Chapter 4

Tests on proportions

In this chapter we present tests for the parameter of a binomial distribution. We first treat a test on the population proportion in the one-sample case. We further cover tests for the difference of two proportions using the pooled as well as the unpooled variances. The last test in this chapter deals with the equality of proportions for the multi-sample case. Not all tests are covered by a SAS procedure or R function. We give the appropriate sample code to perform all discussed tests.

4.1 One-sample tests

In this section we deal with the question, if a population proportion differs from a predefined value between 0 and 1.

4.1.1 Binomial test

Description: Tests if a population proportion c04-math-0001 differs from a value c04-math-0002.
  • Data are randomly sampled from a large population with two possible outcomes.
  • Let c04-math-0003 be denoted as “success” and c04-math-0004 as “failure”.
  • The parameter c04-math-0005 of interest is given by the proportion of successes in the population.
  • The number of successes c04-math-0006 in a random sample of size c04-math-0007 follows a binomial distribution c04-math-0008.
Hypothesis: (A) c04-math-0009 vs c04-math-0010
(B) c04-math-0011 vs c04-math-0012
(C) c04-math-0013 vs c04-math-0014
Test statistic: c04-math-0015
Test decision: Reject c04-math-0016 if for the observed value c04-math-0017 of c04-math-0018
(A) c04-math-0019 or c04-math-0020
(B) c04-math-0021
(C) c04-math-0022
p-value: (A) c04-math-0023
(B) c04-math-0024
(C) c04-math-0025
  • This is the large sample test. If the sample size is large [rule of thumb: c04-math-0026] the test statistic c04-math-0027 is approximately a standard normal distribution.
  • For small samples an exact test with c04-math-0028 as test statistic and critical regions based on the binomial distribution are used.

To test the hypothesis that the proportion of defective workpieces of a machine equals 50%. The available dataset contains c04-math-0029 observations (dataset in Table A.4).

SAS code
*** Version 1 ***;
* Only for hypothesis (A) and (C);
proc freq data=malfunction;
  tables malfunction / binomial(level='1' p=.5 correct);
  exact binomial;
*** Version 2 ***;
* For hypothesis (A), (B), and (C);
* Calculate the numbers of successes and failures;
proc sort data=malfunction;
 by malfunction;
proc summary data=malfunction n;
 var malfunction;
 by malfunction;
 output out=ptest01  n=n;
* Retrieve the number of successe and failures;
data ptest02 ptest03;;
 set ptest01;
 if malfunction=0 then output ptest02;
 if malfunction=1 then output ptest03;
* Rename number of failures;
data ptest02;
 set ptest02;
 rename n=failures;
 drop malfunction _TYPE_ _FREQ_;
* Rename number of successes;
data ptest03;
 set ptest03;
 rename n=successes;
 drop malfunction _TYPE_ _FREQ_;
* Calculate test statistic and p-values;
data ptest04;
  merge ptest02 ptest03;
  format test $20.;
 * Estimated Proportion;
 * Proportion to test;
 * Perform exact test;
 * Perform asymptotic test;
* Perform asymptotic test with continuity correction;
   test=“Asymptotic with correction”;
* Output results;
proc print;
  var test Z p_estimate p0 p_value_A p_value_B p_value_C;
SAS output
Version 1
    Test of H0: Proportion = 0.5
ASE under H0                 0.0791
Z                           -1.4230
One-sided Pr <  Z            0.0774
Two-sided Pr > |Z|           0.1547
Exact Test
One-sided Pr <=  P           0.0769
Two-sided = 2 * One-sided    0.1539
The asymptotic confidence limits and test
    include a continuity correction.
Version 2
test                  p_value_A   p_value_B  p_value_C
Exact                 0.15386     0.95965    0.076930
Asymptotic            0.11385     0.94308    0.056923
Asymptotic with corr  0.15473     0.92264    0.077364
  • PROC FREQ is the easiest way to perform the binomial test, but the procedure calculates p-values only for hypotheses (A) and (C).
  • level= indicates the variable level for successes.
  • p= specifies p0. The default is 0.5.
  • correct requests the asymptotic test with continuity correction. This yields a better approximation in some cases by subtracting 0.5 in the numerator if c04-math-0030 and adding 0.5 otherwise. Omitting this option will result in a test without continuity correction.
  • exact binomial forces SAS to perform the exact test as well.

