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acceptance criteria, defined, Glossary
acceptance criteria, defining, Good practices: Requirements validation, Testing the requirements, Acceptance criteria
acceptance tests, Validating the requirements, Testing the requirements, Acceptance criteria
agile projects, Use cases and user stories, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Validating use cases
defined, Glossary
project planning and, From requirements to tests
quality attributes, Handling quality attributes on agile projects
requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
action enablers, Constraints
action plan, process improvement, Assess current practices
active voice, Writing style
activity diagrams, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Selecting the right representations, A few words about UML diagrams, Using current processes to derive requirements, Glossary
actor, Understanding user requirements, Use cases and user stories, Use cases and user stories, Glossary
agile development
acceptance criteria, Acceptance criteria
acceptance tests, From requirements to tests, Customer involvement
adapting requirements practices for, Adapting requirements practices to agile projects
backlog, The backlog and prioritization, Change management on agile projects
business analyst role, The rookie
change management, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!, Impact analysis procedure
customer involvement, Customer involvement
defined, Glossary
documentation, Customer involvement
epics, user stories, and features, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
estimating effort, project planning, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
evolutionary prototypes, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes, Distraction by details
modeling on, A few words about UML diagrams
overview of, Requirements for specific project classes, Limitations of the waterfall, The backlog and prioritization
priorities, setting of, Why prioritize requirements?, The backlog and prioritization
product backlog, The backlog and prioritization, Change management on agile projects
product owner, The business analyst role, The rookie, User representation on agile projects, Customer involvement, Transitioning to agile: Now what?, Glossary
quality attributes, Handling quality attributes on agile projects
reaching agreement on requirements, Agreeing on requirements on agile projects
requirements management, Measuring requirements effort
requirements specification, 8. [Other requirements], Customer involvement
use cases, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
user representation, User representation on agile projects
user stories, Use cases and user stories
vision and scope in, Assessing the impact of scope changes
agreement, reaching on requirements, Identifying decision makers
allocation, requirements, Good practices: Requirements analysis, From requirements to designs and code, System requirements, architecture, and allocation, Requirements development process assets
alternative flows, use case, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Glossary
ambiguity, avoiding, Prioritized, Representation techniques
analysis models., 8. [Other requirements]
(see also models)
analysis, requirements., The data dictionary
(see also models; also priorities, setting of)
defined, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
overview of, Product vs. project requirements
risk factors, Requirements elicitation
troubleshooting problems, Analysis issues
analyst. (see business analyst (BA))
application, The essential software requirement
application analyst. (see business analyst (BA))
architecture, From requirements to designs and code
architecture diagram, real-time projects, Architecture diagram
defined, Glossary
embedded and real-time systems projects, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
requirements and, From requirements to designs and code
assessment, current requirements practice, Current requirements practice self-assessment
assets, requirements engineering process, Requirements engineering process assets
assumed requirements, Some cautions about elicitation
assumption, defined, Glossary
assumptions, business requirements, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
assumptions, SRS document, 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies, 2.3 Operating Environment
atomic business rules, Computations
attributes, requirement
defined, Glossary
requirements management tools and, Benefits of using an RM tool
attributes, requirement., Requirements version control
(see also quality attributes)
augmentability requirements. (see modifiability requirements)
author, inspection team role, Participants, Inspection stages
availability requirements, Exploring quality attributes, Reliability, 6.5 Availability Requirements


BA. (see business analyst (BA))
backlog, The backlog and prioritization, The requirements baseline, Measuring requirements effort, Change management on agile projects, Glossary
baseline, requirements, Reaching agreement on requirements, Good practices: Requirements validation, The software requirements specification, Requirements management process, Requirements management process, Requirements version control, Requirement attributes, Tracking requirements status
baseline, requirements., Acquirer-supplier interactions, Glossary
(see also change management)
Beatty, Joy, Selecting the right representations, $100, Motivations for tracing requirements
Beizer, Boris, From requirements to tests
best practices. (see good practices)
big data, Specifying data needs, Glossary
Bill of Responsibilities for Software Customers, Requirements, The customer-development partnership, Right #8: To describe characteristics that will make the product easy to use
Bill of Rights for Software Customers, Requirements, The customer-development partnership
boundary values, ambiguity around, Avoiding ambiguity
Box, George E. P., Levels and types of requirements
BPMN, Modeling business processes
Brooks, Frederick, Requirements management
Brosseau, Jim, Exploring quality attributes
Brown, Nanette, Agreeing on requirements on agile projects
Burgess, Rebecca, Inspection stages
burndown chart, Resolving requirements issues, Managing requirements on agile projects
business analyst (BA)., Good practices: Requirements analysis
(see also elicitation, requirements development; also good practices; also project planning)
agile projects, The rookie
background of, Essential analyst knowledge
collaborative teams, creating, The analyst role on agile projects
decision makers, identifying, Identifying decision makers
defined, Glossary
knowledge and training, Good practices: Requirements management, Essential analyst knowledge
overview, The business analyst
professional organizations for, Introduction
reaching agreement on requirements, Identifying decision makers
roles and responsibilities, Levels and types of requirements, The business analyst role, Requirements management process
skills required, Essential analyst skills
software requirements specification (SRS), Levels and types of requirements
stakeholder analysis, Requirements from the customer’s perspective
transitioning to agile projects, Adapting requirements practices to agile projects
business analytics projects
data needs, specifying, Information usage by people
data transformation analyses, Data-based (not “database”) requirements
data, management of, Data-based (not “database”) requirements
evolving nature of, Defining analyses that transform the data
information use requirements, Defining how information will be used
overview, Business analytics projects
prioritizing work, Requirements development for business analytics projects
requirement elicitation, overview, Overview of business analytics projects
business analytics system, defined, Glossary
business case document., Conflicting business requirements
(see also vision and scope document)
business context, 2.2 Scope of initial release
business events
as scoping tool, Event list
defined, Decision tables and decision trees
event-response tables, Decision tables and decision trees
identifying, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
business intelligence. (see business analytics projects)
business interests, Product vision and project scope
business objectives, Establishing the business requirements
defined, 1.3 Business objectives, Glossary
business objectives model, defined, Glossary
example, 1.4 Success metrics
business opportunity, Vision and scope document
business process automation projects, Business process automation projects
business process flows, Selecting the right representations, Using current processes to derive requirements, Modeling business performance metrics
business process, defined, Playing by the rules
business process analysis (BPA), Modeling business processes
business process improvement (BPI), Modeling business processes
business process management (BPM), Modeling business processes
business process model and notation (BPMN), Modeling business processes
business process reengineering (BPR), Modeling business processes
good requirements practices, Good practices for business process automation projects
modeling, Modeling business processes
overview, Business process automation projects
performance metrics, modeling, Using current processes to derive requirements
business reporting. (see business analytics projects)
business requirements document (BRD). (see software requirements specification (SRS))
business requirements., 2. Scope and limitations
(see also vision and scope document)
agile projects, scope and vision, Assessing the impact of scope changes
assumptions, and dependencies, 1.5 Vision statement
business context, 2.2 Scope of initial release
business objectives, 1.3 Business objectives
business opportunity, Vision and scope document
business requirements section, vision and scope document, Vision and scope document
business risks, 1.5 Vision statement
conflicting, Product vision and project scope
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Defining business requirements, Glossary
identifying and defining requirements, Defining business requirements
judging completion with, Vision and scope on agile projects
overview, Establishing the business requirements
scope and limitations, 1.5 Vision statement
scope management, Keeping the scope in focus
scope representation techniques, 3.2 Project priorities
success metrics, 1.4 Success metrics
vision and scope document, overview, Conflicting business requirements
vision and scope document, sample, 1.1 Background
vision statement, 1.5 Vision statement
vs. business rules, Playing by the rules
business risks, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
business rules
action enablers, Constraints
atomic business rules, Computations
computations, Action enablers
constraints, Facts
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, A business rules taxonomy, Glossary
discovering, Documenting business rules
documenting, Atomic business rules
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
facts, Facts
good practices, Good practices: Requirements specification
importance of, Playing by the rules
inferences, Action enablers
packaged solution projects, Developing user requirements
requirements and, Business rules and requirements
safety requirements and, Robustness
sample, Business Rules
taxonomy of, A business rules taxonomy
use cases and, Extend and include
business systems analyst. (see business analyst (BA))


