Chapter 4

Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

In This Chapter

arrow Considering the different types of discrete-time signals

arrow Modifying discrete-time sequences

arrow Working with real signals in discrete-time

arrow Checking out discrete-time systems

We live in a continuous-time/analog world; but people increasingly use computers to process continuous signals in the discrete-time domain. From a math standpoint, discrete-time signals and systems can stand alone — independent of their continuous-time counterparts — but that isn’t the intent of this chapter. Instead, I want to show you how discrete-time signals and systems get the job done in a way that’s parallel to the continuous-time description in Chapter 3.

A great deal of innovation takes place in discrete-time signals and systems. High-performance computer hardware combined with sophisticated algorithms offer a lot of flexibility and capability in manipulating discrete-time signals. Computers can carry out realistic simulations, which is a huge help when studying and designing discrete-time signals and systems.

Continuous- and discrete-time signals have a lot in common. In this chapter, I describe how to classify signals and systems, move signals around the time axis, and plot signals by using software. Also, because discrete-time signals often begin in the continuous-time domain, I point out some details of converting signals late in the chapter.

Exploring Signal Types

Like the continuous-time signals, discrete-time signals can be exponential or sinusoidal and have special sequences. The unit sample sequence and the unit step sequence are special signals of interest in discrete-time. All these signals have continuous-time counterparts, but singularity signals (covered in Chapter 3) appear in continuous-time only.

Note: Discrete-time signals are really just sequences. The independent variable is an integer, so no in-between values exist. A bracket surrounds the time variable for discrete-time signals and systems — as in x[n] versus the x(t) used for continuous-time. The values that discrete-time signals take on are concrete; you don’t need to worry about limits.

Exponential and sinusoidal signals

Exponential signals and real and complex sinusoids are important types of signals in the discrete-time world. Sinusoids, both real and complex, are firmly rooted in discrete-time signal model and applications. Signals composed of sinusoids can represent communication waveforms and the basis for Fourier spectral analysis, both the discrete-time Fourier transform (described in Chapter 11) and the discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier transform (Chapter 12).

The exponential sequence 9781118475669-eq04001.eps is a versatile signal. By letting 9781118475669-eq04002.eps and 9781118475669-eq04003.eps be complex quantities in general, this signal alone can represent a real exponential, a complex sinusoid, a real sinusoid, and exponentially damped complex and real sinusoids. For definitions of these terms, flip to Chapter 3.

Figure 4-1 shows stem plots of three variations of the general exponential sequence.

In the remaining material, let 9781118475669-eq04008.eps and 9781118475669-eq04009.eps.

The real exponential is formed when 9781118475669-eq04010.eps. A unit step sequence (described later in this section) is frequently included. The result is 9781118475669-eq04011.eps.

If 9781118475669-eq04012.eps, the sequence is decreasing. Without any assumptions about 9781118475669-eq04013.eps and 9781118475669-eq04014.eps, you get a full complex exponential sequence:


The envelope may be growing, constant, or decaying, depending on 9781118475669-eq04016.eps, respectively. For 9781118475669-eq04017.eps, you have a complex sinusoidal sequence:



Figure 4-1: Stem plots of a real exponential 9781118475669-eq04004.eps9781118475669-eq04004b.eps, an exponentially damped cosine 9781118475669-eq04005.eps9781118475669-eq04005b.eps, and a cosine sequence 9781118475669-eq04006.eps; 9781118475669-eq04007.eps in all three plots.

In the discrete-time domain, complex sinusoids are common and practical, because computers can process complex signals by just adding a second signal path in software/firmware. The continuous-time complex sinusoid found in Chapter 3 requires a second wired path, increasing the complexity considerably.

Finally, if you consider just the real part of x[n], with 9781118475669-eq04019.eps, you get the real sinusoid 9781118475669-eq04020.eps.

Just as in the case of the continuous-time sinusoid, the definition has three parameters: The amplitude A and phase 9781118475669-eq04021.eps carry over from the continuous-time case; the frequency parameter doesn’t. What gives?

In the continuous-time case, the cosine argument (less the phase) is 9781118475669-eq04022.eps. Tracking the units is important here. The radian frequency 9781118475669-eq04023.eps has units radians/second (9781118475669-eq04024.eps has units of hertz), so the cosine argument has units of radians, which is expected. But in the discrete-time case, the cosine argument (again less the phase) is 9781118475669-eq04025.eps. The time axis n has units of samples, so it must be that 9781118475669-eq04026.eps has units of radians/sample. It’s now clear that 9781118475669-eq04027.eps aren’t the same quantity!