R code
# Number of observations
# Number of successes
# Proportion to test
# Exact test
# Asymptotic test
R output
Exact binomial test
number of successes = 15, number of trials = 40,
                                  p-value = 0.1539
1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
X-squared = 2.025, df = 1, p-value = 0.1547
  • The function binom.test calculates the exact test and the function prop.test the asymptotic test.
  • The first parameter of both functions is for the number of successes, the second parameter for the number of trials and the third parameter for the proportion to test for.
  • alternative=“value” is optional and indicates the type of alternative hypothesis: “two.sided”= two sided (A); “greater”=true proportion is greater (B); “less”=true proportion is lower (C). Default is “two.sided”.
  • The asymptotic test provides an additional parameter. With “corrected=TRUE” the test with continuity correction is applied. This yields a better approximation in some cases. A Yates' continuity correction is applied, but only if c04-math-0031. The default value is “correct=FALSE”.
  • Because the test statistics of the one-sample proportion test and the c04-math-0032-test for one-way tables are equivalent, R uses the latter test.

4.2 Two-sample tests

In this section we deal with the question, if proportions of two independent populations differ from each other. We present two tests for this problem (Keller and Warrack 1997). In the first case the standard deviations of both distributions may differ from each other. In the second case equal but unknown standard deviations are assumed such that both samples can be pooled to obtain a better estimate of the standard deviation. Both presented tests are based on an asymptotic standard normal distribution.

4.2.1 z-test for the difference of two proportions (unpooled variances)

Description: Tests if two population proportions c04-math-0033 and c04-math-0034 differ by a specific value c04-math-0035.
  • Data are randomly sampled with two possible outcomes.
  • Let c04-math-0036 be denoted as “success” and c04-math-0037 as “failure”.
  • The parameters c04-math-0038 and c04-math-0039 are the proportions of success in the two populations.
  • Data are randomly sampled from two populations with sample sizes c04-math-0040 and c04-math-0041.
  • The number of successes c04-math-0042 in the c04-math-0043 sample follows a binomial distribution c04-math-0044, c04-math-0045.
Hypothesis: (A) c04-math-0046 vs c04-math-0047
(B) c04-math-0048 vs c04-math-0049
(C) c04-math-0050 vs c04-math-0051
Test statistic: c04-math-0052
where c04-math-0053 and c04-math-0054
Test decision: Reject c04-math-0055 if for the observed value c04-math-0056 of c04-math-0057
(A) c04-math-0058 or c04-math-0059
(B) c04-math-0060
(C) c04-math-0061
p-value: (A) c04-math-0062
(B) c04-math-0063
(C) c04-math-0064
  • This is a large sample test. If the sample size is large enough the test statistic c04-math-0065 is a standard normal distribution. As a rule of thumb c04-math-0066, c04-math-0067, c04-math-0068 and c04-math-0069 should all be c04-math-0070

To test the hypothesis that the proportion of defective workpieces of company A and company B differ by 10%. The dataset contains c04-math-0071 observations from company A and c04-math-0072 observations from company B (dataset in Table A.4).

SAS code
* Determining sample sizes and number of successes;
proc means data=malfunction n sum;
 var malfunction;
 by company;
 output out=prop1 n=n sum=success;
* Retrieve these results as two separate datasets;
data propA propB;
 set prop1;
 if company="A" then output propA;
 if company="B" then output propB;
* Relative frequencies of successes for company A;
data propA;
 set propA;
 keep n success p1;
 rename n=n1
* Relative frequencies of successes for company B;
data propB;
 set propB;
 keep n success p2;
 rename n=n2
* Merge datasets of company A and B;
data prop2;
 merge propA propB;
* Calculate test statistic and p-value;
data prop3;
 set prop2;
 format p_value pvalue.;
 p_diff=p1-p2; *Difference of proportions;
 d0=0.10;      *Difference to be tested;
 * Test statistic and p-values;
 z=(p_diff-d0)/sqrt((p1*(1-p1))/n1 + (p2*(1-p2))/n2);
proc print;
 var z p_value;
SAS output
   z        p_value
1.75142     0.0799
  • There is no SAS procedure to calculate this test directly.
  • The data do not fulfill the criteria to ensure that the test statistic c04-math-0073 is a Gaussian distribution, because c04-math-0074, therefore the p-value is questionable.