cardinality, Modeling data relationships, Glossary
cause-and-effect diagram, Root cause analysis
change control board (CCB)
charter for, CCB charter
defined, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
overview of, The change control board, Requirements management process assets
change control. (see change management)
change management
agile projects, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!, Impact analysis procedure
change control board, overview of, The change control board
change control policies, Change control policy
change control process, Change control policy, Requirements management process assets
change impact analysis, Change impact analysis, Motivations for tracing requirements, Requirements management process assets
customer rights and responsibilities, Right #4: To receive explanations of requirements practices and deliverables, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
frequency of changes, Measuring change activity
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
impact analysis, Good practices: Requirements validation, Change impact analysis, Motivations for tracing requirements, Requirements management process assets
measuring change activity, Measuring change activity
origin of changes, Measuring change activity
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
overview, Change happens
requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
scope management, Keeping the scope in focus, Why manage changes?
tools for, Renegotiating commitments, Modeling tools
troubleshooting problems, Change management issues
change request, Change control policy, 1. Purpose and scope
characteristics of excellent requirements, Writing excellent requirements
charter, project., Conflicting business requirements
(see also vision and scope document)
change impact analysis, Impact analysis procedure
defects, for requirements reviews, Inspection stages
defined, Requirements engineering process assets
Chen, Anthony, Selecting the right representations, $100, Motivations for tracing requirements
Chen, Peter, Modeling data relationships
class diagrams, Selecting the right representations, A few words about UML diagrams, Modeling data relationships, Glossary
class, defined, Glossary
classifying business rules, A business rules taxonomy
classifying customer input, Documenting open issues
cloud solutions. (see packaged solution projects)
coding, project planning for, From requirements to designs and code
Cohn, Mike, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
collaborative teams., The analyst role on agile projects
(see also communication; also elicitation, requirements development)
agile projects, Customer involvement
business analyst role, The analyst role on agile projects
customers and development, Who is the customer?, The customer-development partnership, Responsibility #6: To set realistic requirement priorities in collaboration with developers, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
outsourced projects, Outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
workshops, Interviews
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, defined., Glossary
(see also packaged solution projects)
commitment, to process change, Gaining commitment to change
communication protocols, requirements for, Integrity
communication., The customer-development partnership, The customer-development partnership
(see also customers; also documenting requirements)
(see also customers; also documenting requirements, continued)
adoption of new systems, promoting, How to discover the requirements of an existing system
assumed and implied requirements, Some cautions about elicitation
business analyst role, The business analyst role
business analytics projects, Defining analyses that transform the data
business process automation projects, Using current processes to derive requirements
change control policies, Change control policy
collaborative culture, creating, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
conflicting requirements, resolution of, User representation on agile projects
elicitation activities, follow-up, Performing elicitation activities
outsourced projects, Outsourced projects
pathways for requirements, User personas
product champions, Connecting with user representatives
project planning estimates, Estimating requirements effort
reaching agreement on requirements, Identifying decision makers
requirements development tools, Requirements development tools
requirements management tools, Modeling tools
software requirement specification (SRS), good practices, The software requirements specification
tracking requirements status, Tracking requirements status
troubleshooting problems, Planning issues
user representatives, User personas
writing style, requirement documentation, System or user perspective
communications interfaces, 5.1 User interfaces
of requirement sets, Complete
of requirement statements, Characteristics of requirement statements
composition, data element, The data dictionary
computations, business rules, Action enablers
configuration requirements, COTS, Requirements for implementing packaged solutions
conflict management, Focus groups
resolving between stakeholder groups, User representation on agile projects
resolving between user classes, Classifying users, Resolving conflicting requirements
consistent requirements, Complete
Constantine, Larry, Dialog map
business rules, Facts
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, 3.1 Stakeholder profiles, Glossary
design and implementation, 2. Overall description, 2.3 Operating Environment
quality attributes and, Constraints
real-time and embedded projects, Quality attributes for embedded systems
construction, requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
context diagrams
data flow diagrams and, Data flow diagram
defined, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Trace Data
real-time projects, Modeling real-time systems
scope representation techniques, 3.2 Project priorities
system external interfaces, Selecting the right representations
correct requirements, Characteristics of requirement statements
cost., Why prioritize requirements?
(see also priorities, setting of)
change impact analysis, Change impact analysis
feasibility analysis, Good practices: Requirements analysis
of correcting defects, Every project has requirements
outsourced projects, Outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
prioritizing requirements and, Some prioritization pragmatics, Games people play with priorities, $100
quality attribute requirements, Availability, Specifying quality requirements with Planguage
requirement reuse, benefits of, Requirements reuse
requirements management, Requirement attributes
requirements tools, Tools for requirements engineering, Selecting a tool
tracking effort, Resolving requirements issues
COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) products. (see packaged solution projects)
defined, Glossary
cross-functional diagrams. (see swimlane diagrams)
CRUD matrix, The data dictionary, Glossary
cultural differences, outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
culture, organizational
creating respect for requirements, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
process improvement fundamentals, Gaining commitment to change
requirements tools and, Facilitating user adoption
resistance to change, Gaining commitment to change
current practices, assessing, The process improvement cycle, Current requirements practice self-assessment
customer input, classifying, Documenting open issues
customers., Good practices for requirements engineering
(see also communication; also stakeholders; also users)
agile projects, Customer involvement
collaborative culture, creating, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
customer input, classifying, Documenting open issues
decision makers, identifying, Identifying decision makers
defining, The expectation gap, Glossary
expectation gap, Requirements from the customer’s perspective
reaching agreement on requirements, Identifying decision makers
relationships with, overview, Requirements from the customer’s perspective
Requirements Bill of Responsibilities for, The customer-development partnership, Right #8: To describe characteristics that will make the product easy to use
Requirements Bill of Rights for, The customer-development partnership
stakeholders and, The expectation gap
cyclomatic complexity, Scalability


DAR (display-action-response) models, Software design
dashboard reporting, Dashboard reporting, Defining how information will be used, Glossary
data analysis, requirements
defining, business analytic projects, Data-based (not “database”) requirements
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
packaged solution projects, Developing user requirements
data analysis, requirements., The data dictionary
(see also data requirements)
business analytics projects, Information usage by people
data definitions, models for, Selecting the right representations
data dictionaries, Modeling data relationships
business analytics projects, Specifying data needs
defined, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
sample, 4.2 Data Dictionary
SRS document, 4. Data requirements
use cases and, Use case traps to avoid
data field definitions, Selecting the right representations
data flow diagrams (DFD), Selecting the right representations
defined, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
uses for, Selecting the right representations
data modeling, Specifying data requirements
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
data object relationships, models for, Selecting the right representations
data requirements., Overview of business analytics projects
(see also business analytics projects)
COTS implementation, Integration requirements
customer input, Classifying customer input
dashboard reporting, Dashboard reporting
data analysis, overview, The data dictionary
data dictionary, overview of, Modeling data relationships
data integrity requirements, Installability
management and use requirements, Data-based (not “database”) requirements
modeling data relationships, Specifying data requirements
overview, Specifying data requirements
packaged solution projects, Integration requirements
sample, 4.2 Data Dictionary
security requirements, Safety
specifying reports, Data analysis
SRS document, 4. Data requirements
Davis, Alan, Some prioritization pragmatics
decision makers, identifying, Identifying decision makers
decision rule, Identifying decision makers, Glossary
decision tables, Selecting the right representations, Decision tables and decision trees, Glossary
decision trees, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Selecting the right representations, Decision tables and decision trees, Glossary
defect checklist for requirements reviews, Inspection stages
defects, cost of correcting, Every project has requirements
degree of freedom, defined, 3.1 Stakeholder profiles
delivery dates, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
dependencies, business requirements, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
dependencies, SRS document, 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies, 2.3 Operating Environment
dependency, defined, Glossary
deployment considerations, vision and scope document, 3.2 Project priorities, 3.1 Stakeholder Profiles
deriving requirements
from business rules, Business rules and requirements
from models, Modeling the requirements
from nonfunctional requirements, Quality attribute trade-offs
from system requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
from use cases, Exploring use cases, Use cases and functional requirements
design, requirements and, From requirements to designs and code
detail, level of requirements, Writing style, Customer involvement
development life cycle, good practices, Good practices: Project management
DFD. (see data flow diagrams)
dialog maps
defined, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Trace Data
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
overview of, Dialog map
testing and, Testing the requirements
wireframes, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes
disfavored user classes, Classifying users
display-action-response (DAR) model, Software design
document analysis, User interface analysis, Documenting business rules
document, use of term, Levels and types of requirements
documentation., 2. Scope and limitations
(see also data dictionary; also vision and scope document)
agile projects, Customer involvement
business analyst task, The business analyst’s tasks
business rules, documenting, Atomic business rules
document analysis, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
elicitation activities, follow-up, Performing elicitation activities
elicitation activities, notes from, Performing elicitation activities
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, When old requirements don’t exist
interface specifications, Architecture diagram
outsourced projects, requirements details, Outsourced projects
project risks, Elements of risk management
requirement patterns, Other likely reuse opportunities
requirements engineering process assets, Requirements engineering process assets
requirements process and, Improving your requirements processes
requirements repositories, Requirement patterns, Making requirements reusable
requirements reuse, Extent of modification
requirements, good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
templates, requirements documents, Good practices: Requirements analysis
user documentation, How requirements relate to other project processes
documenting requirements., The customer-development partnership, The customer-development partnership
(see also models)
(see also models, continued)
agile projects, 8. [Other requirements]
ambiguity, avoiding, Representation techniques
before and after examples, Avoiding incompleteness
characteristics of excellent requirements, Characteristics of requirement statements
labeling requirements, The software requirements specification
level of detail, Writing style
overview, Documenting the requirements
representation techniques, Level of detail
software requirements specification (SRS), Documenting the requirements
SRS template, User interfaces and the SRS
system or user perspective, Traceable
use case template, Use cases and usage scenarios
vision and scope document template, Conflicting business requirements
writing style, System or user perspective
documents, limitations of, Software requirements: What, why, and who, Tools for requirements engineering
driver, defined, 3.1 Stakeholder profiles
Dyché, Jill, Specifying data needs


