Chapter 2

Tests on the Mean

This chapter contains statistical tests on the mean of a normal population. Frequent questions are if the mean equals a specific value (mostly the null) or if two populations have the same mean or differ by a specific value. Depending on the sampling strategy and on knowledge of the data generation process, the assumptions of known or unknown variances must be distinguished. In most situations the variance is unknown–probably the reason why neither SAS nor R provides procedures to calculate tests for the case of known variances. However, rare situations exist where the variance of the underlying Gaussian distribution is known. We provide some code that demonstrates how these–so-called z-tests–can be calculated. If the variance has to be estimated from the sample, the test statistic distribution changes from standard normal to Student's t-distribution. Here the degrees of freedom vary depending on the specific test problem, for example, in the two population case on whether the variances are assumed to be equal or not. SAS by the procedure proc ttest and R by the function t.test provided convenient ways to calculate these tests. For k-sample tests (F-test) please refer to Chapter 17 which covers ANOVA tests.

2.1 One-sample tests

In this section we deal with the question, if the mean of a normal population differs from a predefined value. Whether the variance of the underlying Gaussian distribution is known or not determines the use of the z-test or the t-test.

2.1.1 z-test

Description: Tests if a population mean c02-math-001 differs from a specific value c02-math-002.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Data are randomly sampled from a Gaussian distribution.
  • Standard deviation c02-math-0003 of the underlying Gaussian distribution is known.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0004 vs c02-math-0005
(B) c02-math-0006 vs c02-math-0007
(C) c02-math-0008 vs c02-math-0009
Test statistic: c02-math-0010
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0011 if for the observed value c02-math-0012 of c02-math-0013
(A) c02-math-0014 or c02-math-0015
(B) c02-math-0016
(C) c02-math-0017
p-value: (A) c02-math-0018
(B) c02-math-0019
(C) c02-math-0020
  • The test statistic c02-math-0021 follows a standard normal distribution.
  • c02-math-0022 is the c02-math-0023-quantile of the standard normal distribution.
  • The assumption of an underlying Gaussian distribution can be relaxed if the sample size is large. Usually a sample size c02-math-0024 or c02-math-0025 is considered to be large enough.

To test the hypothesis that the mean systolic blood pressure in a certain population equals 140 mmHg. The standard deviation has a known value of 20 and a data set of 55 patients is available (dataset in Table A.1).

SAS code
data blood_pressure;
 set c.blood_pressure;
* Calculate sample mean and total sample size;
proc means data=blood_pressure mean std;
 var mmhg;
 output out=ztest01 mean=meanvalue n=n_total;
* Calculate test-statistic and p-values;
data ztest02;
 set ztest01;
 format p_value_A p_value_B p_value_C pvalue.;
 mu0=140;    * Set mean value under the null hypothesis;
 sigma=20;   * Set known sigma;
* Output results;
proc print;
 var z p_value_A p_value_B p_value_C ;
SAS output
    z       p_value_A   p_value_B   p_value_C
 -3.70810   0.0002      0.9999      0.0001
  • There is no SAS procedure to calculate the one-sample z-test directly.
  • The above code also shows how to calculate the p-values for the one-sided tests (B) and (C).

R code
# Calculate sample mean and total sample size
# Set mean value under the null hypothesis
# Set known sigma
# Calculate test statistic and p-values
# Output results
R output
> z
[1] -3.708099
> p_value_A
[1] 0.0002088208
> p_value_B
[1] 0.9998956
> p_value_C
[1] 0.0001044104
  • There is no basic R function to calculate the one-sample z-test directly.
  • The above code also shows how to calculate the p-values for the one-sided tests (B) and (C).

