
Writing a book like this is a team effort that goes far beyond the contributions from the two authors. A number of people took the time to review the full manuscript and offer countless suggestions for improvement; they have our deep gratitude. We especially appreciate the invaluable comments from Jim Brosseau, Joan Davis, Gary K. Evans, Joyce Grapes, Tina Heidenreich, Kelly Morrison Smith, and Dr. Joyce Statz. Additional review input was received from Kevin Brennan, Steven Davis, Anne Hartley, Emily Iem, Matt Leach, Jeannine McConnell, Yaaqub Mohamed, and John Parker. Certain individuals reviewed specific chapters or sections in their areas of expertise, often providing highly detailed comments. We thank Tanya Charbury, Mike Cohn, Dr. Alex Dean, Ellen Gottesdiener, Shane Hastie, James Hulgan, Dr. Phil Koopman, Mark Kulak, Shirley Sartin, Rob Siciliano, and Betsy Stockdale. We especially thank Roxanne Miller and Stephen Withall for their deep insights and generous participation.

We discussed aspects of the book’s topics with many people, learning from their personal experiences and from resource materials they passed along to us. We appreciate such contributions from Jim Brosseau, Nanette Brown, Nigel Budd, Katherine Busey, Tanya Charbury, Jennifer Doyle, Gary Evans, Scott Francis, Sarah Gates, Dr. David Gelperin, Mark Kerin, Norm Kerth, Dr. Scott Meyers, John Parker, Kathy Reynolds, Bill Trosky, Dr. Ricardo Valerdi, and Dr. Ian Watson. We also thank the many people who let us share their anecdotes in our “true stories.”

Numerous staff members at Seilevel contributed to the book. They reviewed specific sections, participated in quick opinion and experience surveys, shared blog material they had written, edited final chapters, drew figures, and helped us with operational issues of various sorts. We thank Ajay Badri, Jason Benfield, Anthony Chen, Kell Condon, Amber Davis, Jeremy Gorr, Joyce Grapes, John Jertson, Melanie Norrell, David Reinhardt, Betsy Stockdale, and Christine Wollmuth. Their work made ours easier. The editorial input from Candase Hokanson is greatly appreciated.

Thanks go to many people at Microsoft Press, including acquisitions editor Devon Musgrave, project editor Carol Dillingham, project editor Christian Holdener of S4Carlisle Publishing Services, copy editor Kathy Krause, proofreader Nicole Schlutt, indexer Maureen Johnson, compositor Sambasivam Sangaran, and production artists Balaganesan M., Srinivasan R., and Ganeshbabu G. Karl especially values his long-term relationship, and friendship, with Devon Musgrave and Ben Ryan.

The comments and questions from thousands of students in our requirements training classes over the years have been most helpful in stimulating our thinking about requirements issues. Our consulting experiences and the thought-provoking questions we receive from readers have kept us in touch with what practitioners struggle with on a daily basis and helped us think through some of these difficult topics. Please share your own experiences with us at or .

As always, Karl would like to thank his wife, Chris Zambito. And as always, she was patient and good-humored throughout the process. Karl also thanks Joy for prompting him into working on this project and for her terrific contributions. Working with her was a lot of fun, and she added a great deal of value to the book. It was great to have someone to bounce ideas off, to help make difficult decisions, and to chew hard on draft chapters before we inflicted them on the reviewers.

Joy is particularly grateful to her husband, Tony Hamilton, for supporting her writing dreams so soon again; to her daughter, Skye, for making it easy to keep her daily priorities balanced; and to Sean and Estelle for being the center of her family fun times. Joy wants to extend a special thanks to all of the Seilevel employees who collaborate to push the software requirements field forward. She particularly wants to thank two colleagues and friends: Anthony Chen, whose support for her writing this book was paramount; and Rob Sparks, for his continued encouragement in such endeavors. Finally, Joy owes a great deal of gratitude to Karl for allowing her to join him in this co-authorship, teaching her something new every day, and being an absolute joy to work with!

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