
Page-level design is no longer the focus in Lightning; a component-first mindset is the mindset you should have. This does not dismiss the need for good UX design, however. Rather, it involves a closer collaboration between the UX designer and the developer.

Creating one huge component to serve your needs is not recommended and will not make use of the Salesforce UI customization facilities in the way that your users will expect. From a coding perspective, it will be hard to maintain and not reusable, as it will likely not fit everyone's needs.

A better approach is to work with your UX designer on the mockups and think about how you can break up the UI into reusable or distinct elements. Later in this chapter, I will explain how I approached this thinking when devising the components for the FormulaForce application.

Having a good knowledge of the extensibility points within Salesforce UIs is also important when designing your user experience. The standard UI may offer most of the user experience required, leaving the developer to focus on one or two single components that add the remainder.
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