Table of Contents


Part I: Getting Started

Hour 1: Becoming a Programmer

Choosing a Language

Telling the Computer What to Do

How Programs Work

When Programs Don’t Work

Choosing a Java Programming Tool

Installing a Java Development Tool

Hour 2: Writing Your First Program

What You Need to Write Programs

Creating the Saluton Program

Beginning the Program

Storing Information in a Variable

Saving the Finished Product

Compiling the Program into a Class File

Fixing Errors

Running a Java Program

Hour 3: Vacationing in Java

First Stop: Oracle

Going to School with Java

Lunch in JavaWorld

Watching the Skies at NASA

Getting Down to Business

Stopping by Java Boutique for Directions

Running Java on Your Phone

Hour 4: Understanding How Java Programs Work

Creating an Application

Sending Arguments to Applications

Creating an Applet

Part II: Learning the Basics of Programming

Hour 5: Storing and Changing Information in a Program

Statements and Expressions

Assigning Variable Types

Naming Your Variables

Storing Information in Variables

All About Operators

Using Expressions

Hour 6: Using Strings to Communicate

Storing Text in Strings

Displaying Strings in Programs

Using Special Characters in Strings

Pasting Strings Together

Using Other Variables with Strings

Advanced String Handling

Presenting Credits

Hour 7: Using Conditional Tests to Make Decisions

if Statements

if-else Statements

switch Statements

The Conditional Operator

Watching the Clock

Hour 8: Repeating an Action with Loops

for Loops

while Loops

do-while Loops

Exiting a Loop

Naming a Loop

Testing Your Computer Speed

Part III: Working with Information in New Ways

Hour 9: Storing Information with Arrays

Creating Arrays

Using Arrays

Multidimensional Arrays

Sorting an Array

Counting Characters in Strings

Hour 10: Creating Your First Object

How Object-Oriented Programming Works

Objects in Action

What Objects Are

Understanding Inheritance

Building an Inheritance Hierarchy

Converting Objects and Simple Variables

Creating an Object

Hour 11: Describing What Your Object Is Like

Creating Variables

Creating Class Variables

Creating Behavior with Methods

Putting One Class Inside Another

Using the this Keyword

Using Class Methods and Variables

Hour 12: Making the Most of Existing Objects

The Power of Inheritance

Establishing Inheritance

Working with Existing Objects

Storing Objects of the Same Class in Vectors

Creating a Subclass

Part IV: Programming a Graphical User Interface

Hour 13: Building a Simple User Interface

Swing and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit

Using Components

Creating Your Own Component

Hour 14: Laying Out a User Interface

Using Layout Managers

Laying Out an Application

Hour 15: Responding to User Input

Getting Your Programs to Listen

Setting Up Components to Be Heard

Handling User Events

Completing a Graphical Application

Hour 16: Building a Complex User Interface

Scroll Panes


Change Listeners

Using Image Icons and Toolbars

Part V: Moving into Advanced Topics

Hour 17: Creating Interactive Web Programs

Standard Applet Methods

Putting an Applet on a Web Page

Creating an Applet

Sending Parameters from a Web Page

Handling Parameters in an Applet

Using the Object Tag

Hour 18: Handling Errors in a Program


Throwing Exceptions

Throwing and Catching Exceptions

Hour 19: Creating a Threaded Program


Working with Threads

Starting with init()

Catching Errors as You Set Up URLs

Handling Screen Updates in the paint() Method

Starting the Thread

Handling Mouse Clicks

Displaying Revolving Links

Hour 20: Reading and Writing Files


Writing Data to a Stream

Reading and Writing Configuration Properties

Part VI: Writing Internet Applications

Hour 21: Reading and Writing XML Data

Creating an XML File

Reading an XML File

Reading RSS Syndication Feeds

Hour 22: Creating Web Services with JAX-WS

Defining a Service Endpoint Interface

Creating a Service Implementation Bean

Publishing the Web Service

Using Web Service Definition Language Files

Creating a Web Service Client

Hour 23: Creating Java2D Graphics

Using the Font Class

Using the Color Class

Creating Custom Colors

Drawing Lines and Shapes

Baking a Pie Graph

Hour 24: Writing Android Apps

Introduction to Android

Creating an Android App

Running the App

Designing a Real App

Part VII: Appendixes

Appendix A: Using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment

Installing NetBeans

Creating a New Project

Creating a New Java Class

Running the Application

Fixing Errors

Appendix B: Where to Go from Here: Java Resources

Other Books to Consider

Oracle’s Official Java Site

Other Java Websites

Job Opportunities

Appendix C: This Book’s Website

Appendix D: Setting Up an Android Development Environment

Getting Started

Installing Eclipse

Installing Android SDK

Installing the Android Plug-in for Eclipse

Setting Up Your Phone


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