2.1.2 t-test

Description: Tests if a population mean c02-math-0026 differs from a specific value c02-math-0027.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Data are randomly sampled from a Gaussian distribution.
  • Standard deviation c02-math-0028 of the underlying Gaussian distribution is unknown and estimated by the population standard deviation c02-math-0029.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0030 vs c02-math-0031
(B) c02-math-0032 vs c02-math-0033
(C) c02-math-0034 vs c02-math-0035
Test statistic: c02-math-0036
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0037 if for the observed value c02-math-0038 of c02-math-0039
(A) c02-math-0040 or c02-math-0041
(B) c02-math-0042
(C) c02-math-0043
p-value: (A) c02-math-0044
(B) c02-math-0045
(C) c02-math-0046
  • The test statistic c02-math-0047 is t-distributed with c02-math-0048 degrees of freedom.
  • c02-math-0049 is the c02-math-0050-quantile of the t-distribution with c02-math-0051 degrees of freedom.
  • The assumption of an underlying Gaussian distribution can be relaxed if the sample size is large. Usually a sample size c02-math-0052 is considered to be large enough.

To test the hypothesis that the mean systolic blood pressure in a certain population equals 140 mmHg. The dataset at hand has measurements on 55 patients (dataset in Table A.1).

SAS code
proc ttest data=blood_pressure ho=140 sides=2;
 var mmhg;
SAS output
   DF     t Value   Pr < t
   54      -3.87    0.0003
  • ho=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0053 to test against. Default is 0.
  • sides=value is optional and defines the type of alternative hypothesis: 2=two sided (A); U=true mean is greater (B); L=true mean is lower (C). Default is 2.

R code
R output
t = -3.8693, df = 54, p-value = 0.0002961
  • mu=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0054 to test against. Default is 0.
  • alternative=“value” is optional and defines the type of alternative hypothesis: “two.sided”= two sided (A); “greater”=true mean is greater (B); “less”=true mean is lower (C). Default is “two.sided”.

2.2 Two-sample tests

This section covers two-sample tests, to test if either the means of two populations differ from each other or if the mean difference of paired populations differ from a specific value.

2.2.1 Two-sample z-test

Description: Tests if two population means c02-math-0055 and c02-math-0056 differ less than, more than or by a value c02-math-0057.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Data are randomly sampled from two independent Gaussian distributions.
  • The standard deviations c02-math-0058 and c02-math-0059 of the underlying Gaussian distributions are known.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0060 vs c02-math-0061
(B) c02-math-0062 vs c02-math-0063
(C) c02-math-0064 vs c02-math-0065
Test statistic: c02-math-0066
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0067 if for the observed value c02-math-0068 of c02-math-0069
(A) c02-math-0070 or c02-math-0071
(B) c02-math-0072
(C) c02-math-0073
p-value: (A) c02-math-0074
(B) c02-math-0075
(C) c02-math-0076
  • The test statistic c02-math-0077 is a standard normal distribution.
  • c02-math-0078 is the c02-math-0079-quantile of the standard normal distribution.
  • The assumption of an underlying Gaussian distribution can be relaxed if the sample size is large. Usually sample sizes c02-math-0080 or c02-math-0081 for both distributions are considered to be large enough.

To test the hypothesis that the mean systolic blood pressures of healthy subjects (status=0) and subjects with hypertension (status=1) are equal (c02-math-0082) with known standard deviations of c02-math-0083 and c02-math-0084. The dataset contains c02-math-0085 subjects with status 0 and c02-math-0086 with status 1 (dataset in Table A.1).

SAS code
* Calculate the two means and sample sizes
proc means data=blood_pressure mean;
 var mmhg;
 by status;
 output out=ztest01 mean=meanvalue n=n_total;
* Output of the means in two different datasets;
data ztest02 ztest03;
 set ztest01;
 if status=0 then output ztest02;
 if status=1 then output ztest03;
* Rename mean and sample size of subjects
                                 with status=0;
data ztest02;
 set ztest02;
 rename meanvalue=mean_status0
* Rename mean and sample size of subjects
                                 with status=1;
data ztest03;
 set ztest03;
 rename meanvalue=mean_status1
* Calculate test statistic and two-sided p-value;
data ztest04;
 merge ztest02 ztest03;
 * Set difference to be tested;
 * Set standard deviation of sample with status 0;
 * Set standard deviation of sample with status 1;
 format p_value pvalue.;
 z= ((mean_status0-mean_status1)-d0)
      / sqrt(sigma0**2/n_status0+sigma1**2/n_status1);
* Output results;
proc print;
 var z p_value;
SAS output
    z       p_value
 -10.5557   <.0001
  • There is no SAS procedure to calculate the two-sample z-test directly.
  • The one-sided p-value for hypothesis (B) can be calculated with p_value_B=1-probnorm(z) and the p-value for hypothesis (C) with p_value_C=probnorm(z).

