12.2. Preventing and detecting corruption

Before we go too much further, it's important to define corruption as it relates to a SQL Server database. There are essentially two different types of corruption: logical and physical. Logical corruption refers to situations in which people (or applications) remove data they shouldn't—for example, deleting one half of an Order:OrderDetail relationship. In contrast, physical corruption is almost always caused by faulty I/O subsystem components; examples include crashed hard drives and faulty RAID controllers.

Making the distinction between logical and physical corruption is important. A statement from a DBA to the effect of "The database is corrupt!" usually means something much more sinister than the same statement made from an application support person. Throughout the rest of this chapter, our definition of corruption will be of the physical kind, which is the target of the DBCC CHECK* commands.

This section will focus on tools and options used to validate an I/O subsystem and detect the presence of physical corruption. Let's begin by revisiting a tool we covered in chapter 3: SQLIOSIM.

12.2.1. SQLIOSIM

While a reliable and well-configured I/O system should rarely cause any database corruption, it can, and does, happen. As we'll see later in this chapter, relying on DBCC to remove corruption is a poor alternative to a good design and maintenance strategy aimed at preventing corruption and implementing early detection mechanisms.

In chapter 3, we covered the importance of running SQLIOSIM to validate the I/O subsystem prior to production implementation. To briefly recap, SQLIOSIM simulates SQL Server I/O workload, without SQL Server needing to be installed. The primary benefit of this tool is being able to detect issues in any part of the I/O chain (hardware, software, OS, drivers, firmware, and so forth) that may lead to database corruption at a later point.

The most likely cause of database corruption is an issue somewhere in the I/O subsystem. If and when corruption appears, it's often difficult to come up with conclusive proof as to the cause, and as a result, DBAs, hardware vendors, and administrators often end up in a heated blame game. SQLIOSIM offers a powerful method for validating each component of the I/O chain. When used as part of the validation and commissioning process for new hardware, it offers a tremendously valuable clean bill of health, offering peace of mind that corruption caused by the I/O subsystem, while possible, is unlikely.

In addition to using SQLIOSIM to validate the health of an I/O subsystem, enabling the page checksums feature offers a nice method of ongoing page validation outside explicit DBCC checks.

12.2.2. Page checksums

Page checksums, enabled by default as a database property as shown in figure 12.3, ensure ongoing validation of pages written to and read from the file system. When a page is written to disk, SQL Server calculates a checksum value based on the page contents and writes the value to the page. When a page containing a checksum value is read from disk,[] the checksum is recalculated and compared.

[] Databases upgraded from SQL Server 2000 won't contain a checksum value until the page is modified.

The process of writing a page checksum is performed by SQL Server as the last action before the page leaves its control (flushed from the buffer pool). In a similar manner, the checksum is recalculated and compared as the first action when read from disk. If when recalculated the checksum value is different from the checksum stored on the page, that's a fairly solid indication some part of the I/O system has corrupted the page.

The performance overhead of calculating, writing, and comparing checksums has been estimated at approximately 2 percent, a small price to pay for ongoing validation of I/O integrity. In addition to validating pages as they're read from disk, the DBCC CHECK* commands will validate each page's checksum value as part of their operation. Further, as we saw in chapter 10, the backup and restore process can also validate checksums using the optional WITH CHECKSUM clause. Assuming regular backups are in place that use this option, page checksums enable constant and ongoing validation of I/O integrity.

Figure 12.3. The default page verification level of CHECKSUM enables ongoing I/O subsystem verification.

If a page checksum is detected as being incorrect, messages are written to the SQL Server log and Windows event logs. Assuming these are being actively monitored, this presents a mechanism for early detection and investigation.

Auto corruption recovery with database mirroring

Prior to SQL Server 2008, aside from restoring a backup or risking data loss with the DBCC repair options, there was no way of safely overcoming a corrupted page without the potential for data loss. In the Enterprise edition of SQL Server 2008, database mirroring partners can exchange pages to automatically overcome certain types of page corruption.

While SQLIOSIM and page checksums are excellent tools for initial and ongoing I/O validation, there's no substitute for regular DBCC checks. In chapter 14, we'll cover a number of SQL Server tools used to incorporate DBCC checks into a regular database maintenance plan. That being said, running regular checks on large, heavily loaded databases in use 24/7 presents a number of challenges, not the least of which is the performance impact such checks may have on user access. In the next section, we'll investigate a number of techniques that can be used in minimizing the impact of DBCC checks when running against production databases.

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