Provisioning a virtual machine instance

Consumer are allowed to provision IT resources on the Oracle Compute Cloud infrastructure service, using the LaunchPlans or Orchestration REST API. For this demonstration, we will use the LaunchPlans REST API. The details of the API are as follows:

API function

Launch plan used to provision infra resources in Oracle Compute Cloud Service. 


<RESTEndpoint captured in above section>/launchplan/


HTTP method


Request header properties

Accept: application/oracle-compute-v3+json         
Cookie: <Authentication cookie>

Request body

"instances": [
"shape": "oc3",
"imagelist": "/oracle/public/oel_6.4_2GB_v1",
"name": "/Compute-586113742/[email protected]/test-vm-1",
"label": "test-vm-1",

Response body

Provisioned list of instances and their relationships

The following screenshot shows the creation of a test virtual machine instance by invoking the LaunchPlan REST API via the Postman tool:

HTTP Response Status 201 confirms the request for provisioning was successful. Check the provisioned instance status via the cloud service instances page as shown here:

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