R code
# Set difference to be tested;
# Set standard deviation of sample with status 0
# Set standard deviation of sample with status 1
# Calculate the two means
# Calculate both sample sizes
# Calculate test statistic and two-sided p-value
# Output results
R output
> z
[1] -10.55572
> p_value
[1] 4.779482e-26
  • There is no basic R function to calculate the two-sample z-test directly.
  • The one-sided p-value for hypothesis (B) can be calculated with p_value_B=1-pnorm(z) and the p-value for hypothesis (C) with p_value_C=pnorm(z).

2.2.2 Two-sample pooled t-test

Description: Tests if two population means c02-math-0087 and c02-math-0088 differ less than, more than or by a value c02-math-0089.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Data are randomly sampled from two independent Gaussian distributions.
  • Standard deviations c02-math-0090 and c02-math-0091 of the underlying Gaussian distributions are unknown but equal and estimated through the pooled population standard deviation c02-math-0092.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0093 vs c02-math-0094
(B) c02-math-0095 vs c02-math-0096
(C) c02-math-0097 vs c02-math-0098
Test statistic: c02-math-0099
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0100 if for the observed value c02-math-0101 of c02-math-0102
(A) c02-math-0103 or c02-math-0104
(B) c02-math-0105
(C) c02-math-0106
p-value: (A) c02-math-0107
(B) c02-math-0108
(C) c02-math-0109
  • The test statistic c02-math-0110 is t-distributed with c02-math-0111 degrees of freedom.
  • c02-math-0112 is the c02-math-0113-quantile of the t-distribution with c02-math-0114 degrees of freedom.
  • The assumption of two underlying Gaussian distributions can be relaxed if the sample sizes of both samples are large. Usually sample sizes c02-math-0115 or c02-math-0116 for both distributions are considered to be large enough.

To test the hypothesis that the mean systolic blood pressures of healthy subjects (status=0) and subjects with hypertension (status=1) are equal, hence c02-math-0117. The dataset contains c02-math-0118 subjects with status 0 and c02-math-0119 with status 1 (dataset in Table A.1).

SAS code
proc ttest data=blood_pressure h0=0 sides=2;
 class status;
 var mmhg;
SAS output
 Method  Variances  DF  t Value  Pr> |t|
 Pooled    Equal    53  -10.47   <.0001
  • h0=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0120 to test against. Default is 0.
  • sides=value is optional and defines the type of alternative hypothesis: 2= two sided (A); U=true mean difference is greater (B); L=true mean difference is lower (C). Default is 2.

R code
R output
t = -10.4679, df = 53, p-value = 1.660e-14
  • mu=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0121 to test against. Default is 0.
  • alternative=“value” is optional and defines the type of alternative hypothesis: “two.sided”= two sided (A); “greater”=true mean difference is greater (B); “less”=true mean difference is lower (C). Default is “two.sided”.

