
absolute risk aversion 1

absolutely continuous measure 1

acceptance set 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

for conditional risk measure 1

one-step 1

act 1

adapted process 1

admissible strategy 1, 2

affine hull of a convex set 1

affine numerical representation 1

Allais paradox 1, 2

American claim

arbitrage-free price of 1, 2

attainable 1

hedging strategy 1

American option 1

call 1

put 1, 2

arbitrage bounds 1

arbitrage opportunity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

arbitrage-free price

of a contingent claim 1

of a European claim 1

of American claim 1

of an American claim 1

universal bounds 1, 2

Archimedean axiom 1, 2

ArrowDebreu equilibrium 1

and interest rate 1

w.r.t. general utility functionals 1

ArrowPratt coefficient 1

Asian option 1, 2

asymmetric relation 1

at-the-money option 1

atom of a probability space 1, 2, 3

atomless probability space 1, 2


American claim 1

European claim 1

payoff 1


price option 1

strike option 1

Average Value at Risk 1

comonotonicity 1, 2

sensitivity 1

time-inconsistency 1

backwards martingale 1

balayage order 1, 2, 3

Banach space 1

BanachAlaoglu theorem 1

barrier option 1, 2

BlackScholes price of 1

down-and-in put 1

up-and-in call 1, 2

up-and-out call 1, 2, 3

barycenter of a measure 1

basket option 1, 2

Bermuda option 1

Bernoulli, Daniel 1, 2

Bernoulli, Nicholas 1

binomial model 1, 2, 3

BlackScholes formula 1, 2

BlackScholes p.d.e. 1, 2

BlackScholes price 1

of a European call option 1, 2

BolzanoWeierstraß theorem

randomized version 1

boundedly supported measures 1

Brownian motion 1

butterfly spread 1

call option 1, 2, 3

American 1, 2

Asian 1

Bermuda 1

BlackScholes price 1, 2

European 1, 2, 3, 4

universal bounds on price 1

with barrier 1, 2

call-put parity 1

cap 1

CARA utility 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

cash additivity 1

cash invariance 1, 2

conditional 1

catastrophe bond 1

central limit theorem 1, 2

functional 1

multiplicative 1

certainty equivalent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

as reservation price 1

as risk measure 1

cash-invariant 1

quasi-convex 1

relative 1

translation property 1

certainty independence 1

weak 1

Choquet boundary 1

Choquet integral 1, 2, 3, 4

coherent conditional risk measure 1

coherent measure of risk 1

and superhedging 1

representation theorem 1, 2

coherent monetary utility functional 1

coherent risk measure 1, 2

conditional 1, 2

dynamic 1

dynamically consistent 1

representation theorem 1

time-consistent 1

comonotone random variables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


functional 1

independence 1, 2

risk measure 1


market 1, 2

relation 1

compound lottery 1

concave distortion 1, 2

concave function 1

proper 1

concave monetary utility functional 1

concave stochastic order 1

conditional Average Value at Risk

time-inconsistency 1

conditional cash invariance 1

conditional coherent risk measure 1

conditional convexity 1

conditional covariance 1

conditional entropic risk measure 1

conditional expectation 1, 2

conditional mean-standard deviation risk measure 1

conditional relative entropy 1

conditional risk measure

coherent 1

relevant 1

representation 1

sensitive 1

time consistent 1

Conditional Value at Risk 1

conditional Value at Risk 1

time-inconsistency 1

conditional variance 1, 2

conjugate function 1, 2, 3

of a convex risk measure 1, 2

connected topological space 1

constant absolute risk aversion 1, 2

constant relative risk aversion 1

contingent claim 1

American 1

arbitrage-free price of 1

attainable 1

European 1

redundant 1

replicable 1

continuation region 1

continuity axiom 1, 2

continuity from above 1, 2, 3, 4

continuity from below 1, 2, 3, 4

convex combination 1

convex function 1

duality theory 1

proper 1

convex hull 1

convex measure of risk 1

continuous from above 1, 2

continuous from below 1, 2

in financial market 1, 2, 3

law-invariant 1

penalty function for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

relevant 1

representation theorem 1, 2

sensitive 1, 2

tight 1

convex risk measure 1, 2

conditional 1

representation theorem 1

convex set 1

convex stochastic order 1, 2, 3


conditional 1

core of a set function 1

cost of superhedging 1

cost process 1

countably convex set 1, 2

Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model 1, 2, 3

CRR model 1, 2, 3

CRRA utility 1

declining a favorable bet 1

Delta hedging 1, 2, 3

Delta of a call option 1

density function 1

density process 1, 2

derivative 1

derivative securities 1, 2, 3

digital option 1, 2

Dinis lemma 1

Dirac measure 1

discount certificate 1

discounted American claim 1

discounted claim 1

discounting 1, 2

distortion function 1

distortion of a probability measure 1


log-normal 1, 2

normal 1

Poisson 1

distribution function 1

and stochastic dominance 1

and stochastic order 1

modified 1

divergence 1, 2

divergence risk measure 1

sensitivity 1

divergence risk measures 1

diversification 1

DoléansDade exponential 1

Donskers invariance principle 1

Doob decomposition 1, 2, 3

uniform 1, 2

Doobs stopping theorem 1, 2

Doobs systems theorem 1

down-and-in option 1, 2, 3

down-and-out option 1

dual space 1

duality theory of convex functions 1

DunfordPettis theorem 1

dynamic coherent risk measure 1

dynamic consistency of a risk measure 1

dynamic risk measure

relevant 1

sensitive 1

time consistent 1

weak time consistency 1