ecosystem maps, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Ecosystem map, Selecting the right representations, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Glossary
educating stakeholders and developers, Good practices for requirements engineering, Good practices: Knowledge, Getting started with new practices
efficiency requirements, Usability, Quality attributes for embedded systems
effort estimates, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
effort estimates., From requirements to tests, Resolving requirements issues
(see also project planning)
electronic prototypes, Paper and electronic prototypes
elicitation, requirements, Elicitation
assumed and implied requirements, Some cautions about elicitation
availability requirements, Availability
business analytics projects, Overview of business analytics projects
business process automation, Modeling business processes
business rules, discovering, Documenting business rules
cautions about, How do you know when you’re done?
completion of process, Classifying customer input
customer input, classifying, Documenting open issues
defined, Glossary
document analysis, User interface analysis
efficiency requirements, Efficiency
focus groups, Workshops
follow-up activities, Performing elicitation activities
framework for, Good practices for requirements engineering
good practices, Good practices for requirements engineering, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
installability requirements, Installability
interoperability requirements, Interoperability
interviews, Requirements elicitation techniques
missing requirements, identifying, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
observations, Focus groups
overview, Requirements elicitation
performance requirements, Exploring quality attributes
planning for, Document analysis
portability requirements, Portability
preparing for, Planning elicitation on your project
quality attributes, Software quality attributes
questionnaires, Questionnaires
reliability requirements, Reliability
reporting requirements, Eliciting reporting requirements
reusability requirements, Portability
risk factors, Requirements elicitation
robustness requirements, Reliability
safety requirements, Safety
scalability requirements, Reusability
scope creep, managing, Managing scope creep
security requirements, Safety
system interface analysis, Questionnaires
tips for performing, Preparing for elicitation
tools for, Requirements development tools
troubleshooting problems, Elicitation issues
usability requirements, Usability
user interface analysis, User interface analysis
verifiability requirements, Verifiability
workshops, Interviews
elicitation, requirements., Requirements elicitation, Exploring use cases
(see also use cases; also user stories)
embedded systems projects
defined, Glossary
interfaces, Architecture diagram
modeling, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
overview, Embedded and other real-time systems projects, Quality attributes for embedded systems
quality attributes, Quality attributes for embedded systems
system requirements, architecture, and allocation, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
timing requirements, Interfaces
end users. (see users)
enhancement projects
adoption of new system, How to discover the requirements of an existing system
iteration and, Encouraging new system adoption
lack of existing documentation, When old requirements don’t exist
overview of, Enhancement and replacement projects
prioritizing using business objectives, Prioritizing by using business objectives
requirements techniques, Expected challenges
entity, Modeling data relationships, The data dictionary, Glossary
entity-relationship diagrams
business analytics projects, Specifying data needs
defined, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
modeling data relationships, Selecting the right representations, Specifying data requirements
entry criteria
for change control, Basic concepts of the change control process, 4. Entry criteria
for inspections, Inspection roles
environment, real-time systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
epics, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!, Glossary
error handling, real-time systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
estimation., From requirements to tests
(see also project planning)
project size and effort, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
requirements effort, Estimating requirements effort
evaluating packaged solutions, Defining quality requirements
evaluating process improvement efforts, Create, pilot, and roll out processes
event-response tables, Levels and types of requirements, Selecting the right representations, Decision tables and decision trees, Event-response table
identifying, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
event-response tables., Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
(see also user requirements)
as scoping tool, Event list
defined, Glossary
event list, Event list
evolutionary prototypes, Mock-ups and proofs of concept, Prototyping requirements
evolutionary prototypes., Prototyping success factors, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
excellent requirements, characteristics of, Writing excellent requirements
exception handling, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Reliability
exception, defined, Glossary
exceptions, use cases, Use cases and user stories, Use cases and usage scenarios, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Exploring use cases
execution time, Interfaces
exit criteria
for change control, Basic concepts of the change control process, 6. Exit criteria
for inspections, Inspection stages
expectation gap, Requirements from the customer’s perspective, Finding the voice of the user, Risk reduction through prototyping
extend relationship, use cases, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Glossary
extensibility requirements. (see modifiability requirements)
extension requirements, COTS, Integration requirements
external entities, 3.2 Project priorities, Data flow diagram, Integrity, Glossary
external events, Good practices: Requirements elicitation, 3.2 Project priorities
external interface requirements
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
SRS document, 5. External interface requirements
SRS document, sample, 4.4 Data Integrity, Retention, and Disposal
Extreme Programming. (see agile development)


business analyst skills, Essential analyst skills
completing elicitation sessions, Classifying customer input
elicitation activities, cautions about, How do you know when you’re done?
elicitation activities, follow-up, Performing elicitation activities
elicitation activities, performing, Preparing for elicitation
focus groups, Workshops
preparing for elicitation, Planning elicitation on your project
workshops, Interviews
facilitator, defined, Glossary
facts, business rules, Facts
Fagan, Michael, Reviewing requirements
detection, Quality attributes for embedded systems
logging, Quality attributes for embedded systems
prevention, Quality attributes for embedded systems
recovery, Quality attributes for embedded systems
tolerance, Reliability, Quality attributes for embedded systems
fault tree analysis, Quality attributes for embedded systems
favored user classes, Classifying users, Resolving conflicting requirements
feasibility analysis, Good practices: Requirements analysis
feasible requirements, Characteristics of requirement statements
Feature Driven Development. (see agile development)
feature trees, Levels and types of requirements, Feature tree, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Glossary
agile projects, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
example, Feature tree, 2.1 Major Features
gap analysis, Prioritizing by using business objectives
packaged solution projects, Packaged solution projects
prioritizing, Good practices: Requirements analysis
requirements reuse, Types of requirements information to reuse
risk management, Requirements elicitation
SRS document, 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
SRS document, sample, 2.3 Operating Environment
vision and scope document, 2. Scope and limitations
finding missing requirements, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
fishbone diagram, Root cause analysis
fit criteria, Exploring quality attributes, Validating the requirements
flexibility requirements. (see modifiability requirements)
flow diagrams, business process, Selecting the right representations, Using current processes to derive requirements, Modeling business performance metrics
flowcharts, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Selecting the right representations, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Modeling business performance metrics, Glossary
flows, data, 3.2 Project priorities, Selecting the right representations
focus groups, Good practices: Requirements elicitation, User personas, Workshops
formal reviews. (see inspections)
function point, Estimating project size and effort from requirements, Glossary
functional requirements
architecture design, project planning and, From requirements to designs and code
business analytic projects, Data-based (not “database”) requirements
business rules and, Tying everything together
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
deriving, from business rules, Business rules and requirements
deriving, from models, Modeling the requirements
deriving, from nonfunctional requirements, Quality attribute trade-offs
deriving, from system requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
deriving, from use cases, Exploring use cases, Use cases and functional requirements
enhancement and replacement projects, Prioritizing by using business objectives
missing, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
prioritizing, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Some prioritization pragmatics, Some prioritization techniques, Three-level scale, Prioritization based on value, cost, and risk
requirement levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
reusing, Types of requirements information to reuse
specification of, Writing style
functional requirements, continued
use cases and, Exploring use cases, Validating use cases
writing, Writing style
functional specification. (see software requirements specification (SRS))