2.2.3 Welch test

Description: Tests if two population means c02-math-0122 and c02-math-0123 differ less than, more than or by a value c02-math-0124.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale.
  • Data are randomly sampled from two independent Gaussian distributions.
  • Standard deviations c02-math-0125 and c02-math-0126 of the underlying Gaussian distributions are unknown and not necessarily equal; estimated through the population standard deviation of each sample.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0127 vs c02-math-0128
(B) c02-math-0129 vs c02-math-0130
(C) c02-math-0131 vs c02-math-0132
Test statistic: c02-math-0133
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0134 if for the observed value c02-math-0135 of c02-math-0136
(A) c02-math-0137 or c02-math-0138
(B) c02-math-0139
(C) c02-math-0140
p-value: (A) c02-math-0141
(B) c02-math-0142
(C) c02-math-0143
  • This test is also known as a two-sample t-test or Welch–Satterthwaite test
  • The test statistic c02-math-0144 approximately follows a t-distribution with c02-math-0145 degrees of freedom [Bernard Welch (1947) and Franklin Satterthwaite (1946) approximation].
  • c02-math-0146 is the c02-math-0147-quantile of the t-distribution with c02-math-0148 degrees of freedom.
  • William Cochran and Gertrude Cox (1950) proposed an alternative way to calculate critical values for the test statistic.
  • The assumption of two underlying Gaussian distributions can be relaxed if the sample sizes of both samples are large. Usually sample sizes c02-math-0149 or c02-math-0150 for both distributions are considered to be large enough.

To test the hypothesis that the mean systolic blood pressures of healthy subjects (status=0) and subjects with hypertension (status=1) are equal, hence c02-math-0151. The dataset contains c02-math-0152 subjects with status 0 and c02-math-0153 with status 1 (dataset in Table A.1).

SAS code
proc ttest data=blood_pressure h0=0 sides=2 cochran;
 class status;
 var mmhg;
SAS output
 Method         Variances  DF       t Value  Pr> |t|
 Satterthwaite  Unequal    50.886   -10.45   <.0001
 Cochran        Unequal      .      -10.45   0.0001
  • The optional command cochran forces SAS to calculate the p-value according to the Cochran and Cox approximation.
  • h0=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0154 to test against. Default is 0.
  • sides=value is optional and defines the type of alternative hypothesis: 2=two sided (A); U=true mean difference is greater (B); L=true mean difference is lower (C). Default is 2.

R code
R output
t = -10.4506, df = 50.886, p-value = 2.887e-14
  • mu=value is optional and defines the value c02-math-0155 to test against. Default is 0.
  • The option var.equal=FALSE enables the Welch test.
  • alternative=“value” is optional and indicates the type of alternative hypothesis: “two.sided”=two sided (A); “greater”=true mean difference is greater (B); “less”=true mean difference is lower (C). Default is “two.sided”.
  • By default R has no option to calculate the Cochran and Cox approximation.

2.2.4 Paired z-test

Description: Tests if the difference of two population means c02-math-0156 differs from a value c02-math-0157 in the case that observations are collected in pairs.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale and randomly sampled in pairs c02-math-0158.
  • c02-math-0159 follows a Gaussian distribution with mean c02-math-0160 and variance c02-math-0161. c02-math-0162 follows a Gaussian distribution with mean c02-math-0163 and variance c02-math-0164. The covariance of c02-math-0165 and c02-math-0166 is c02-math-0167.
  • The standard deviation c02-math-0168 of the differences c02-math-0169 is known.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0170 vs c02-math-0171
(B) c02-math-0172 vs c02-math-0173
(C) c02-math-0174 vs c02-math-0175
Test statistic: c02-math-0176
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0177 if for the observed value c02-math-0178 of c02-math-0179
(A) c02-math-0180 or c02-math-0181
(B) c02-math-0182
(C) c02-math-0183
p-value: (A) c02-math-0184
(B) c02-math-0185
(C) c02-math-0186
  • The test statistic c02-math-0187 follows a standard normal distribution.
  • c02-math-0188 is the c02-math-0189-quantile of the standard normal distribution.
  • The assumption of a Gaussian distribution can be relaxed if the distribution of the differences is symmetric.

To test if the mean intelligence quotient increases by 10 comparing before training (IQ1) and after training (IQ2) (dataset in Table A.2). It is known that the standard deviation of the difference is 1.40. Note: Because we are interested in a negative difference of means of c02-math-0190, we must test against c02-math-0191.