But there’s more to the story. In practice, discrete-time signals come about by uniform sampling along the continuous-time axis t. Uniform sampling means 9781118475669-eq04028.eps, where T is the sample spacing and 9781118475669-eq04029.eps is the sampling rate in hertz (actually, samples per second). When a continuous-time sinusoid is sampled at rate 9781118475669-eq04030.eps, 9781118475669-eq04031.eps so it must be that 9781118475669-eq04032.eps.

remember.eps A fundamental result of uniform sampling is that discrete-time frequencies and continuous-time frequencies are related by this equation:


This result holds so long as 9781118475669-eq04034.eps, a condition that follows from low-pass sampling theory. When the condition isn’t met, aliasing occurs. The continuous-time frequency won’t be properly represented in the discrete-time domain; it will be aliased — or moved to a new frequency location that’s related to the original frequency and the sampling frequency. See Chapter 10 for more details on sampling theory and aliasing.

Special signals

The signals I consider in this section are defined piecewise, meaning they take on different functional values depending on a specified time or sequence interval. The first signal I consider, the unit impulse, has only one nonzero value. Most of the special signals are defined over an interval of values (more than just a point).

The unit impulse sequence

The unit impulse, or unit sample, sequence is defined as


This definition is clean, as opposed to the continuous-time unit impulse, 9781118475669-eq04036.eps, defined in Chapter 3. Any sequence can be expressed as a linear combination of time-shifted impulses:


This representation of x[n] is important in the development of the convolution sum formula in Chapter 6. Note that time or sequence shifting of 9781118475669-eq04038.eps — that is, 9781118475669-eq04039.eps — moves the impulse location to 9781118475669-eq04040.eps. Why? The function turns on when 9781118475669-eq04041.eps because n = k is the only time that 9781118475669-eq04042.eps.

The unit step sequence

The unit step sequence is defined as


Note that unlike the continuous-time version, u[n] is precisely defined at 9781118475669-eq04044.eps. The unit step and unit impulse sequences are related through these relationships:


As you can see, the unit step sequence is simply a sum of shifted unit impulses that repeats infinitely to the right, starting with n = 0. This is just one example of how any sequence can be written as a linear combination of shifted impulses — pretty awesome!

example.eps Example 4-1: Use the unit step sequence to create a rectangular pulse sequence of length L samples. The pulse is to turn on at 9781118475669-eq04046.eps and stay on for L total samples.

The solution is quite simple, 9781118475669-eq04047.eps, but watch the details. When 9781118475669-eq04048.eps, the second unit step turns on and begins to subtract +1s from the first step. The first nonzero point occurs at 9781118475669-eq04049.eps, and the last nonzero point occurs at 9781118475669-eq04050.eps. So how many nonzero points are there?

The total number of points in the pulse is 9781118475669-eq04051.eps, as desired. Figure 4-2 shows the formation of the rectangular pulse sequence for 9781118475669-eq04052.eps.

The Python support function dstep(), found in, generates a unit step sequence that's used to create a ten sample pulse sequence:

In [10]: import ssd # at the start of the session

In [11]: n = arange(-5,15+1) # create time axis n

In [13]: stem(n,ssd.dstep(n))# plot u[n]

In [18]: stem(n,ssd.dstep(n-10))# plot u[n-10]

In [23]: stem(n,ssd.dstep(n)-ssd.dstep(n-10))# difference


Figure 4-2: Formation of a rectangular pulse sequence from two unit step sequences.

Window functions

Signals pass through windows just as light passes through the glass in your house or office; how illuminating! You may want to think of windows as the rectangular pulses of discrete-time. Just keep in mind that windows may not always be rectangular; sometimes they’re tapered. Nevertheless, these discrete-time signals are more than academic; they’re shapes used in real applications.

In one application, you use a window function w[n] to multiply or weight a signal of interest, thereby forming a windowed sequence: 9781118475669-eq04053.eps.

Window functions are also used in digital filter design. The L sample rectangular pulse of Example 4-1 shows the natural windowing that occurs when capturing an L sample chunk of signal x[n] by multiplying x[n] by w[n].

In general, the sample values of a window function smoothly taper from unity near the center of the window to zero at each end. The rectangular window, just like the rectangle pulse, is a constant value from end to end and thus provides no tapering. In spectral analysis, a tapered window allows a weak signal to be discerned spectrally from a strong one. Windowing in a digital filter makes it harder for unwanted signals to leak through the filter.