gap analysis, Prioritizing by using business objectives, Integration requirements, Glossary
Gause, Donald, Identifying your user classes
Gilb, Tom, Sequence number, Verifiability, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Knowledge, 8. [Other requirements]
reuse of, Dimensions of requirements reuse, Types of requirements information to reuse, Reuse success factors
goals, business. (see business objectives)
goals, requirements process improvement, Requirements management process assets
gold plating, Ambiguous requirements, Glossary
good practices
ambiguous terms, avoiding, Representation techniques
analysis, Good practices: Requirements analysis
application of, Good practices: Project management
elicitation, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
inspections, Reviewing requirements, Requirements review tips
knowledge, Good practices: Requirements management
overview, Good practices for requirements engineering
project management, Good practices: Project management
project planning, From requirements to tests
prototypes, Prototyping success factors
reporting specifications, Eliciting reporting requirements
requirement statements, documenting, Characteristics of requirement statements
requirements development process framework, Good practices for requirements engineering
requirements management, Good practices: Requirements validation
requirements reuse, Tools to facilitate reuse
specification, Good practices: Requirements analysis
validation, Good practices: Requirements specification
writing style, requirements documentation, System or user perspective
Gottesdiener, Ellen, The analyst role on agile projects, Identifying your user classes, Interviews
government regulations. (see business rules)
Graham, Dorothy, From requirements to tests
green-field project, Enhancement and replacement projects, Glossary


hard real-time systems., Embedded and other real-time systems projects
(see also real-time systems projects)
hardware interfaces, 5.1 User interfaces
hardware requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
Hardy, Terry, Quality attributes for embedded systems
hazard analysis, Quality attributes for embedded systems
Herrmann, Debra, Quality attributes for embedded systems
hierarchical textual tags, Business rules and requirements, Sequence number, Specifying quality requirements with Planguage, 3.1.2 Functional Requirements
high-resolution prototypes, Selecting the right representations
history of requirements changes, Good practices: Requirements management
Hoffman, Cecilie, Inspection stages
horizontal prototype, Prototyping: What and why
horizontal prototype., Good practices: Requirements analysis, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
hundred-dollar approach, prioritization, MoSCoW


identifiers, SRS documents, The software requirements specification
IIBA (International Institute for Business Analysis), Introduction
impact analysis, requirements changes, Good practices: Requirements validation, Change impact analysis, Motivations for tracing requirements, Requirements management process assets
implied requirements, Some cautions about elicitation
in-or-out prioritization, Some prioritization techniques
include relationships, use cases, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Glossary
incompleteness, in requirements documents, Hierarchical textual tags, Avoiding ambiguity
inferences, business rules, Action enablers
initial release, scope of, 2. Scope and limitations
inspections, Good practices: Requirements specification, Reviewing requirements
inspections., Reviewing requirements, Glossary
(see also peer reviews)
installability requirements, Availability
integration requirements, COTS, Integration requirements
integrity requirements, Installability, Defining quality requirements
analyzing, good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
architecture diagrams, Architecture diagram
customer input, Classifying customer input
dialog maps, Dialog map
embedded projects, Architecture diagram, Quality attributes for embedded systems
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
external interface requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, 5. External interface requirements, 4.4 Data Integrity, Retention, and Disposal, Glossary
functional requirements, defined, Levels and types of requirements
interface specification document, Interfaces
mock-ups, Prototyping: What and why
models for, Selecting the right representations
prototypes, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes
real-time projects, Architecture diagram, Quality attributes for embedded systems
SRS document, Dealing with incompleteness, 5. External interface requirements
SRS document, sample, 4.4 Data Integrity, Retention, and Disposal
system interface analysis, Questionnaires
user interface analysis, User interface analysis
internationalization requirements, 6.1 Usability
interoperability requirements, Integrity, Defining quality requirements
elicitation of requirements, Good practices: Requirements elicitation, Requirements elicitation techniques
skills required, Essential analyst skills
Ishikawa diagram, Root cause analysis
issue tracking, Good practices: Requirements management, Resolving requirements issues
issue, requirements, defined, Glossary
IT business analyst. (see business analyst (BA))
agile projects, Ambiguous requirements, Good practices: Project management, Estimating project size and effort from requirements, Estimating project size and effort from requirements, Limitations of the waterfall, Measuring requirements effort, Change management on agile projects
defined, Glossary
design, Architecture and allocation
requirements development, Working with the three levels, Specification
specifying requirements for, A requirements development process framework, A requirements development process framework


Joint Application Design (JAD), Good practices: Requirements elicitation


Kanban. (see agile development)
key performance indicator model (KPIM), Maintaining performance levels, Using current processes to derive requirements
key performance indicators (KPIs), Modeling business performance metrics, Requirements management process assets
knowledge, business analyst role, Essential analyst knowledge
knowledge, good practices around, Good practices: Requirements management
Koopman, Philip, Timing requirements, Quality attributes for embedded systems
Kudish, Joseph, Modeling real-time systems


labeling requirements, The software requirements specification
latency, Interfaces
Lauesen, Soren, Exploring quality attributes
Lavi, Johan, Modeling real-time systems
Lawrence, Brian, Some interpretations of “requirement”
lean software development. (see agile development)
learning curve, process improvement efforts, Create, pilot, and roll out processes
Leffingwell, Dean, Acceptance criteria
legacy systems., Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
(see also enhancement projects; also replacement projects)
business rules and, Documenting business rules
requirements reuse, Software product lines
levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements
Leveson, Nancy, Quality attributes for embedded systems
life cycles, development, A requirements development process framework
life cycles, development., Assessing the impact of scope changes, Validating the requirements
(see also agile development; also waterfall development)
listening skills, Essential analyst skills
localization requirements, Levels and types of requirements, 6.1 Usability
Lockwood, Lucy, Dialog map
logging, faults, Quality attributes for embedded systems
logical data model, 4. Data requirements
low-fidelity prototypes, Paper and electronic prototypes
low-resolution prototypes, Selecting the right representations


maintainability requirements, Exploring quality attributes, Efficiency, Modifiability
management commitment to excellent requirements, signs of, Gaining commitment to change
management, project. (see project management)
management, requirements. (see requirements management)
market requirements document (MRD)., Conflicting business requirements
(see also vision and scope document)
Martin, James, Modeling data relationships
mean time between failures (MTBF), Exploring quality attributes, Reliability
mean time to repair (MTTR), Exploring quality attributes
change activity, Measuring change activity
requirements management effort, Resolving requirements issues
metadata, Specifying data needs
business performance, Using current processes to derive requirements
key performance indicators, Modeling business performance metrics, Requirements management process assets
process improvement, Requirements management process assets
project size, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
requirements change activity, Measuring change activity
requirements process improvements, Requirements management process assets
success, Defining business requirements, 1.4 Success metrics
Miller, Roxanne, Exploring quality attributes
minimum marketable feature (MMF), Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
missing requirements, identifying, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
mitigation, risk, Elements of risk management, Documenting project risks
mock-ups, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes, Prototyping requirements
mock-ups., Good practices: Requirements analysis, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
agile projects, A few words about UML diagrams
business analyst role, Essential analyst skills
business analytics projects, Specifying data needs
business objectives models, 1.4 Success metrics, Glossary
business process automation, Modeling business processes
business process model and notation (BPMN), Modeling business processes
business rules, discovering, Documenting business rules
context diagrams, 3.2 Project priorities, Glossary
customer comments, use of, Modeling the requirements
DAR (display-action-response) model, Software design
data flow diagrams, Selecting the right representations, Glossary
data relationship modeling, Specifying data requirements
models, continued
decision tables and decision trees, Decision tables and decision trees, Glossary
dialog maps, Dialog map, Glossary
ecosystem maps, Feature tree, Glossary
embedded projects, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Trace Data
entity-relationship diagrams, Specifying data requirements, Glossary
event-response tables, Decision tables and decision trees, Glossary
feature trees, Feature tree, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
missing requirements, identifying, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
outsourced projects, Appropriate levels of requirements detail
overview of, Modeling the requirements
real-time projects, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
requirements elicitation, Interviews, Preparing for elicitation
scope representation techniques, 3.2 Project priorities
selection of appropriate, Selecting the right representations
simulations, good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
SRS document, 8. [Other requirements]
state tables, State-transition diagram and state table, Glossary
state-transition diagrams, State-transition diagram and state table, Glossary
swimlane diagrams, Data flow diagram, Glossary
tools for drawing, Modeling tools
UML diagrams, A few words about UML diagrams
moderator, inspection team role, Participants, Inspection stages, Inspection stages
modifiability requirements, Efficiency, Defining quality requirements
modifiable requirements, Complete
MoSCoW prioritization, Three-level scale


