Signals & Systems For Dummies®

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Table of Contents


About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

What You’re Not to Read

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organized

Part I: Getting Started with Signals and Systems

Part II: Exploring the Time Domain

Part III: Picking Up the Frequency Domain

Part IV: Entering the s- and z-Domains

Part V: The Part of Tens

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Getting Started with Signals and Systems

Chapter 1: Introducing Signals and Systems

Applying Mathematics

Getting Mixed Signals . . . and Systems

Going on and on and on

Working in spurts: Discrete-time signals and systems

Classifying Signals




Signals and Systems in Other Domains

Viewing signals in the frequency domain

Traveling to the s- or z-domain and back

Testing Product Concepts with Behavioral Level Modeling

Staying abstract to generate ideas

Working from the top down

Relying on mathematics

Exploring Familiar Signals and Systems

MP3 music player


Automobile cruise control

Using Computer Tools for Modeling and Simulation

Getting the software

Exploring the interfaces

Seeing the Big Picture

Chapter 2: Brushing Up on Math

Revealing Unknowns with Algebra

Solving for two variables

Checking solutions with computer tools

Exploring partial fraction expansion

Making Nice Signal Models with Trig Functions

Manipulating Numbers: Essential Complex Arithmetic

Believing in imaginary numbers

Operating with the basics

Applying Euler’s identities

Applying the phasor addition formula

Catching Up with Calculus



System performance

Geometric series

Finding Polynomial Roots

Chapter 3: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

Considering Signal Types

Exponential and sinusoidal signals

Singularity and other special signal types

Getting Hip to Signal Classifications

Deterministic and random

Periodic and aperiodic

Considering power and energy

Even and odd signals

Transforming Simple Signals

Time shifting

Flipping the time axis

Putting it together: Shift and flip

Superimposing signals

Checking Out System Properties

Linear and nonlinear

Time-invariant and time varying

Causal and non-causal

Memory and memoryless

Bounded-input bounded-output

Choosing Linear and Time-Invariant Systems

Chapter 4: Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

Exploring Signal Types

Exponential and sinusoidal signals

Special signals

Surveying Signal Classifications in the Discrete-Time World

Deterministic and random signals

Periodic and aperiodic

Recognizing energy and power signals

Computer Processing: Capturing Real Signals in Discrete-Time

Capturing and reading a wav file

Finding the signal energy

Classifying Systems in Discrete-Time

Checking linearity

Investigating time invariance

Looking into causality

Figuring out memory

Testing for BIBO stability

Part II: Exploring the Time Domain

Chapter 5: Continuous-Time LTI Systems and the Convolution Integral

Establishing a General Input/Output Relationship

LTI systems and the impulse response

Developing the convolution integral

Looking at useful convolution integral properties

Working with the Convolution Integral

Seeing the general solution first

Solving problems with finite extent signals

Dealing with semi-infinite limits

Stepping Out and More

Step response from impulse response

BIBO stability implications

Causality and the impulse response

Chapter 6: Discrete-Time LTI Systems and the Convolution Sum

Specializing the Input/Output Relationship

Using LTI systems and the impulse response (sequence)

Getting to the convolution sum

Simplifying with Convolution Sum Properties and Techniques

Applying commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Convolving with the impulse function

