Separation of concerns in an LWC

When creating an LWC in Visual Studio Code, it creates a folder for your component with the following files in it:

├── force-app
│ └── main
│ └── default
│ ├── lwc
│ │ ├── driverStats
│ │ │ ├── driverStats.html
│ │ │ ├── driverStats.js
│ │ │ └── driverStats.js-meta.xml

In comparison to Aura-based components, LWC-based components are much simpler. The preceding .js file contains client-side JavaScript logic, including bindings to references made in the .html file. It uses the JavaScript import statement to import other components, libraries, or resources. Because LWC is more standards-based, you can create ES6 modules to share common logic between your components. In addition, you can also use OOP with your components, such as base classes.

Later in this book, in Chapter 9, User Interfaces with Lightning Framework, we will be building some LWCs to package within our FormulaForce application.
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