dynamically consistent 1

early exercise premium 1

EberleinŠmulian theorem 1

effective domain of a convex function 1

efficient market hypothesis 1

Ellsberg paradox 1

enlagement of filtration 1

entropic risk measure 1, 2, 3, 4

conditional 1

sensitivity 1

entropy of a measure 1

entropy-minimizing risk-neutral measure 1, 2

equivalent martingale measure 1, 2

equivalent measure 1

Esscher transform 1

essential infimum 1

of a random variable 1

essential supremum 1

Euclidean inner product 1

Euclidean norm 1

European call option 1, 2, 3

BlackScholes price 1, 2

efficient hedging of 1

intrinsic value of 1

time value of 1

European contingent claim 1

arbitrage-free price 1

attainable 1, 2

redundant 1

replicable 1

European put option 1

exercise strategy for American claim 1

Expected Shortfall 1

expected shortfall 1, 2

expected utility representation 1

expectile 1

expiration date of a contingent claim 1

exponential family 1

exponential utility function 1, 2, 3

extreme point 1

of comonotonic convex risk measures 1

fair premium 1

fair price 1

Fatou property 1, 2, 3

on Lp 1

favorable bet 1

feasible allocation 1

FenchelLegendre transform 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

of a convex risk measure 1, 2

filtered probability space 1

filtration 1

enlargement of 1

financial position 1

finitely additive set function 1, 2, 3

first-order stochastic dominance 1, 2

fork convex sets 1

forward contract 1, 2

forward starting option 1

Fréchet bounds 1

FTAP 1, 2

second 1, 2

under portfolio constraints 1

with contingent initial data 1


concave 1

convex 1

fundamental theorem of asset pricing

for multi-period market 1

geometric form 1

in one period 1

second 1, 2

under portfolio constraints 1

with contingent initial data 1

without a priori measure 1

g-divergence 1, 2, 3

gains process 1, 2

Gamma of a call option 1

gauge function 1, 2, 3

generalized likelihood quotient test 1

generalized trading strategy 1

mean self-financing 1

geometric Brownian motion 1

Gini coefficient 1

Ginis mean difference 1

Girsanov formula 1

global quadratic risk 1

Greeks 1

and BlackScholes equation 1

Delta 1

Gamma 1

Rho 1

Theta 1

Vanna 1

Vega 1

Volga 1

Vomma 1

HahnBanach theorem 1

HalmosSavage theorem 1

HARA utility 1, 2, 3, 4

HardyLittlewood inequality 1, 2

Hausdorff space 1

hedging strategy for American claim 1

HoeffdingFréchet bounds 1

hyperbolic absolute risk aversion 1

in-the-money option 1

Inada conditions 1

independence axiom 1, 2, 3, 4

on 1

indifference relation 1


HardyLittlewood 1, 2

inf-convolution of two risk measures 1

inner product

Euclidean 1

insider information 1

insurance 1, 2, 3

interest rate 1

intrinsic value 1, 2

inverse function 1

left-continuous 1

right-continuous 1

Itô integral 1

Itôs formula 1

Knightian uncertainty 1, 2, 3

knock-in option 1, 2

knock-out option 1, 2

Kolmogorovs law of large numbers 1, 2, 3

KreinŠmulian theorem 1

KrepsYan theorem 1, 2

KunitaWatanabe decomposition 1

λ-efficient allocation 1

λ-quantile 1, 2

L2-admissible strategy 1

law of large numbers 1, 2, 3

law of one price 1, 2

least favorable measure 1

and hypothesis testing 1

Lebesgue decomposition 1

Lebesgue property 1, 2, 3

left-continuous inverse 1

Legendre transform 1

leverage effect 1, 2

lexicographical order 1

likelihood quotient test 1

liquid option 1

local martingale 1

local risk process 1

locally convex space 1

locally risk-minimizing strategy 1

locally riskless bond 1

log-normal distribution 1, 2

change of measure 1

lookback call 1

lookback option 1, 2

lookback put 1

loss function 1, 2

lottery 1, 2

variance of 1

lower quantile function 1

lower Snell envelope 1, 2

m-stable sets 1

market clearing condition 1

market portfolio 1

Markov property 1

martingale 1, 2

backwards 1

convergence theorem 1

local 1

of successive densities 1, 2

reversed 1

strongly orthogonal 1

martingale measure 1, 2, 3

as extension of a pricing rule 1

minimal 1

martingale representation property 1

maturity of a contingent claim 1



mean self-financing strategy 1

mean-preserving spread 1, 2, 3

mean-standard deviation risk measure 1, 2

conditional 1

mean-variance trade-off process 1, 2


absolutely continuous 1

entropy of 1

equivalent 1

simple 1, 2

support of 1

measure of risk

acceptance set of 1

cash invariant 1

coherent 1, 2

comonotonic 1

continuous from above 1, 2

continuous from below 1

convex 1

in financial market 1, 2, 3

monetary 1

monotone 1

normalized 1

penalty function for 1

positive homogeneous 1

relevant 1

representation theorem 1

sensitive 1, 2

subadditive 1

translation invariant 1

metric space 1

minimal martingale measure 1

Minkowskis separating hyperplane theorem 1



mixture space 1

model uncertainty 1

modified distribution function 1

moment generating function 1

monetary conditional risk measure 1

monetary measure of risk 1

monetary risk measure 1

monetary utility functional

coherent 1

concave 1

monotone preference relation

on assets 1

on distributions 1

monotone set function 1

negative part 1

negative transitive relation 1

NeymanPearson lemma 1, 2, 3

generalized 1

nonredundance condition 1, 2


Euclidean 1

normal distribution 1, 2, 3, 4

normalized set function 1

numéraire 1, 2, 3

change of 1, 2

numerical representation 1, 2

affine 1

of robust Savage form 1

of Savage form 1, 2

of von NeumannMorgenstern form 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

