

The significance level b03-math-0003 of a statistical test.


Distribution function of the standard normal distribution: b03-math-0006.


The b03-math-0010-quantile of the b03-math-0011-distribution with b03-math-0012 degrees of freedom (Table B.3 and Table B.4).


The b03-math-0016-quantile of the t-distribution with b03-math-0017 degrees of freedom (Table B.2).


The b03-math-0021-quantile of the standard normal distribution (Table B.1): b03-math-0022.


The absolute value of b03-math-0025.


The sample mean of a sample b03-math-0028: b03-math-0029.

Continuity correction

A continuity correction is often applied when approximating the cumulative probability function b03-math-0030 of a discrete random variable by the standard normal distribution function. Usually a correction factor of b03-math-0031 is used such that b03-math-0032.

Empirical distribution function (EDF)

Let b03-math-0033 be a descending ordered sample, then the EDF is defined as:



Distribution function of the F-distribution with b03-math-0037 and b03-math-0038 degrees of freedom.


The b03-math-0042-quantile of the F-distribution with b03-math-0043 and b03-math-0044 degrees of freedom (Tables B.5–B.7).


The null hypothesis of a test problem.


The alternative hypothesis of a test problem.


The sample size of a sample b03-math-0051.


Let b03-math-0052 be a sample. The ordered sample (from the lowest to the highest value) is b03-math-0053. Then b03-math-0054 of b03-math-0055 is the rank of the corresponding value b03-math-0056. For example, let b03-math-0057 be a sample of size 5, then the ordered sample is: b03-math-0058. The rank of the sample value 2 is 1, the rank of sample value 3 is 2, and the rank of sample value 9 is 5.


Let b03-math-0059 observations of random variable b03-math-0060 and b03-math-0061 observations of random variable b03-math-0062 be given. Assume that both samples are combined and (if at least ordinal) are arranged in increasing or time of occurrence order. A run is a group of successive observations generated from the same random variable. The same idea can be applied if the observations are coming from a binary random variable. For example, a coin is tossed 10 times; the result of these tosses are either (H)eads or (T)ails. The observed sequence is: HH T HH TTT H. This sequence has five runs, namely b03-math-0063, b03-math-0064, b03-math-0065, b03-math-0066, b03-math-0067.

Mid ranks

This is a way of dealing with tied values, which are identical values in an ordered sequence. The same rank is assigned to these values, namely the mean of their ranks. For example, let b03-math-0068 be a sample. It is unclear if the observations 1, 3, or 4 will get the ranks 2, 3, or 4. The arithmetic mean of the ranks of the tied values is b03-math-0069, so each value 4 will get the mid rank 3. The rank vector is b03-math-0070 while the sum of ranks is still 15.


The probability of observing a sample as discrepant with the null hypothesis b03-math-0071 as the observed sample under the null hypothesis.


If one or more observations in a sample have the same value they are called tied values.


Characteristic function: b03-math-0073

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