To fully appreciate windowing, you need to understand frequency-domain analysis, the subject of Part III. Specifically, I describe spectral analysis of discrete-time signals in Chapter 12.

example.eps Example 4-2: The signal package, specifically,, of the Python library SciPy contains more than ten window functions! As a specific example, the Hann (also known as the Hanning) window is defined as follows:


The IPython command line input, which calls the hann(L) window function to generate a 50 sample window is

In [138]: import scipy.signal as signal

In [139]: w_hann =

Pulse shapes

In digital communication, a pulse shape, p[n], creates a digital communication waveform that’s bandwidth or spectrally efficient. A mathematical representation of a digital communication signal/waveform is the sequence


where the 9781118475669-eq04056.eps are 9781118475669-eq04057.eps data bits (think 0s and 1s), and 9781118475669-eq04058.eps is the duration of each data bit in samples.

remember.eps Popular pulse shapes used for digital communications include the rectangle (RECT), half-sine (HC), the raised cosine (RC), and the square-root raised cosine (SRC or RRC). You can find the definitions of these pulse shapes and more detailed information on their use in real systems in a digital communications case study at

The Python function NRZ_bits() generates the digital communications signal x[n]. The function returns x, p, and data, which are the communications waveform, the pulse shape, and the data bits encoded into the waveform. Find details on the capabilities of this and supporting functions at

Surveying Signal Classifications in the Discrete-Time World

Like their continuous-time counterparts, discrete-time signals may be deterministic or random, periodic or aperiodic, power or energy, and even or odd. Discrete-time also has special sequences as well as exponential and sinusoidal signals. I explain the details of these signal types and point out how they compare to continuous-time signals in the following sections.

Deterministic and random signals

Discrete-time signals may be deterministic or random. Discrete signal x[n] is deterministic if it’s a completely specified function of time, n. As a simple example, consider the following finite sequence:


The symbol 9781118475669-eq04060.eps is a timing marker denoting where 9781118475669-eq04061.eps. Outside the interval shown, I assume the sequence is 0.

The customary way of plotting a discrete-time signal is by using a stem plot, which locates a vertical line at each n value from zero to the sequence value x[n]; a stem plot also includes a marker such as a filled circle. PyLab and other similar software tools provide support for such plots.

tip.eps To create the stem plot, using the sequence definition for x[n], create a vector x (NumPy ndarray) to hold the signal values and a vector n to hold the time index values. The time index values consist of values from –4 n 7. These values correspond to each value of the sequence x[n], with reference taken to the timing marker.

In [466]: n = arange(-4,7+1) # creates -4<=n<=7

In [467]: x = array([0,2,2,2,1,0,-1,-1,-3,1,1,0])

In [468]: stem(n,x) # create the stem plot

Figure 4-3 illustrates this stem plot.

The stem plot is ideal here because connecting the points isn't really appropriate for a signal that's defined only at integer values. PyLab's stem() function, which creates the stem plot, is quite flexible by allowing for different colors and stem head symbols (to see how, type stem? at the IPython command prompt).

technicalstuff.eps A random signal, w[n], takes on unpredictable values according to some probability distribution. A computer or state machine (a mathematical model of computation) is typically nearby in the case of discrete-time signals, so you can generate w[n] by using a software-based random number generator. Technically speaking, the sequence is only pseudo-random, because computer-generated random numbers eventually repeat. Still, you can get a good approximation of a random signal in practice. Python, in particular NumPy, provides an excellent random number library.


Figure 4-3: A stem plot of the deterministic signal x[n].

At the command prompt, type In [5]: random? for a helpful listing of the distribution types available.

Gaussian and uniform distributed random sequences are common choices in signal modeling; for example:

In [6]: randn(4) # 4 numbers, mean = 0, variance = 1


array([-1.509427, -0.779072, 0.643483, -1.020021])

In [7]: uniform(0,1,4) # 4 numbers uniform on (0, 1)


array([0.114319, 0.415064, 0.330576, 0.266975])

Periodic and aperiodic

Sinusoidal sequences behave differently in discrete-time situations; they’re not always periodic here as they are in the world of continuous-time.