NAH (not applicable here), Making requirements reusable
navigation map., Dialog map
(see also dialog maps)
necessary requirements, Characteristics of requirement statements
negative requirements, clarifying, Avoiding ambiguity
NIH (not invented here), Making requirements reusable
non-human users, Classifying users
nonfunctional requirements
agile projects, Handling quality attributes on agile projects
COTS projects, System or user perspective
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
packaged solution projects, System or user perspective
real-time and embedded systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
requirement levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
requirements traceability, The requirements traceability matrix
risk management, Requirements elicitation
specifications, good practices, Good practices: Requirements specification
nonfunctional requirements., Beyond functionality
(see also constraints; also external interface requirements; also quality attributes)
normal flow, use cases, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions, Glossary
numbering requirements, SRS documents, The software requirements specification


object state models, Selecting the right representations
objectives, business
business objectives model, 1.4 Success metrics, Glossary
business objectives, defined, Glossary
completion decisions and, Vision and scope on agile projects
success metrics, 1.4 Success metrics
vision and scope document, 1.3 Business objectives
observational skills, Essential analyst skills
observations, requirements elicitation, Focus groups
on-site customer, Requirements from the customer’s perspective, User representation on agile projects
operating environment, SRS document, 2. Overall description
operational profile, Verifiability, Evaluating solutions, Glossary
organization chart analysis, Identifying your user classes
organizational culture
creating respect for requirements, Responsibility #9: To promptly communicate changes to the requirements
process improvement fundamentals, Gaining commitment to change
requirements tools and, Facilitating user adoption
resistance to change, Gaining commitment to change
organizational policies. (see business rules)
out-of-scope requirements, Defining business requirements, 2.2 Scope of initial release, Keeping the scope in focus
outsourced projects
acceptance criteria, Acceptance criteria
acquirer-supplier interactions, Acquirer-supplier interactions
change management, Acquirer-supplier interactions
level of requirements detail, Outsourced projects
overview of, Outsourced projects


packaged solution projects
common challenges, Business process changes
configuration requirements, Integration requirements
costs, Packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
evaluating candidates, Defining quality requirements
extension requirements, Integration requirements
identifying requirements, Packaged solution projects
implementation requirements, Requirements for implementing packaged solutions
integration requirements, Integration requirements
overview, Packaged solution projects
solution selection, Packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
pairwise comparisons for prioritization, Exploring quality attributes, Some prioritization techniques
paper prototypes, Paper and electronic prototypes, Glossary
parking lots, Workshops
passaround review, Reviewing requirements
peer reviews., Reviewing requirements
(see also inspections)
challenges, Requirements review tips
defect checklist for requirements, Inspection stages
defined, Glossary
during elicitation, Exploring use cases
good practices, Good practices: Requirements specification
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
review process, Reviewing requirements
tips for performing, Requirements review tips
performance., Software quality attributes
(see also quality attributes)
efficiency requirements, Usability
enhancement and replacement projects, Maintaining performance levels
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
real-time and embedded systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
requirements, Exploring quality attributes, Interoperability, Defining quality requirements, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
SRS document, 5.1 User interfaces
timing requirements, real-time systems, Interfaces
personas, user, Identifying your user classes
pilot, defined, Glossary
pilots, process improvement, The process improvement cycle, Create, pilot, and roll out processes
plan, defined, Requirements engineering process assets
Planguage, Selecting the right representations, Exploring quality attributes, Verifiability
defined, Glossary
policies, company. (see business rules)
policy, defined, Requirements engineering process assets
portability requirements, Modifiability
postconditions, use cases, Use cases and usage scenarios, Extend and include, Identifying use cases
defined, Glossary
preconditions, use cases, Use cases and usage scenarios, Extend and include, Identifying use cases, Glossary
predictability, timing requirements, Timing requirements
primary actor, The use case approach
primitive data elements., The data dictionary
(see also data dictionary)
priorities, setting of
agile projects, The backlog and prioritization
business analytics projects, Requirements development for business analytics projects
enhancement and replacement projects, Prioritizing by using business objectives
importance of, First things first: Setting requirement priorities
prioritization, defined, Glossary
project, 3.1 Stakeholder profiles
quality attributes, Software quality attributes
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), $100
requirements prioritization procedure, $100, Requirements development process assets
risk factors, Requirements elicitation
strategies and techniques for, Some prioritization pragmatics
prioritization. (see priorities, setting of)
priority, as a requirement attribute, Three-level scale, Requirements version control
problem reports as source of requirements, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
procedure, defined, Requirements engineering process assets, Glossary
process assets, Requirements engineering process assets, Glossary
process description, defined, Requirements engineering process assets
process flows, Selecting the right representations, Using current processes to derive requirements, Modeling business performance metrics, Glossary
process improvement action plan, Assess current practices
process improvement. (see requirements process improvement)
process, defined, Glossary
product backlog, The backlog and prioritization, Packaged solution projects, Measuring requirements effort, Glossary
product champions, Connecting with user representatives, Resolving conflicting requirements, Glossary
product features. (see features)
product line, Why reuse requirements?, Types of requirements information to reuse
product owner, The business analyst role, The rookie, User representation on agile projects, Customer involvement, Transitioning to agile: Now what?, Glossary
product requirements vs. project requirements, Product vs. project requirements
product vision, Defining business requirements, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics, Glossary
product, defined, The essential software requirement, Glossary
product-centric strategy, Elicitation
project charter., Conflicting business requirements
(see also vision and scope document)
project management., Requirements elicitation
(see also good practices; also project planning; also risk management)
collaborative teams, creating, The analyst role on agile projects
good practices for, Good practices: Project management
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
reaching agreement on requirements, Identifying decision makers
requirement process improvement and, Improving your requirements processes
stakeholder analysis, The expectation gap
project manager, as business analyst, The former developer or tester
project planning., Good practices: Project management
(see also project management)
designing and coding, From requirements to designs and code
estimating project size and effort, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
estimating requirements effort, Estimating requirements effort
good practices, Good practices: Project management, From requirements to tests
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
overview of, Beyond requirements development
requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
requirements effort, estimating, Estimating requirements effort
risk management, Requirements elicitation, Requirements specification
scheduling, requirements and, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
scope creep, managing, Why manage changes?
testing, From requirements to tests
tracking effort, Resolving requirements issues
tracking requirements status, Tracking requirements status
project priorities., 3.1 Stakeholder profiles
(see also priorities, setting of)
project requirements, vs. product requirements, Product vs. project requirements
project scope., Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
(see also change management; also project planning; also vision and scope document)
agile projects, change management, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
assumed and implied requirements, Some cautions about elicitation
change control policies, Change control policy
completion decisions, Vision and scope on agile projects
defined, Product vision and project scope, Glossary
defining for project, Working with the three levels, How do you know when you’re done?
elicitation, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
enhancement and replacement projects, Prioritizing by using business objectives
estimating effort, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
identifying and defining requirements, Defining business requirements
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
packaged solution projects, Packaged solution projects
product vision and, Defining business requirements
project management good practices, Good practices: Project management
requirements baseline, Requirements management process
requirements elicitation, Interviews
scope creep, When bad requirements happen to good people, Why manage changes?, Glossary
scope management, Keeping the scope in focus
scope representation techniques, 3.2 Project priorities
troubleshooting change management problems, Change management issues
vision and scope document, overview, Conflicting business requirements
vision and scope document, sample, 1.1 Background
project tracking, requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
proof-of-concept prototypes, Prototyping: What and why, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes, Prototyping requirements, Glossary
dashboard reporting, Dashboard reporting
defined, Glossary
electronic prototype, Paper and electronic prototypes
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
evaluating, Prototype evaluation
evolutionary prototype, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Prototyping success factors
horizontal prototype, defined, Prototyping: What and why, Glossary
mock-up, Prototyping: What and why, Glossary
outsourced projects, Appropriate levels of requirements detail
overview of, Risk reduction through prototyping
paper prototype, Paper and electronic prototypes, Glossary
proof-of-concept, Mock-ups and proofs of concept, Glossary
real-time projects, Architecture diagram
reporting specifications, Report specification considerations
requirement validation and, Prototyping requirements
risks of, Prototype evaluation
throwaway prototype, Mock-ups and proofs of concept, Glossary
tools for creating, Requirements development tools
user interfaces, Dealing with incompleteness, Selecting the right representations
vertical prototype, defined, Mock-ups and proofs of concept, Glossary
working with, Paper and electronic prototypes
Pugh, Ken, Acceptance criteria


