Chapter 5: Creating List Reports

  1. Correct answer: c
    The DATA= option specifies the data set that you are listing, and the ID statement replaces the Obs column with the specified variable. The VAR statement specifies variables and controls the order in which they appear, and the WHERE statement selects rows based on a condition. The LABEL option in the PROC PRINT statement causes the labels that are specified in the LABEL statement to be displayed.
  2. Correct answer: a
    You use the DATA= option to specify the data set to be printed. The LABEL option specifies that variable labels appear in output instead of in variable names.
  3. Correct answer: d
    In the WHERE statement, the IN operator enables you to select observations based on several values. You specify values in parentheses and separated by spaces or commas. Character values must be enclosed in quotation marks and must be in the same case as in the data set.
  4. Correct answer: c
    In a PROC SORT step, you specify the DATA= option to specify the data set to sort. The OUT= option specifies an output data set. The required BY statement specifies the variable or variables to use in sorting the data.
  5. Correct answer: b
    The DATE and NONUMBER system options cause the output to appear with the date but without page numbers. In the PROC PRINT step, the DOUBLE option specifies double spacing, and the NOOBS option removes the default Obs column.
  6. Correct answer: d
    You do not need to name the variables in a VAR statement if you specify them in the SUM statement, but you can. If you choose not to name the variables in the VAR statement as well, then the SUM statement determines their order in the output.
  7. Correct answer: c
    The BY statement is required in PROC SORT. Without it, the PROC SORT step fails. However, the PROC PRINT step prints the original data set as requested.
  8. Correct answer: a
    Column totals appear at the end of the report in the same format as the values of the variables, so b is incorrect. Work.Loans is sorted by Month and Amount, so c is incorrect. The program sums both Amount and Payment, so d is incorrect.
  9. Correct answer: c
    To ensure that the compound expression is evaluated correctly, you can use parentheses to group the observations:
    account='101-1092' or rate eq 0.095
    compound expression
    For example, from the data set above, a and b select observations 2 and 8 (those that have a rate of 0.095); c selects no observations; and d selects observations 4 and 7 (those that have an amount less than or equal to 5000).
  10. Correct answer: d
    You can remove the column for observation numbers. You can also specify the variables you want, and you can select observations according to conditions.
Last updated: January 10, 2018
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