A discrete-time signal, x[n], is periodic with period N0, for the smallest integer 9781118475669-eq04062.eps resulting in 9781118475669-eq04063.eps. If 9781118475669-eq04064.eps can’t be found, the signal is aperiodic.

example.eps Example 4-3: Using IPython, you can create a short sequence, 9781118475669-eq04065.eps, of ten samples and then embed this sequence in a larger one, using the mod()

function. Define 9781118475669-eq04066.eps. A second sequence, 9781118475669-eq04067.eps is plotted.

Here is the Python code for plotting:

In [474]: n = arange(0,31) # n-axis for plotting

In [475]: x_p = array([1,1,-1,0,2,0,0,0,0,0]) # one period

In [476]: x_10 = x_p[mod(n,10)] # 3+ periods

In [477]: subplot(211); stem(n,x_10) # plot per. 10 seq.

In [478]: subplot(212); stem(n,cos(6*n/10.) # aper. cos

The two sequences are shown in Figure 4-4 as subplots.


Figure 4-4: A stem plot of the periodic sequence 9781118475669-eq04068.eps, created from 9781118475669-eq04069.eps (a) and a cosine sequence that by inspection isn’t periodic (b).

Note the signal 9781118475669-eq04070.eps by itself is aperiodic, because it’s an isolated sequence of nonzero values. The cosine sequence appears to be periodic.

To make a sinusoidal sequence periodic, the following expressions must be equal:


Cosine is a 9781118475669-eq04072.eps function, so for the equality to hold, the following must be true:


Rearranging, you have


The conclusion is that a sinusoidal sequence can be periodic only if 9781118475669-eq04075.eps is a rational number multiple of 9781118475669-eq04076.eps. The smallest 9781118475669-eq04077.eps satisfying the equation is the period of the sinusoid.

For multiple sinusoids to be periodic, you need to find a common 9781118475669-eq04078.eps that works for all the sinusoids together.

In Example 4-6, 9781118475669-eq04079.eps. This means that 3/(10π) is irrational by virtue of the π in the denominator.

Also, because sine/cosine are 9781118475669-eq04080.eps functions, the frequencies 9781118475669-eq04081.eps and 9781118475669-eq04082.eps are indistinguishable, meaning they produce the same functional values. To be clear for m = 1, 9781118475669-eq04216a.eps 9781118475669-eq04216b.eps because cosine is a 9781118475669-eq04217.eps function. This result is independent of the sinusoidal sequence being periodic. The fundamental interval is often taken as 9781118475669-eq04083.eps.

For the special case of a sinusoid having period 9781118475669-eq04084.eps, the distinguishable frequencies are the 9781118475669-eq04085.eps values:


Distinguishable frequencies are distinct from all other frequencies that result in a sinusoidal sequence having period N0 and lie on the fundamental frequency interval.

example.eps Example 4-4: Consider the signal 9781118475669-eq04088.eps. Find the period of 9781118475669-eq04089.eps, and calculate the power, 9781118475669-eq04090.eps. The sinusoids have frequency 9781118475669-eq04091.eps. They’re both periodic with periods of 10 and 21, respectively. The least common multiple is 210, so the overall period is 9781118475669-eq04092.eps.

For multiple sinusoidal sequences, the following is true:


For continuous-time sinusoid 9781118475669-eq04094.eps, you can show that increasing 9781118475669-eq04095.eps increases the oscillation rate (number of cycles per second). For 9781118475669-eq04096.eps, the oscillation increases while 9781118475669-eq04097.eps, and then it decreases back to 0 for 9781118475669-eq04098.eps.

The oscillation rate increase and decrease property for the discrete-time sinusoid is verified in Figure 4-5.


Figure 4-5: Plots of 9781118475669-eq04099.eps showing increasing oscillation rate as 9781118475669-eq04100.eps approaches 9781118475669-eq04101.eps then symmetrically decreasing as 9781118475669-eq04102.eps approaches 9781118475669-eq04103.eps.

Recognizing energy and power signals

In discrete-time, a signal can be classified as being energy, power, or neither. Here are the expressions for discrete-signal energy, Ex, and power, Px:


In the case of a continuous-time signal, the units for power and energy are watts (W) and joules (J). For the discrete-time case, the units don’t formally apply unless you find x[n] by sampling a continuous-time signal — that is, 9781118475669-eq04105.eps. The signal x[n] is

check.png An energy signal if 9781118475669-eq04106.eps and 9781118475669-eq04107.eps

check.png A power signal if 9781118475669-eq04108.eps and 9781118475669-eq04109.eps

check.png Neither power nor energy if both 9781118475669-eq04110.eps and 9781118475669-eq04111.eps go to infinity

An aperiodic signal of finite duration is a good example of an energy signal, and a sinusoidal signal (sequence) is a good example of a power signal. See Chapter 3 for the definition of aperiodic signal.

example.eps Example 4-5: To find the energy in the signal 9781118475669-eq04112.eps, plug the values into the energy formula:


example.eps Example 4-6: Find the power in the sinusoidal signal 9781118475669-eq04114.eps, where 9781118475669-eq04115.eps is the sinusoidal discrete-time frequency in radians per sample and 9781118475669-eq04116.eps.