QFD. (see quality function deployment)
quality assurance., From requirements to tests
(see also testing)
nonfunctional requirements, defined, Levels and types of requirements
requirements reuse, Reuse success factors
software requirements specification (SRS), Levels and types of requirements
quality attributes., Exploring quality attributes
(see also performance)
agile projects, Handling quality attributes on agile projects
availability, Exploring quality attributes, 6.5 Availability Requirements
constraints on, Constraints
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Beyond functionality, Glossary
defining, overview, Exploring quality attributes
efficiency, Usability, Quality attributes for embedded systems
embedded systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
identifying and prioritizing, Software quality attributes
implementation of, Quality attribute trade-offs
installability, Availability
integrity, Installability, Defining quality requirements
interoperability, Integrity, Defining quality requirements
modifiability, Efficiency, Defining quality requirements
overview of, Beyond functionality
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
performance, Exploring quality attributes, Interoperability, Defining quality requirements, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
Planguage, Verifiability
prioritizing, Exploring quality attributes
real-time systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
reliability, Reliability, Quality attributes for embedded systems
requirements traceability, The requirements traceability matrix
reusability, Portability
robustness, Reliability, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 6.5 Availability Requirements
safety, Robustness, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
scalability, Reusability
security, Safety, Defining quality requirements, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
SRS document, 5.1 User interfaces
SRS document, sample, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
timing requirements, real-time systems, Interfaces
trade-offs, Specifying quality requirements with Planguage
usability, Security, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
verifiability, Scalability, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), $100
quality of service requirements. (see quality attributes)
questionnaires, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation, Questionnaires


rank ordering, prioritization, Some prioritization techniques
Rational Unified Process, A requirements development process framework
rationale, as a requirements attribute, Requirements version control, Requirement attributes
reader, inspection team role, Inspection roles, Inspection stages
real-time systems projects
defined, Glossary
interfaces, Architecture diagram
modeling, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
overview, Embedded and other real-time systems projects, Quality attributes for embedded systems
quality attributes, Quality attributes for embedded systems
system requirements, architecture, and allocation, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
timing requirements, Interfaces
recorder, inspection team role, Inspection roles
recoverability, Reliability
reengineering project. (see replacement projects)
regulations, government. (see business rules)
relationship, Modeling data relationships
reliability requirements, Reliability, Quality attributes for embedded systems
repeating group, data elements., The data dictionary
(see also data dictionary)
replacement projects
adoption of new system, How to discover the requirements of an existing system
iteration and, Encouraging new system adoption
lack of existing documentation, When old requirements don’t exist
overview of, Enhancement and replacement projects
prioritizing using business objectives, Prioritizing by using business objectives
requirements techniques, Expected challenges
reports., Defining analyses that transform the data
(see also business analytics projects)
business analytics projects, Defining how information will be used
dashboard reporting, Dashboard reporting
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
report layouts, Selecting the right representations
specifications for, Data analysis
SRS document, 4. Data requirements, 4.2 Data Dictionary
representation techniques, Level of detail
requirement attributes, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Good practices: Requirements management, Requirements version control, Glossary
requirement pattern, defined, Glossary
requirement, defined, The essential software requirement, Glossary
requirements allocation procedure, Requirements development process assets, Glossary
requirements analysis. (see analysis, requirements)
requirements analyst. (see business analyst (BA))
Requirements Bill of Responsibilities for customers, The customer-development partnership, Right #8: To describe characteristics that will make the product easy to use
Requirements Bill of Rights for customers, The customer-development partnership
requirements development., Requirements elicitation
(see also analysis, requirements; also elicitation, requirements; also specification, requirements; also validation, requirements)
common problems, Every project has requirements
defined, Product vs. project requirements, Glossary
overview, Product vs. project requirements
process assets for, Requirements engineering process assets
process framework for, Good practices for requirements engineering
requirements management, boundary between, Requirements management
tools for, Tools for requirements engineering
requirements document. (see software requirements specification (SRS))
requirements elicitation. (see elicitation, requirements)
requirements engineer. (see business analyst (BA))
requirements engineering
common problems, Every project has requirements
defined, Product vs. project requirements, Glossary
framework for, Good practices for requirements engineering
process assets for, Requirements engineering process assets
requirements development, Product vs. project requirements
requirements management, Specification
subdisciplines of, Product vs. project requirements
tools for, Tools for requirements engineering
requirements levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
requirements management., Defining business requirements
(see also change management; also tracing, requirements)
agile projects, Measuring requirements effort
baselining, Requirements management process
common problems, Every project has requirements
defined, Specification, Requirements management process, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
measuring effort, Resolving requirements issues
overview, Product vs. project requirements, Specification, A requirements development process framework, Why manage requirements?
process assets for, Requirements engineering process assets
process overview, Requirements management practices
product backlog, The backlog and prioritization
project planning estimates, Estimating requirements effort
requirements attributes, Requirements version control
requirements development, boundary between, Requirements management
requirements repositories, Requirement patterns
resolving issues, Resolving requirements issues
risk factors, Requirements management
tools for, Tools for requirements engineering
tools, selecting and using, RM tool capabilities
tracking status, Tracking requirements status
troubleshooting problems, Validation issues
version control, The requirements baseline
requirements manager. (see business analyst (BA))
requirements mapping matrix, Motivations for tracing requirements
requirements practices self-assessment, Current requirements practice self-assessment
requirements prioritization procedure, Requirements development process assets
requirements process improvement
action planning for, Assess current practices
assessment of current practices, The process improvement cycle, Current requirements practice self-assessment
fundamentals of, Gaining commitment to change
learning curve, Create, pilot, and roll out processes
management commitment to, Gaining commitment to change
metrics for, Requirements management process assets
overview, Improving your requirements processes
process assets, Requirements engineering process assets
process improvement cycle, The process improvement cycle
resistance to change, Gaining commitment to change
road map for, Are we there yet?
root cause analysis, Fundamentals of software process improvement
requirements review checklist, Inspection stages, Requirements development process assets
requirements specification. (see specification, requirements; also software requirements specification (SRS))
requirements status tracking procedure, Requirements development process assets
requirements traceability matrix, Good practices: Requirements management, Motivations for tracing requirements
requirements traceability matrix., Motivations for tracing requirements, Glossary
(see also tracing, requirements)
requirements tracing. (see tracing, requirements)
requirements validation. (see validation, requirements)
requirements, characteristics of excellent, Writing excellent requirements
requirements, reuse of
benefits of, Requirements reuse
common scenarios for, Types of requirements information to reuse
defined, Glossary
dimensions of, Why reuse requirements?
good practices for, Tools to facilitate reuse
quality attributes, reusability, Portability
requirement patterns, Other likely reuse opportunities
tools for, Requirement patterns, Benefits of using an RM tool
tracing requirements, Motivations for tracing requirements
types of information to reuse, Reuse mechanism
requirements, troubleshooting problems with
analysis issues, Analysis issues
barriers to solution implementation, Common signs of requirements problems
change management issues, Change management issues
communication issues, Planning issues
elicitation issues, Elicitation issues
overview, Requirements troubleshooting guide
planning issues, Process issues
process issues, Requirements troubleshooting guide
product issues, Process issues
requirements management issues, Validation issues
signs of problems, Requirements troubleshooting guide
specification issues, Analysis issues
validation issues, Specification issues
response time, Exploring quality attributes, Verifiability
retrospective, Inspection stages, Glossary
reusability requirements, Portability
reuse. (see requirements, reuse of)
reviewing requirements. (see peer reviews)
rework, Every project has requirements, Gaining commitment to change, Are we there yet?
risk, Software requirements and risk management, Glossary
risk management
documenting project risks, Elements of risk management
overview, Software requirements and risk management, Requirements management
planning for, Planning for risk management
requirements analysis, Requirements elicitation
requirements elicitation, Requirements elicitation
requirements management, Requirements management
requirements specification, Requirements specification
requirements validation, Requirements specification
risk assessment, Elements of risk management
risk avoidance, Elements of risk management
risk mitigation, Elements of risk management, Documenting project risks
risks, business, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
risks, technical, and requirements prioritization, $100, Prioritization based on value, cost, and risk
road map, for process improvement, Are we there yet?
Robertson, James, Exploring quality attributes
Robertson, Suzanne, Exploring quality attributes
robustness requirements, Reliability, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 6.5 Availability Requirements
roles and permissions matrix, Constraints
root cause analysis, Fundamentals of software process improvement, Glossary
Rothman, Johanna, Prioritization based on value, cost, and risk
Royce, Winston, Limitations of the waterfall


