Mission accomplished

On building this project one step at a time, we slowly changed it from a rather dry calculation exercise, to a simulation, and then to a game. We have seen that small additions can have big effects on how the game feels. Refer to the following screenshot:

Mission accomplished

Having the computer generate elements of a game automatically can keep it surprising each time, even for us as developers. It can be fun just to see what the machine "thinks" of next.

Adding a goal can give the player something to work for. Adding danger to a game can greatly increase the engagement of the player because there is something to lose.

In this project, we also touched on some valuable new scripting techniques, such as using functions to separate scripts into readable pieces. Using the stamp tool to draw and change the level also offers some interesting options.

Although we have the basics of a game now, it still isn't too exciting exploring this maze alone. In the next project, we will add more items and enemies to turn this maze exploration into a real quest.

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