A.5 The essential supremum of a family of random variables

In this section, we discuss the essential supremum of an arbitrary family Φ of random variables on a given probability space (Ω,F, P). Consider first the case in which the set Φ is countable. Then φ(ω) := supφφ(ω) will also be a random variable, Φ i.e., φ is measurable. Measurability of the pointwise supremum, however, is not guaranteed if Φ is uncountable. Even if the pointwise supremum is measurable, it may not be the right concept, when we focus on almost sure properties. This can be illustrated by taking P as the Lebesgue measure on Ω := [0, 1] and Φ := {{x} | 0 x 1}. Then supφΦ φ(x) 1 whereas φ = 0 P-a.s. for each single φ Φ. This suggests the following notion of an essential supremum defined in terms of almost sure inequalities.

Theorem A.37. Let Φ be any set of random variables on (Ω,F, P).

(a) There exists a random variable φ with the following two properties.

(i) φ φ P-a.s. for all φ Φ.

(ii) φ ψ P-a.s. for every random variable ψ satisfying ψ φ P-a.s. for all φ Φ.

(b) Suppose in addition that Φ is directed upward, i.e., for φ, Φ there exists ψ Φ with ψ φ . Then there exists an increasing sequence φ1 φ2 · · · in Φ such that φ = limn φn P-almost surely.

Definition A.38. The random variable φ in Theorem A.37 is called the essential supremum of Φ with respect to P, and we write

The essential infimum of Φ with respect to P is defined as

Proof of Theorem A.37. Without loss of generality, we may assume that each φ Φ takes values in [0, 1]; otherwise we may consider := {f ◦ φ | φ Φ} with f : [0, 1] strictly increasing.

If Ψ Φ is countable, let φΨ(ω) := supφΨ φ(ω). Then φΨ is measurable. We claim that the upper bound

c := sup{E[ φΨ ]| Ψ Φ countable}

is attained by some countable Ψ Φ. To see this, take Ψn with E[ φΨn ] c and let Then Ψ is countable and E[ φΨ ] = c.

We now show that φ := φΨ satisfies (i). Suppose that (i) does not hold. Then there exists φ Φ such that P[ φ > φ] > 0. Hence Ψʹ := Ψ {φ} satisfies

E[ φΨ] > E[ φΨ ] = c,

in contradiction to the definition of c. Furthermore, if ψ is any other random variable satisfying ψ φ P-a.s. for all φ Φ, then obviously ψ φ.

Finally, the construction shows that φΨ can be approximated by an increasing sequence if Ψ is directed upwards.

Remark A.39. For a given random variable X let Φ be the set of all constants c such that P[ X > c ] > 0. The number

ess sup X := sup Φ

is the smallest constant c + such that X c P-a.s. and called the essential supre-mum of X with respect to P. The essential infimum of X is defined as

ess inf X := ess sup(X).

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