optimal stopping problem 1

continuation region 1

stopping region 1

option 1

BlackScholes price 1

optional decomposition 1

theorem 1

under constraints 1

optional sampling theorem 1, 2

order dense set 1

orthogonal decomposition

of a contingent claim 1

out-of-the-money option 1

ψ-weak topology 1, 2, 3

P&L 1


Allais 1, 2

Ellsberg 1

St. Petersburg 1

partial order 1

pasting of two probability measures 1, 2, 3

penalty function 1, 2, 3

one-step 1

Poisson distribution 1, 2

Polish space 1

portfolio 1

portfolio insurance 1

portmanteau theorem 1

positive affine transformations 1

power of a statistical test 1, 2

predictable process 1

predictable representation property 1

predictably convex set 1

preference order 1

preference relation 1

asymmetry of 1

continuous 1

continuous from above 1

continuous from below 1

lexicographical 1

monotone 1, 2

negative transitivity of 1

numerical representation of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

random 1

risk averse 1

weak 1

price density 1

price system 1

pricing measure 1

probability measure

absolutely continuous 1

equivalent 1

Prohorovs theorem 1

for ψ-weak topology 1

proper concave function 1

proper convex function 1

put option 1

American 1

Asian 1

European 1, 2

universal bounds on price 1

with barrier 1

put-call parity 1, 2

Q-martingale 1

Q-submartingale 1

Q-supermartingale 1

QS-Snell envelope

upper 1

quadratic risk

global 1

local 1

remaining 1

quantile 1

quantile function 1, 2

and stochastic order 1

for nonadditive set functions 1

quantile hedging 1

quasi-convexity 1

Radon measure 1


derivative 1

theorem 1

random walk 1

randomized statistical test 1, 2, 3, 4

recursiveness 1

reference portfolio 1

reflection principle 1

regular conditional distribution 1, 2


antisymmetric 1

asymmetric 1

complete 1

equivalence 1

indifference 1

negative transitive 1

reflexive 1

transitive 1, 2

relative entropy 1, 2, 3

conditional 1

relative interior of a convex set 1

relative risk aversion 1

relevant risk measure 1, 2

remaining conditional risk 1


portfolio 1

strategy 1

representation theorem for risk measures 1

on L 1

reservation price 1

return 1

reverse convertible bond 1

reversed martingale 1

Rho of a call option 1

right-continuous inverse 1

risk 1

risk aversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

absolute 1

relative 1

risk measure 1

acceptance set of 1

cash invariant 1

coherent 1, 2

comonotonic 1

conditional 1, 2

continuous from above 1, 2

continuous from below 1, 2

convex 1, 2

dynamic 1

dynamically consistent 1

entropic 1, 2, 3, 4

in financial market 1, 2, 3

monetary 1

monotone 1

normalized 1

penalty function for 1

positive homogeneous 1

relevant 1, 2

representation theorem 1

sensitive 1, 2, 3

subadditive 1

tight 1

time-consistent 1

translation invariant 1

risk neutrality 1

risk premium 1

risk transfer 1

risk-neutral measure 1, 2

entropy-minimizing 1, 2

robust representation

of conditional risk measure 1

robust Savage representation 1, 2, 3

robust shortfall risk 1

running maximum 1, 2

Savage representation 1, 2

robust 1, 2, 3

second fundamental theorem of asset pricing 1, 2

second-order stochastic dominance 1, 2, 3, 4

self-financing strategy 1

in continuous time 1

sensitive risk measure 1, 2, 3

separable metric space 1

separating hyperplane theorem 1

separation theorems 1


convex 1

set function

core of 1

finitely additive 1, 2, 3

monotone 1, 2

normalized 1, 2

strongly additive 1

strongly subadditive 1, 2, 3

submodular 1, 2, 3, 4

Sharpe ratio 1

short sales 1

constraints 1, 2

shortfall 1

shortfall risk 1, 2

robust 1