SaaS. (see software as a service)
safety requirements, Robustness, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
sample documents
business rules, Business Rules
software requirements specification (SRS), 1.1 Purpose
use cases, Use Cases
vision and scope document, 1.1 Background
Sawyer, Pete, Some interpretations of “requirement”
scalability requirements, Reusability, Quality attribute trade-offs
scenarios, Use cases and usage scenarios, Glossary
schedule. (see project planning)
scope creep, When bad requirements happen to good people, Why manage changes?
scope, project., Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
(see also change management; also product vision; also project planning; also vision and scope document)
agile projects, change management, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
change control policies, Change control policy
completion decisions, Vision and scope on agile projects
defined, Product vision and project scope, Glossary
defining for project, Working with the three levels, How do you know when you’re done?
elicitation, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
enhancement and replacement projects, Prioritizing by using business objectives
estimating effort, Estimating project size and effort from requirements
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
identifying and defining requirements, Defining business requirements
outsourced projects, Acquirer-supplier interactions
packaged solution projects, Packaged solution projects
project management good practices, Good practices: Project management
requirements baseline, Requirements management process
requirements elicitation, Interviews
requirements process improvement, How requirements relate to other project processes
risk management, Requirements elicitation
scope creep, defined, Glossary
scope management, When bad requirements happen to good people, Keeping the scope in focus, Why manage changes?
scope representation techniques, 3.2 Project priorities
vision and scope document, overview, Conflicting business requirements, Requirements development process assets
vision and scope document, sample, 1.1 Background
Scrum. (see agile development)
secondary actor, The use case approach
secondary scenarios, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
data integrity requirements, Installability
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
real-time and embedded systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
requirements for, Safety, Defining quality requirements, Quality attributes for embedded systems, 5.4 Communications Interfaces
requirements reuse, Reuse mechanism
SRS document, 6.1 Usability
self-assessment, current requirements practices, Current requirements practice self-assessment
shall, as keyword in requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Writing style
sign-off., Reaching agreement on requirements
(see also baseline, requirements)
signal events
defined, Event-response tables
event-response tables, Decision tables and decision trees
identifying, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
simulations., Good practices: Requirements analysis
(see also prototypes)
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
mock-ups and proofs of concept, Prototyping: What and why
user interfaces, Dealing with incompleteness
skill development, good practices, Good practices: Requirements management
SMART, Exploring quality attributes, Testing the requirements
soft real-time systems., Embedded and other real-time systems projects
(see also real-time systems projects)
software as a service (SaaS) projects. (see packaged solution projects)
software design, requirements and, From requirements to designs and code
software development life cycle, defined, Glossary
software interfaces, SRS document, 5.1 User interfaces
software interfaces, SRS document., Architecture diagram, 4.4 Data Integrity, Retention, and Disposal
(see also interfaces)
software process improvement. (see requirements process improvement)
software requirements
defined, The essential software requirement
deriving from system requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
Software Requirements Bill of Responsibilities for customers, The customer-development partnership, Right #8: To describe characteristics that will make the product easy to use
Software Requirements Bill of Rights for customers, The customer-development partnership
software requirements specification (SRS)., User interfaces and the SRS
(see also documenting requirements)
audiences for, The software requirements specification
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Documenting the requirements, Glossary
labeling requirements, The software requirements specification
lack of, on enhancement and replacement projects, When old requirements don’t exist
outsourced projects, Outsourced projects
overview, Working with the three levels, Documenting the requirements, Requirements development process assets
product vs. project requirements, Product vs. project requirements
requirements baseline, Requirements management process
requirements traceability matrix, Motivations for tracing requirements
sample document, 1.1 Purpose
template for, User interfaces and the SRS
user classes, Identifying your user classes
user interfaces and, Dealing with incompleteness, 5. External interface requirements
solution ideas, customer input, Classifying customer input
solution, defined, Glossary
Sommerville, Ian, Some interpretations of “requirement”
specification, requirements., User interfaces and the SRS
(see also software requirements specification (SRS))
agile projects, Requirements specification on agile projects
defined, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
good practices summary chart, Good practices for requirements engineering
requirements development, Product vs. project requirements, Specification
requirements development framework, Good practices for requirements engineering
risk factors, Requirements specification
troubleshooting problems, Analysis issues
SRS. (see software requirements specification (SRS))
stakeholder, defined, Glossary
stakeholders., Who is the customer?, Who is the customer?
(see also customers; also users, continued)
(see also customers; and also users)
business context, vision and scope document, 2.2 Scope of initial release
decision makers, identifying, Identifying decision makers
elicitation session, preparing for, Preparing for elicitation
knowledge and training, good practices, Good practices: Requirements management
list of potential, Who is the customer?
overlooked, Overlooked stakeholders
reaching agreement on requirements, Identifying decision makers
Requirements Bill of Responsibilities for customers, The customer-development partnership, Right #8: To describe characteristics that will make the product easy to use
Requirements Bill of Rights for customers, The customer-development partnership
requirements process improvement, Requirements and various stakeholder groups
resistance to change, Gaining commitment to change
stakeholder analysis, The expectation gap
standards, industry. (see business rules)
state diagrams, A few words about UML diagrams
state machine diagrams, State-transition diagram and state table, Glossary
state tables, Selecting the right representations, State-transition diagram and state table, Glossary
state-transition diagrams, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Selecting the right representations, State-transition diagram and state table, Modeling real-time systems, 6.5 Availability Requirements, Glossary
statechart diagrams, Event-response table
status tracking, requirements, Requirements management practices, Tracking requirements status, Managing requirements on agile projects, Requirements development process assets
story points, Prioritization based on value, cost, and risk, Estimating project size and effort from requirements, Managing requirements on agile projects
storyboards, Selecting the right representations, Paper and electronic prototypes
straw man models, Interviews, Preparing for elicitation
structure, data., The data dictionary
(see also data dictionary)
subject matter expert, The business analyst role, The former developer or tester, The product champion, Glossary
success metrics, 1.4 Success metrics, 1.4 Success Metrics
supportability requirements. (see modifiability requirements)
surveys, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
survivability, Reliability
swimlane diagrams
business process automation projects, Using current processes to derive requirements
business process flow, Selecting the right representations
defined, Data flow diagram, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
overview of, Data flow diagram
system external interfaces, Selecting the right representations
user task descriptions, Selecting the right representations
system analyst. (see business analyst (BA))
system interface analysis, Questionnaires, Selecting the right representations
system requirements
allocation, Levels and types of requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
architecture design, project planning and, From requirements to designs and code
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
embedded and real-time systems projects, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
partitioning of, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
system requirements specification, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
system state models, Selecting the right representations
system testing, requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
system, defined, Levels and types of requirements, Embedded and other real-time systems projects, Glossary


taxonomy, business rules, A business rules taxonomy
TBD (to be determined), Complete, System or user perspective, Avoiding ambiguity, A picture is worth 1024 words, Glossary
team building, The analyst role on agile projects
change control board charter, CCB charter, Requirements management process assets
change control process, Basic concepts of the change control process
change impact analysis, Impact analysis procedure
defined, Glossary
functional requirements, Traceable
interface specification document, Architecture diagram
project risk documentation, Elements of risk management
reporting specifications, Report specification considerations
requirement patterns, Other likely reuse opportunities
software requirements specification (SRS), User interfaces and the SRS, Requirements development process assets
tips for using, Vision and scope document
use case, Use cases and user stories, Requirements development process assets
user story, Use cases and user stories
vision and scope document, Conflicting business requirements, Requirements development process assets
vision statement, 1.5 Vision statement
temporal events
defined, Event-response tables
event-response tables, Event-response tables
identifying, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
terminators, context diagrams., 3.2 Project priorities
(see also external entities)
terminology, good practices, Good practices: Knowledge, Reuse success factors
testability. (see verifiability)
acceptance criteria, Testing the requirements
creating validation tests, Prototyping requirements
dialog maps and, Testing the requirements
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
fit criteria, Exploring quality attributes
outsourced projects, Outsourced projects, Acceptance criteria
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
project planning and, Beyond requirements development, From requirements to tests
prototype evaluations, Prototype evaluation
requirements process improvement, Improving your requirements processes
requirements reuse and, Making requirements reusable
software requirements specification (SRS), Levels and types of requirements
tracing requirements to tests, Motivations for tracing requirements
troubleshooting issues, Specification issues
use cases and, Exploring use cases, Testing the requirements
use cases and functional requirements, Functional requirements only
use cases and user stories, Use cases and user stories
validating use cases, Exploring use cases
validation, good practices, Good practices: Requirements specification
verifiability requirements, Scalability
textual tags, requirement labeling, Sequence number
three-level scale, prioritization, Three-level scale
throwaway prototypes, Mock-ups and proofs of concept
throwaway prototypes., Good practices: Requirements analysis, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
time-based events. (see temporal events)
timeboxed development., Assessing the impact of scope changes
(see also agile development)
timeboxing discussions, workshops, Workshops
timing requirements, on embedded and other real-time systems, Interfaces
to be determined. (see TBD)
tools for requirements engineering
overview, Tools for requirements engineering
requirements development tools, Requirements development tools
requirements management tools, Modeling tools
selecting and using, RM tool capabilities
traceable requirements, Complete
tracing requirements
allocated requirements, System requirements, architecture, and allocation
defined, Glossary
levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
missing requirements, identifying, Assumed and implied requirements, Modeling the requirements, Selecting the right representations, Data flow diagram, Dialog map, Dialog map, Testing the requirements
motivations for, Motivations for tracing requirements, A requirements tracing procedure
overview, Links in the requirements chain
packaged solution projects, Developing user requirements, Evaluating solutions
procedure for, Tools for requirements tracing, Requirements management process assets
requirements management overview, Requirements management practices
requirements traceability matrix, Motivations for tracing requirements
tools for, The requirements traceability matrix
traceability data, Trace Data
traceability table, Motivations for tracing requirements
tracking changes, Requirements version control, Change control policy
tracking effort on requirements activities, Resolving requirements issues
tracking requirements status, Requirements management process, Tracking requirements status, Managing requirements on agile projects
training and skills development, Good practices: Requirements management, Essential analyst knowledge
transition requirements, Product vs. project requirements, Overlooked stakeholders, Encouraging new system adoption
analysis issues, Analysis issues
barriers to implementing solutions, Common signs of requirements problems
change management issues, Change management issues
communication issues, Planning issues
elicitation issues, Elicitation issues
overview, Requirements troubleshooting guide
planning issues, Process issues
process issues, Requirements troubleshooting guide
product issues, Process issues
requirements management issues, Validation issues
signs of requirements problems, Requirements troubleshooting guide
specification issues, Analysis issues
validation issues, Specification issues


