Validating that the driver list is correctly bound to the table

In this test, we are focusing on validating the fact that a mocked list of drivers is correctly linked (bound) to the table child component. As a reminder, you will recall that this is actually achieved mostly through HTML code and some annotations in the JavaScript controller, as shown:

Here's a fragment from the raceSetup.html file:


Here's a fragment from the raceSetup.js file:

import getDriverList from



This might seem like a basic thing to write test code for, given that this component is quite simple, but imagine if you had more bindings and, thus, greater potential for the binding references and/or imports in the controller code to fall out of sync.

In order to write a unit test for the preceding, we need to use DI APIs to inject an alternative code path to actually go to the server and instead respond with a sample set of data. The first step is to define the sample (or mock data) and then inject it. The getDriversList.json file is stored in the data folder within the __test__ folder and looks like this:

"RecordId": "a015800000AmuwHAAR",
"Name": "Lewis Hamilton",
"Selected": false
"RecordId": "a015800000AmuwMAAR",
"Name": "Jenson Button",
"Selected": false
"RecordId": "a015800000AmuwRAAR",
"Name": "Sergio PĂ©rez",
"Selected": false

The preceding JSON must match the output from the Apex Controller method, RaceSetupComponentController.getDriverList. The JSON data reflects the structure of the RaceSetupComponentController.DriverSelection inner class.

When the Lightning framework observes the @wire annotation on the drivers property, it looks to see whether a response from the server has been injected by the test code. The following highlights the key steps to injecting a mock response from an Apex Controller:

// Step 1: the Apex Controller method is imported to the test code
import getDriverList from

// Step 2: The sample data is read into the test code
const mockGetDriverList = require('./data/getDriverList.json');

// Step 3: The Salesforce registerApexTestWireAdapter method is
// used to get a reference to a mock LWC write adapter
const getDriverListAdapter =

// Step 4: Test code emits the mock response (emulating the server)

Steps 1, 2, and 3 are defined outside of the specific test at the top of the test file. Step 4 is executed at the appropriate point in the test code itself. The following code shows the full test code and uses the Salesforce-provided createElement method (imported at the top of the test file) to create an instance of the component to test. This is appended into a test instance of the page managed by the Jest framework:

// Test: displays drivers
it('displays drivers', () => {

// Given
const element = createElement('c-raceSetup', {
is: RaceSetup

// Then

// When
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
const tableEl =

The industry standard querySelector method is used to obtain a reference to the mocked lightning-datatable instance, which is automatically set up for you. Finally, the expect method (provided by Jest at is used to ensure that the number of records defined in the mock data shown above matches the number of table items as a result of the binding being tested. Notice that you did not have to mock the lightning-datatable component; this is handled for you by Salesforce.

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