With a lot of mobile applications being used in the market, it becomes essential to enable faster transmission of large chunks of data over a network. RESTEasy provides the GZIP compression/decompression feature. When the response body is plain text, it can be easily compressed on the server side and then decompressed on the client side. RESTEasy accomplishes this with the @GZIP annotation applied at the method level, as shown ahead:

* Returns list of departments
public List<Departments> findAllDepartments() {
//Find all departments from the data store and return compressed response
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery cq = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder().createQuery();
List<Departments> departments = entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
return departments;

The @GZIP annotation of RESTEasy takes care of compressing the response message body and similarly when a server receives a request with content-encoding equal to GZIP then the request message body is decompressed automatically. 

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