UML diagrams, A few words about UML diagrams
understandability requirements. (see modifiability requirements)
Unified Modeling Language (UML), The use case approach, State-transition diagram and state table, A few words about UML diagrams, Architecture diagram, Glossary
usability., Handling quality attributes on agile projects
(see also quality attributes)
embedded systems, Quality attributes for embedded systems
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
prototype evaluations, Prototype evaluation
requirements, Security
SRS document, 5.1 User interfaces
usage scenarios, Use cases and usage scenarios
usage-centric strategy, Elicitation
use cases., Levels and types of requirements
(see also user requirements)
actors and roles, Use cases and user stories
benefits of, Use case traps to avoid
business rules and, Extend and include
chaining together, Extend and include
defined, Understanding user requirements, Glossary
diagrams, The use case approach
elements of, Use cases and usage scenarios
eliciting use cases, Identifying use cases
enhancement and replacement projects, Trace Data
extend and include relationships, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
functional requirements and, Validating use cases
identifying, Use cases and business rules
labeling conventions, Use cases and usage scenarios
normal flow, alternative flows, and exceptions, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
overview, Levels and types of requirements, Understanding user requirements
pre- and postconditions, Use cases and usage scenarios, Extend and include
sample document, Use Cases
setting priorities, Good practices: Requirements analysis
template for, Use cases and user stories, Use cases and usage scenarios, Requirements development process assets
testing and, Understanding user requirements, Use cases and user stories, Testing the requirements, Testing the requirements
traps to avoid, Functional requirements only
usage scenarios and, Use cases and usage scenarios
use case diagrams, The use case approach, A few words about UML diagrams, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Glossary
user stories and, Understanding user requirements, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
users and actors, Use cases and user stories
validating, Exploring use cases
user acceptance testing, From requirements to tests
user classes, defined., Glossary
(see also user analysis)
user documentation, requirements and, How requirements relate to other project processes
user goals. (see user requirements)
user interfaces
analyzing, good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
architecture diagrams, Architecture diagram
control descriptions, Selecting the right representations
customer input, Classifying customer input
design of, requirements and, Software design
dialog maps, Dialog map
embedded projects, Architecture diagram, Quality attributes for embedded systems
flow, Dialog map
interface specification document, Interfaces
mock-ups, Prototyping: What and why
models for, Selecting the right representations
prototypes, Good practices: Requirements analysis
real-time projects, Architecture diagram, Quality attributes for embedded systems
requirements analysis, User interface analysis
SRS and, Dealing with incompleteness, 5. External interface requirements
SRS document, sample, 4.4 Data Integrity, Retention, and Disposal
user interface analysis, User interface analysis
wireframe prototype, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes
user involvement in requirements, Finding the voice of the user
user requirements., Exploring use cases
(see also use cases; also user stories)
business analytics projects, Defining how information will be used
business process automation requirements, Using current processes to derive requirements
customer input, Classifying customer input
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Levels and types of requirements, Glossary
elicitation, good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
packaged solution projects, Packaged solution projects
requirement levels and types, Levels and types of requirements
requirements development, Elicitation
stakeholder analysis, Who is the customer?
techniques for identifying, overview, Understanding user requirements
user requirements document, Working with the three levels, Trace Data
user role. (see actor)
user stories., Exploring use cases
(see also use cases; also user requirements)
agile projects, 8. [Other requirements], Customer involvement, Change management on agile projects
defined, Use cases and user stories, Glossary
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system, Trace Data
epics and, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
features and, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
overview, Understanding user requirements, Epics, user stories, and features, oh my!
quality attributes, agile projects, Handling quality attributes on agile projects
setting and changing priorities, Good practices: Requirements analysis, Why prioritize requirements?, Change management on agile projects
use cases and, Understanding user requirements, Normal flows, alternative flows, and exceptions
user requirements, Levels and types of requirements
user task models, Selecting the right representations
user, defined, Glossary
users., Who is the customer?
(see also customers; also stakeholders)
agile projects and, User representation on agile projects
classifying users, Finding the voice of the user
conflicting requirements, resolution of, User representation on agile projects
customer comments, use in models, Modeling the requirements
enhancement and replacement projects, Requirements techniques when there is an existing system
importance of, Finding the voice of the user
product champions, Connecting with user representatives
SRS document, 2. Overall description
user classes, identifying, Identifying your user classes
user observations, Focus groups
user personas, Identifying your user classes
user representatives, User personas


V model of software development, Validating the requirements
validation, requirements., From requirements to tests
(see also testing)
acceptance criteria, Testing the requirements
business analyst role, The business analyst’s tasks
defect checklist for requirements reviews, Inspection stages
defined, Validation and verification, Glossary
good practices, Good practices for requirements engineering, Good practices: Requirements specification
inspections, Reviewing requirements
outsourced projects, Acceptance criteria
overview of, Validating the requirements
packaged solution projects, Defining quality requirements
peer reviews, Reviewing requirements
prototyping requirements, Prototyping requirements
requirements development, Product vs. project requirements, Specification, Good practices for requirements engineering
requirements review tips and challenges, Requirements review tips
requirements testing, Prototyping requirements
reviewing requirements, Reviewing requirements
risk factors, Requirements specification
testing requirements, Prototyping requirements
troubleshooting problems, Specification issues
use cases, Exploring use cases
verifiability requirements, Scalability
verifiable requirements, Prioritized
verification, defined, Validation and verification
verification, defined., Good practices: Requirements specification, Glossary
(see also validation)
version control
good practices, Good practices: Requirements validation
overview of, The requirements baseline
requirements management tools, Modeling tools
requirements management, overview, Requirements management practices
vertical prototype, Mock-ups and proofs of concept
vertical prototype., Prototyping success factors, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
vision and scope document
agile projects, Assessing the impact of scope changes
business context, 2.2 Scope of initial release
business requirements, Vision and scope document
defined, Levels and types of requirements, Conflicting business requirements, Glossary
deliverables, Working with the three levels
good practices, Good practices: Requirements analysis
overview, Conflicting business requirements
sample document, 1.1 Background
scope and limitations section, 1.5 Vision statement
template for, Conflicting business requirements, Requirements development process assets
vision statement, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
vision statement, 1.5 Vision statement, 1.4 Success Metrics
vision, product, Defining business requirements, Glossary
visual representations. (see models)
voice of the user, Finding the voice of the user, User personas, Connecting with user representatives
von Halle, Barbara, Documenting business rules


walkthrough, Reviewing requirements
waterfall development, defined, Limitations of the waterfall, Glossary
waterfall development, limitations of, Limitations of the waterfall
Weinberg, Gerald, Identifying your user classes
Wiegers, Karl, Defining business requirements, Selecting the right representations, Requirements review tips, Estimating requirements effort, Resolving requirements issues
wireframe, Throwaway and evolutionary prototypes
wireframe., Prototyping success factors, Glossary
(see also prototypes)
Withall, Stephen, Exploring quality attributes, Other likely reuse opportunities
work product, defined, Glossary
good practices, Good practices: Requirements elicitation
requirements elicitation, Interviews
writing requirements documents, Writing excellent requirements
writing style, requirements documentation, Traceable


Young, Ralph, The business analyst
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