Transforming a sequence

Solving convolution of finite ­duration sequences

Working with the Convolution Sum

Using spreadsheets and a tabular approach

Attacking the sum directly with geometric series

Connecting the step response and impulse response

Checking the BIBO stability

Checking for system causality

Chapter 7: LTI System Differential and Difference Equations in the Time Domain

Getting Differential

Introducing the general Nth-order system

Considering sinusoidal outputs in steady state

Finding the frequency response in general Nth-order LCC differential equations

Checking out the Difference Equations

Modeling a system using a general Nth-order LCC difference equation

Using recursion to find the impulse response of a first-order system

Considering sinusoidal outputs in steady state

Solving for the general Nth-order LCC difference equation frequency response

Part III: Picking Up the Frequency Domain

Chapter 8: Line Spectra and Fourier Series of Periodic Continuous-Time Signals

Sinusoids in the Frequency Domain

Viewing signals from the amplitude, phase, and frequency parameters

Forming magnitude and phase line spectra plots

Working with symmetry properties for real signals

Exploring spectral occupancy and shared resources

Establishing a sum of sinusoids: Periodic and aperiodic

General Periodic Signals: The Fourier Series Representation

Analysis: Finding the coefficients

Synthesis: Returning to a general ­periodic signal, almost

Checking out waveform examples

Working problems with ­coefficient formulas and properties

Chapter 9: The Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

Tapping into the Frequency Domain for Aperiodic Energy Signals

Working with the Fourier series

Using the Fourier transform and its inverse

Getting amplitude and phase spectra

Seeing the symmetry properties for real signals

Finding energy spectral density with Parseval’s theorem

Applying Fourier transform theorems

Checking out transform pairs

Getting Around the Rules with Fourier Transforms in the Limit

Handling singularity functions

Unifying the spectral view with periodic signals

LTI Systems in the Frequency Domain

Checking out the frequency response

Evaluating properties of the frequency response

Getting connected with cascade and parallel systems

Ideal filters

Realizable filters

Chapter 10: Sampling Theory

Seeing the Need for Sampling Theory

Periodic Sampling of a Signal: The ADC

Analyzing the Impact of Quantization Errors in the ADC

Analyzing Signals in the Frequency Domain

Impulse train to impulse train Fourier transform theorem

Finding the spectrum of a sampled ­bandlimited signal

Aliasing and the folded spectrum

Applying the Low-Pass Sampling Theorem

Reconstructing a Bandlimited Signal from Its Samples: The DAC

Interpolating with an ideal low-pass filter

Using a realizable low-pass filter for interpolation

Chapter 11: The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform for ­Discrete-Time Signals

Getting to Know DTFT

Checking out DTFT properties

Relating the continuous-time spectrum to the discrete-time spectrum

Getting even (or odd) symmetry ­properties for real signals

Studying transform theorems and pairs

Working with Special Signals

Getting mean-square convergence

Finding Fourier transforms in the limit

LTI Systems in the Frequency Domain

Taking Advantage of the Convolution Theorem

Chapter 12: The Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms

Establishing the Discrete Fourier Transform


DFT Theorems and Properties

Carrying on from the DTFT

Circular sequence shift

Circular convolution

Computing the DFT with the Fast Fourier Transform

Decimation-in-time FFT algorithm

Computing the inverse FFT

Application Example: Transform Domain Filtering

Making circular convolution perform linear convolution

Using overlap and add to continuously filter sequences

Part IV: Entering the s- and z-Domains

Chapter 13: The Laplace Transform for Continuous-Time

Seeing Double: The Two-Sided Laplace Transform

Finding direction with the ROC

Locating poles and zeros

Checking stability for LTI systems with the ROC

Checking stability of causal systems through pole positions

Digging into the One-Sided Laplace Transform

Checking Out LT Properties

Transform theorems

Transform pairs

Getting Back to the Time Domain

Dealing with distinct poles

Working double time with twin poles

Completing inversion

Using tables to complete the inverse Laplace transform

Working with the System Function

Managing nonzero initial conditions

Checking the frequency response with pole-zero location

Chapter 14: The z-Transform for Discrete-Time Signals

The Two-Sided z-Transform

The Region of Convergence

The significance of the ROC

Plotting poles and zeros

The ROC and stability for LTI systems

Finite length sequences

Returning to the Time Domain

Working with distinct poles

Managing twin poles

Performing inversion

Using the table-lookup approach

Surveying z-Transform Properties

Transform theorems

Transform pairs

Leveraging the System Function

Applying the convolution theorem

Finding the frequency response with pole-zero geometry

Chapter 15: Putting It All Together: Analysis and Modeling Across Domains

Relating Domains

Using PyLab for LCC Differential and Difference Equations

Continuous time

Discrete time

Mashing Domains in Real-World Cases

Problem 1: Analog filter design with a twist

Problem 2: Solving the DAC ZOH droop problem in the z-domain

Part V: The Part of Tens

Chapter 16: More Than Ten Common Mistakes to Avoid When Solving Problems

Miscalculating the Folding Frequency

Getting Confused about Causality

Plotting Errors in Sinusoid Amplitude Spectra

Missing Your Arctan Angle

Being Unfamiliar with Calculator Functions

Foregoing the Return to LCCDE

Ignoring the Convolution Output Interval

Forgetting to Reduce the Numerator Order before Partial Fractions

Forgetting about Poles and Zeros from H(z)

Missing Time Delay Theorems

Disregarding the Action of the Unit Step in Convolution

Chapter 17: Ten Properties You Never Want to Forget

LTI System Stability

Convolving Rectangles

The Convolution Theorem

Frequency Response Magnitude

Convolution with Impulse Functions

Spectrum at DC

Frequency Samples of N-point DFT

Integrator and Accumulator Unstable

The Spectrum of a Rectangular Pulse

Odd Half-Wave Symmetry and Fourier Series Harmonics

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