R code
# Number of observations for company A
# Number of successes for company A
                             & malfunction$malfunction==1])
# Number of observations for company B
# Number of successes for company B
                             & malfunction$malfunction==1])
# Proportions
# Difference of proportions
# Difference to test
# Test statistic and p-values
z=(p_diff-d0)/sqrt((p1*(1-p1))/n1 + (p2*(1-p2))/n2)
# Output results
R output
> z
[1] 1.751424
> p_value
[1] 0.07987297
  • There is no R function to calculate this test directly.
  • The data do not fulfill the criteria to ensure that the test statistic c04-math-0075 is a Gaussian distribution, because c04-math-0076, therefore the p-value is questionable.

4.2.2 z-test for the equality between two proportions (pooled variances)

Description: Tests if two population proportions c04-math-0077 and c04-math-0078 differ from each other.
  • Data are randomly sampled with two possible outcomes.
  • Let c04-math-0079 be denoted as “success” and c04-math-0080 as “failure”.
  • The parameters c04-math-0081 and c04-math-0082 are the proportions of success in the two populations.
  • Data are randomly sampled from two populations with sample sizes c04-math-0083 and c04-math-0084.
  • The number of successes c04-math-0085 in the c04-math-0086 sample follow a binomial distribution c04-math-0087, c04-math-0088.
Hypothesis: (A) c04-math-0089 vs c04-math-0090
(B) c04-math-0091 vs c04-math-0092
(C) c04-math-0093 vs c04-math-0094
Test statistic: c04-math-0095
where c04-math-0096 and c04-math-0097
Test decision: Reject c04-math-0098 if for the observed value c04-math-0099 of c04-math-0100
(A) c04-math-0101 or c04-math-0102
(B) c04-math-0103
(C) c04-math-0104
p-value: (A) c04-math-0105
(B) c04-math-0106
(C) c04-math-0107
  • This is a large sample test. If the sample size is large enough the test statistic c04-math-0108 is a standard normal distribution. As a rule of thumb following c04-math-0109, c04-math-0110, c04-math-0111 and c04-math-0112 should all be c04-math-0113
  • This test is equivalent to the c04-math-0114-test of a c04-math-0115 table, that is, c04-math-0116. The advantage of the c04-math-0117-test is that there exists an exact test for small samples, which calculates the p-values from the exact distribution. This test is the famous Fisher's exact test. More information is given in Chapter 14.

To test the hypothesis that the proportion of defective workpieces of company A and company B are equal. The dataset contains c04-math-0118 observations from company A and c04-math-0119 observations from company B (dataset in Table A.4).

SAS code
* Determining sample sizes and number of successes;
proc means data=malfunction n sum;
 var malfunction;
 by company;
 output out=prop1 n=n sum=success;
* Retrieve these results in two separate datasets;
data propA propB;
 set prop1;
 if company="A" then output propA;
 if company="B" then output propB;
* Relative frequencies of successes for company A;
data propA;
 set propA;
 keep n success p1;
 rename n=n1
* Relative frequencies of successes for company B;
data propB;
 set propB;
 keep n success p2;
 rename n=n2
* Merge datasets of company A and B;
data prop2;
 merge propA propB;
* Calculate test statistic and p-value;
data prop3;
 set prop2;
 format p_value pvalue.;
 * Test statistic and p-values;
proc print;
 var z p_value;
SAS output
   z       p_value
2.28619    0.0222
  • There is no SAS procedure to calculate this test directly.
  • The data do not fulfill the criteria to ensure that the test statistic c04-math-0120 is a Gaussian distribution, because c04-math-0121. In this case it is better to use Fisher's exact test, see Chapter 14.

