
I thank my editor at Manning, Beth Lexleigh, for her help throughout the writing process: your patience and gentle pushes have kept me on track.

I also thank my development editor Bert Bates: thank you for pointing out that my writing style needed to change for a book audience. Your influence on my writing early on continued during my work on the entire book, which I hope is reasonably accessible to readers with a wide range of expertise.

Thank you, Salvatore Sanfilippo: without you, there would be no Redis, and no one would be reading this. And a huge thank you for writing the foreword on such short notice.

Thank you, Pieter Noordhuis: in addition to working on Redis, you shared several drinks with me during RedisConf 2012 while listening to my ideas on Redis data structure layouts. Even if none of them happen (which is likely), it was great getting a chance to meet and talk about Redis internals.

A huge thank you goes to my technical proofreading team (in alphabetical order by first name): James Phillips, Kevin Chang, and Nicholas Lindgren. You helped when I needed help, and through your collective efforts, Redis in Action has been polished even further.

Thank you, my friend and colleague Eric Van Dewoestine: you took the time to write Java versions of examples from the book, which are available at GitHub:

Thank you, all of my reviewers, for the first, second, and third reviews of my manuscript during development, and to my final QA reviewer. I tried to take all of your advice into consideration whenever I could. Thanks to Amit Nandi, Bennett Andrews, Bobby Abraham, Brian Forester, Brian Gyss, Brian McNamara, Daniel Sundman, David Miller, Felipe Gutierrez, Filippo Pacini, Gerard O’ Sullivan, JC Pretorius, Jonathan Crawley, Joshua White, Leo Cassarani, Mark Wigmans, Richard Clayton, Scott Lyons, Thomas O’Rourke, and Todd Fiala

Thank you, those who offered feedback in the Manning Redis in Action Author Online forum; your eyes caught some errors that were hiding from us.

And most of all, I want to say thank you to my wife, See Luan, who graciously allowed me to spend countless evenings and weekends over the last year and a half writing the manuscript that you’re now reading—evenings and weekends when she suffered through the discomfort and hard work of pregnancy and, more recently, of caring for our newborn daughter as I worked on final edits.

And one final thank you goes to my family and friends, who have been patient with me when I’ve been far too busy working on this book.

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