Creating a compliance application framework

In our FormulaForce application, we want to create a compliance framework that will check these regulations across the different objects while also providing a consistent user interface experience for the end user to verify compliance. The initial requirement is to place a Verify Compliance button on the Detail Pages on all applicable objects.

The UI Controller and Service code that perform the verification process should be generic and reusable across these objects, while the actual compliance-checking logic associated with each object will be specific. By using an Apex Interface, we can define this common requirement for the applicable Domain classes to implement.

In this section, we will implement this requirement using an Apex Interface and a generic service that can be passed record IDs for different Domain objects across the application. Creating such a service avoids code duplication by having to repeat the logic of handling the results within the code of each Domain class and provides a centralized service for the controller to consume regardless of the object type in scope.

By using an Apex Interface and a generic service, we separate the functional concerns of implementing compliance functionality as follows:

  • The Service layer code is concerned solely with executing the compliance-checking process through the interface.
  • The Controller code is concerned with calling the service class method to execute the compliance check and then presenting the results to the user consistently.
  • The Domain layer classes that implement the interface focus solely on validating the record data against the applicable rules according to the type of the object.

Having this Separation of Concerns makes it easy to significantly modify or extend the ways in which the checking is invoked and presented to the user without having to revisit each of the Domain layer classes, or, conversely, modify the compliance logic of one object without impacting the overall implementation across the application.

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