R code
# Number of observations for company A
# Number of successes for company A
                        & malfunction$malfunction==1])
# Number of observations for company B
# Number of successes for company A
                       & malfunction$malfunction==1])
# Proportions
# Test statistic and p-value
# Output results
R output
> z
[1] 2.286190
> p_value
[1] 0.02224312
  • There is no R function to calculate this test directly.
  • The data do not fulfill the criteria to ensure that the test statistic c04-math-0122 is a Gaussian distribution, because c04-math-0123. In this case it is better to use Fisher's exact test, see Chapter 14.

4.3 c04-math-0124-sample tests

Next we present the population proportion equality test for c04-math-0125 samples [see Bain and Engelhardt (1991) for further details]. If we have c04-math-0126 independent binomial samples we can arrange them in a c04-math-0127table and take advantage of results on contingency tables. We concentrate on the c04-math-0128-test based on asymptotic results, although Fisher's exact test can be used as well. More details are given in Chapter 14.

4.3.1 c04-math-0129-sample binomial test

Description: Tests if c04-math-0130 population proportions, c04-math-0131, differ from each other.
  • Data are randomly sampled with two possible outcomes.
  • Let c04-math-0132 be denoted as “success” and c04-math-0133 as “failure”.
  • The parameters c04-math-0134 are the proportions of success in the c04-math-0135 populations, c04-math-0136.
  • Data are randomly sampled from the c04-math-0137 populations with sample sizes c04-math-0138, c04-math-0139.
  • The number of successes c04-math-0140 in the c04-math-0141th sample follow a binomial distribution c04-math-0142, c04-math-0143.
Hypothesis: c04-math-0144 vs c04-math-0145 for at least one c04-math-0146
Test statistic: c04-math-0147
where c04-math-0148, c04-math-0149,
c04-math-0150, c04-math-0151, c04-math-0152, c04-math-0153.
Test decision: Reject c04-math-0154 if for the observed value c04-math-0155 of c04-math-0156
p-value: c04-math-0158
  • The test statistic c04-math-0159 is c04-math-0160-distributed.
  • c04-math-0161 is the (1-c04-math-0162)-quantile of the c04-math-0163-distribution with c04-math-0164 degrees of freedom.
  • If not all expected absolute frequencies c04-math-0165 are larger or equal to c04-math-0166, use Fisher's exact test (see Test 14.1.1).

The proportions of male carp in three ponds are tested for equality. The observed relative frequency of male carp in pond one is 10/19, in pond two 12/20, and in pond three 14/21.

SAS code
data counts;
input r c counts;
1 1 10
1 0  9
2 1 12
2 0  8
3 1 14
3 0  7
proc freq;
 tables r*c /chisq;
 weight counts;
SAS output
Statistic      DF     Value     Prob
Chi-Square     2      0.8187    0.6641
  • The data step constructs a c04-math-0167 contingency, with r for rows (ponds 1 to 3) and c for columns (1 for male and 0 for female carp). The variable counts includes the counts for each combination between ponds and sex. In proc freq these counts can be passed by using the weight statement.
  • With proc freq it is also possible to use raw data instead of a predefined contingency table to perform these tests. In this case there must be one variable for the ponds and one for the sex and one row for each carp. Use the same SAS statement but omit the weight command.
  • Because the null hypothesis is rejected if c04-math-0168, the p-value must be calculated as 1-pchisq(0.8187,2).

R code
x1 <- matrix(c(10, 12, 14, 9, 8, 7), ncol = 2)
R output
X-squared = 0.8187, df = 2, p-value = 0.6641
  • The matrix command constructs a matrix c04-math-0169 with the ponds in the columns and the male carp population in the first row and the female carp population the second row. This matrix can then be passed on to the chisq.test function.
  • Because the null hypothesis is rejected if c04-math-0170, the p-value must be calculated as 1-pchisq(0.8187,2).


Bain L.J. and Engelhardt M. 1991 Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 1st edn. Duxbury Press.

Keller G. and Warrack B. 1997 Statistics for Management and Economics, 4th edn. Duxbury Press.

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