If x[n] is periodic, you can take a shortcut and apply the definition over just one periodic: 9781118475669-eq04218.eps. You must use the full definition when x[n] is aperiodic, so you calculate the power as follows:


Intuitively, the second term of the third line reduces to 0 for large N. The formula for power in a discrete-time sinusoid then becomes 9781118475669-eq04118.eps. (The same result occurs in Chapter 3 for the continuous-time sinusoid.) The path you take to get the discrete-time results is different because of the summation instead of the integral, but the results are consistent with the continuous-time case.

Computer Processing: Capturing Real Signals in Discrete-Time

example.eps Example 4-7: For speech analysis, you can use a tool, such as Python with PyLab, to analyze real signals. By real, I mean a signal captured from the continuous-time domain. In this example, I assume you connect a microphone to the audio input of your computer and capture in wav file format the utterance of the two-syllable word zero twice. Perhaps you need to design a speech recognition system for “zero-zero.” Figure 4-6 shows the system block diagram.


Figure 4-6: Block of audio capture into IPython.

Depending on the audio inputs on your computer, you may need to add a microphone preamp. In the following sections, I explain the wav file you capture and show how you can use Python to find the signal energy and average power in discrete-time.

Capturing and reading a wav file

Using readily available recording software, set the sampling rate to 9781118475669-eq04146.eps kHz, which is 22,050 samples per second. The samples are spaced by the sampling period 9781118475669-eq04147.eps. Save the recorded sound in the file zerozero.wav. The module contains functions for reading and writing wav files. The command for reading a wav file is:

In [481]: fs, zerozero_wav = ssd.wave_read('zerozero.wav')

Note that returns the sampling rate fs and the NumPy ndarray zerozero_wav, ready for plotting and further analysis.

You can discover a little about the capture by using some of the properties associated with fs and zerozero_wav:

In [400]: zerozero_wav.dtype

Out[480]: dtype('float64')

In [480]: zerozero_wav.shape

Out[480]: (76024, 2)

In [481]: fs

Out[481]: 22050

The function scales the sample values from 16-bit signed integers to 64-bit floats (see Line [480]). Line [481] tells you that the input array is composed of two columns and 76,024 rows (samples). There are two columns because the recording was made in stereo. I used a single channel microphone so identical signal values are found in each column. The syntax zerozero_wav[:,0] extracts just column zero. If you divide the number of samples by the sampling rate, you get the duration of the recording: N/fs = 76,024/22,050 = 3.45 s.

The signal is discrete-time, but a large number of points occur, so plot() is preferred over stem() in this case.

Figure 4-7 shows a subplot() array containing two views of the signal. The IPython command line code (abbreviated) is

In [488]: plot(zerozero_wav[:,0])

In [492]: plot(zerozero_wav[:,0])

In [495]: axis([12000, 22000, -0.3, 0.3]) # zoom axis


Figure 4-7: A subplot of the speech file zerozero.wav.

Figure 4-7 shows that the two zero utterances aren’t all that similar. Surprised? The z in zero is distinctive in the zoom plot. Do you think a speech signal is deterministic or random? Random! In the context of this single data record, you can view the signal as a deterministic waveform. Because the signal has only two segments, you can also classify this as an energy signal.

tip.eps If these two segments are part of a much longer speech record, you can use them to estimate the average power of the entire record.