significance level of a statistical test 1, 2

simple measure 1, 2

simple probability distribution 1

size of a statistical test 1

Snell envelope 1, 2, 3

lower 1

upper 1, 2, 3, 4

upper QS- 1

space of reference portfolios 1

St. Petersburg paradox 1

stability under pasting 1

stable set of measures 1, 2

stable subspace of H 2 1

standard normal distribution 1

statistical test 1

for composite hypothesis 1, 2

randomized 1, 2, 3

stochastic differential equation 1

stochastic dominance 1

first order 1, 2

second order 1, 2, 3

stochastic kernel 1, 2

stochastic order

concave 1, 2

convex 1, 2

monotone 1, 2

stochastic process 1

adapted 1

predictable 1

Stone vector lattice 1

stop-loss contract 1

stopping region 1

stopping theorem 1, 2

stopping time 1

straddle 1


L2-admissible 1

locally risk-minimizing 1

mean self-financing 1

self-financing 1

self-financing in continuous time 1

stress test measures 1

strike price 1, 2

strong law of large numbers 1, 2, 3

strong orthogonality 1

strongly additive set function 1

strongly subadditive set function 1, 2, 3

submartingale 1

local 1

submodular 1

submodular set function 1, 2, 3

substitution axiom 1

success ratio 1

success set 1

superhedging 1, 2

duality 1, 2, 3

strategy 1, 2

supermartingale 1

local 1

superreplication strategy 1, 2

support of a measure 1

supremum norm 1

systems theorem 1


Doobs systems theorem 1

DunfordPettis 1

EberleinŠmulian 1

HahnBanach 1

HalmosSavage 1

KreinŠmulian 1

KrepsYan 1, 2

optional decomposition 1

optional sampling 1

portmanteau 1

RadonNikodym 1

randomized BolzanoWeierstraß 1

separating hyperplane 1

separation 1

stopping 1, 2

superhedging duality 1

Theta of a call option 1


of a set of measures 1

of risk measure 1

time consistency 1

weak 1

time consistency of a risk measure 1

time value 1, 2

of a European call option 1

topological space

connected 1

Hausdorff 1

topological vector space 1

locally convex 1


weak 1

weak 1

total variation 1, 2

trading strategy 1

L2-admissible 1

generalized 1

replicating 1

self-financing 1

transitive relation 1

translation invariance 1

translation property 1

of certainty equivalent 1

type 2 error 1

type 1 error 2

uncertainty 1

uncertainty aversion 1

underlying 1

uniform Doob decomposition 1

under constraints 1

universal arbitrage bounds 1, 2

up-and-in call 1

up-and-in option 1, 2

BlackScholes price of 1

up-and-out call 1, 2

up-and-out option 1, 2, 3

upper QS-Snell envelope 1

characterization of 1

upper hedging price 1

upper quantile function 1

upper Snell envelope 1, 2

characterization of 1

optional decomposition of 1

utility function 1, 2, 3

CARA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11


decreasingly risk averse 1

exponential 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

HARA 1, 2, 3

random 1, 2

utility-based shortfall risk measure 1, 2

Value at Risk 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

comonotonicity 1

conditional 1

time-inconsistency 1

value process 1

Vanna of a call option 1

variance 1

conditional 1

variance-optimal strategy 1

vector lattice 1

Vega of a call option 1

volatility 1, 2

Volga of a call option 1

Vomma of a call option 1

von NeumannMorgenstern representation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

weak certainty independence 1

weak information 1

weak preference order 1

weak time consistency 1

weak topology

on a Banach space 1

on a locally convex space 1

weak topology for measures 1

weak topology 1

weakly compact set 1

Wiener measure 1

Wiener process 1

worst conditional expectation 1, 2

worst-case risk measure 1

on L 1, 2

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