SAS code
* Calculate the difference of each observation;
data iq_diff;
 set iq;
* Calculate the mean and sample size;
proc means data=iq_diff mean;
 var diff;
 output out=ztest mean=mean_diff n=n_total;
* Calculate test statistic and two-sided p-value;
data ztest;
 set ztest;
 d0=-10;           * Set difference to test;
 sigma_diff= 1.40; * Set standard deviation;
 format p_value pvalue.;
 z= sqrt(n_total)*((mean_diff-d0)/sigma_diff);
* Output results;
proc print;
 var z p_value;
SAS output
    z        p_value
 -1.27775    0.2013
  • There is no SAS procedure to calculate this test directly.
  • The one-sided p-value for hypothesis (B) can be calculated with p_value_B=1-probnorm(z) and the p-value for hypothesis (C) with p_value_C=probnorm(z).

R code
# Set difference to test;
# Set standard deviation of the difference
# Calculate the mean of the difference
# Calculate the sample size
# Calculate test statistic and two-sided p-value
# Output results
R output
> z
[1] -1.277753
> p_value
[1] 0.2013365
  • There is no basic R function to calculate the two-sample z-test directly.
  • The one-sided p-value for hypothesis (B) can be calculated with p_value_B=1-pnorm(z) and the p-value for hypothesis (C) with p_value_C=pnorm(z).

2.2.5 Paired t-test

Description: Tests if the difference of two population means c02-math-0192 differs from a value c02-math-0193 in the case that observations are collected in pairs.
  • Data are measured on an interval or ratio scale and randomly sampled in pairs c02-math-0194.
  • c02-math-0195 follows a Gaussian distribution with mean c02-math-0196 and variance c02-math-0197. c02-math-0198 follows a Gaussian distribution with mean c02-math-0199 and variance c02-math-0200. The covariance of c02-math-0201 and c02-math-0202 is c02-math-0203.
  • The standard deviations are unknown. The standard deviation c02-math-0204 of the differences is estimated through the population standard deviation c02-math-0205 of the differences.
Hypotheses: (A) c02-math-0206 vs c02-math-0207
(B) c02-math-0208 vs c02-math-0209
(C) c02-math-0210 vs c02-math-0211
Test statistic: c02-math-0212
c02-math-0213 and c02-math-0214
Test decision: Reject c02-math-0215 if for the observed value c02-math-0216 of c02-math-0217
(A) c02-math-0218 or c02-math-0219
(B) c02-math-0220
(C) c02-math-0221
p-value: (A) c02-math-0222
(B) c02-math-0223
(C) c02-math-0224
  • The test statistic c02-math-0225 is t-distributed with c02-math-0226 degrees of freedom.
  • c02-math-0227 is the c02-math-0228-quantile of the t-distribution with c02-math-0229 degrees of freedom.
  • The assumption of a Gaussian distribution can be relaxed if the distribution of the differences is symmetric.

To test if the mean intelligence quotient increases by 10 comparing before training (IQ1) and after training (IQ2) (dataset in Table A.2). Note: Because we are interested in a negative difference of means of c02-math-0230, we must test against c02-math-0231.

SAS code
proc ttest data=iq h0=-10 sides=2;
 paired iq1*iq2;
SAS output
DF    t Value    Pr> |t|
19    -1.29      0.2141
  • The command paired forces SAS to calculate the paired t-test. Do not forget the asterisk between the variable names.
  • h0=value is optional and indicates the value c02-math-0232 to test against. Default is 0.
  • sides=value is optional and indicates the type of alternative hypothesis: 2=two sided (A); U=true mean is greater (B); L=true mean is lower (C). Default is 2.

R code
R output
t = -1.2854, df = 19, p-value = 0.2141
  • The command paired=TRUE forces R to calculate the paired t-test.
  • mu=value is optional and indicates the value c02-math-0233 to test against. Default is 0.
  • alternative=“value” is optional and indicates the type of alternative hypothesis: “two.sides”=two sided (A); “greater”=true mean is greater (B); “less”=true mean is lower (C). Default is “two.sided”.


Cochran W.G. and Cox G.M. 1950 Experimental Designs. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Satterthwaite F.E. 1946 An approximate distribution of estimates of variance components. Biometrics Bulletin 2, 110–114.

Welch B.L. 1947 The generalization of Student's problem when several different population variances are involved. Biometrika 34, 28–35.

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