Finding the signal energy

To calculate the signal energy of the two zeros recorded at 22,050 samples per second (sps), I form the sum of the squared sample values (Line [500]):

In [500]: E_zz = sum(zerozero_wav[:,0]**2) #sq & sum samps

In [541]: E_zz

Out[541]: 92.6137 # the signal energy

You can calculate the signal average value or mean by using mean() and the variance, essentially the signal power, by using var().

technicalstuff.eps Want to know how indexing and slicing work in Python? Suppose x is a 9781118475669-eq04148.eps ndarray. In Python, array indexes start at 0 and end at N–1 (len(vec)-1). The first element is x[0], and the last element is x[–1] because a negative index means to count backward from the end; that is, x[–2] = x[len(x)–2]. Slicing, which involves the use of :, allows you to select a contiguous interval anywhere from 0 to N–1. So x[2:5] returns the elements 2 to 5–1, x[:5] returns elements 0 to 4, x[2:] returns elements 2 to N–1, and x[:] returns all the elements. In a two-dimensional array, indexing and slicing works the same, except you have two indexes to play with, as in x[i,j].

Classifying Systems in Discrete-Time

You can classify discrete-time systems based on their properties. Here, I point out how to check a discrete-time system for the following properties: linear/nonlinear, time-invariant/time-varying, causal/non-causal, memory/memoryless, and bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stability. (See Chapter 3 for a description of the mathematical properties of these classifications.)

Consider a generic discrete-time system 9781118475669-eq04149.eps that’s defined as an operator that maps the input sequence to the output sequence. Figure 4-8 shows a block diagram representation of the system.


Figure 4-8: Discrete-time system block diagram definition.

Checking linearity

A system is linear if superposition holds. So, if


and a and b arbitrary constants


then the system is linear.

For K signals with 9781118475669-eq04152.eps, you can write:


If superposition doesn’t hold, the system is nonlinear.

Investigating time invariance

A system is time-invariant if properties or characteristics of the system don’t change with the time index. A mathematical statement of this is that given 9781118475669-eq04154.eps and any sequence offset 9781118475669-eq04155.eps, the time-shifted input 9781118475669-eq04156.eps must produce system output 9781118475669-eq04157.eps.

A system that doesn’t obey this property is said to be time-varying. In the continuous-time domain, time-varying behavior can be due to uncontrollables, such as environmental conditions like temperature and/or component aging. In the discrete-time domain, an adaptive filter with time-varying attributes can optimize overall system performance. Cellular phone systems make use of this today. The channel between you and the base station changes as you move, so your handset adapts to the environment by changing system attributes. Welcome to the world of adaptive signal processing!

Looking into causality

The mathematical definition of causality states that a system is causal if all output values, 9781118475669-eq04158.eps, depend only on input values 9781118475669-eq04159.eps for 9781118475669-eq04160.eps. Another way of saying this is the present output depends only on past and present input values.

A system is causal, or nonanticipative, if it doesn’t anticipate the arrival of the signal at the input. Non-causal systems can predict the future! For discrete-time systems, you’re more likely to talk about non-causal systems. In discrete-time signal processing, a signal may be stored in a file and processed in such a way that non-causal operations are used.

remember.eps What’s the trick? Well, because the signal is stored in advance, the non-causal system has access to future values of the signal. The operations only appear non-causal. You can’t predict the future here, but in discrete-time signal processing, you can pretend that you can.

Figuring out memory

A system is memoryless if each output y[n] depends only on the present input x[n]. A memoryless system is always causal because there’s no chance that values other than the present input will be used for the present output. A causal system, however, doesn’t have to be memoryless. A causal system can use past values of the input to form the output. This puts memory into the system.

Testing for BIBO stability

A system is said to be bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stable if and only if every bounded input produces a bounded output. In other words, the signal x[n] (which may be the input or output) is bounded if some constant 9781118475669-eq04161.eps exists, such that 9781118475669-eq04162.eps for all values of n.

warning_bomb.eps A challenge associated with this property is to show the property holds for any bounded input. Any is a lot of cases to test and requires some proof-writing skills.

example.eps Example 4-8: Consider the system 9781118475669-eq04186.eps. Run through the five properties to see where this system stands.

check.png Linearity: The system isn’t linear because


Why? From left to right, 9781118475669-eq04188.eps.

check.png Time invariance: The system isn’t time-invariant because the system coefficient 9781118475669-eq04189.eps is time-varying. For 9781118475669-eq04190.eps, it’s 0, and for 9781118475669-eq04191.eps, it’s 1.

check.png Causality: The system is causal. No way, you say! The system term 9781118475669-eq04192.eps does turn on before 9781118475669-eq04193.eps, but this is a system property, not a future value of the input. Only past and present values of the input form each and every output. The time-varying bias term is out of the picture.

check.png Memory: The system isn’t memoryless because the past input 9781118475669-eq04194.eps forms the present output.

check.png BIBO stability: The system is BIBO stable because the system coefficients are finite.

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