Updating your source control repository

At this stage, you have a source control repository and you can deploy its contents to a scratch org. As you locally edit source files such as Apex classes using the Visual Studio Code editor window and save those changes, they become candidates to submit to source control. Visual Studio automatically tracks such changes, as does the GitHub desktop client. In this section, we will take a brief look at how this works.

Keep in mind when developing on the Lightning Platform that you can also use the Setup menu in your scratch org to make changes, such as creating objects or fields or editing layouts. In this case, those changes will not be visible to source control until you perform sfdx force:source:pull. Browser-based tools, such as the Setup menu and Schema Builder, provide an easier way of editing Custom Objects, Fields, Layouts, and Permission Sets than their XML-based formats. However, for other aspects of development, the browser-based developer console is not to everyone's liking when it comes to editing Apex and Visualforce code. I personally prefer a desktop tool such as Visual Studio Code to edit these types of files.

In the next section, we will discuss how to control what files are updated or created when you pull changes made by using the Setup menu in your scratch org.

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