5.3European contingent claims

A key topic of mathematical finance is the analysis of derivative securities or contingent claims, i.e., of certain assets whose payoff depends on the behavior of the primary assets S0, S1, . . . , Sd and, in some cases, also on other factors.

Definition 5.19. A nonnegative random variable C on (Ω,FT , P) is called a European contingent claim. A European contingent claim C is called a derivative of the underlying assets S0, S1, . . . , Sd if C is measurable with respect to the σ-algebra generated by the price process (St)t=0,...,T.

A European contingent claim has the interpretation of an asset which yields at time T the amount C(ω), depending on the scenario ω of the market evolution. T is called the expiration date or the maturity of C. Of course, maturities prior to the final trading period T of our model are also possible, but unless it is otherwise mentioned, we will assume that our European contingent claims expire at T. In Chapter 6, we will meet another class of derivative securities, the so-called American contingent claims. As long as there is no risk of confusion between European and American contingent claims, we will use the term contingent claim to refer to a European contingent claim.

Example 5.20. The owner of a European call option has the right, but not the obligation, to buy an asset at time T for a fixed price K, called the strike price. This corresponds to a contingent claim of the form

Conversely, a European put option gives the right, but not the obligation, to sell the asset at time T for a strike price K. This corresponds to the contingent claim

Example 5.21. The payoff of an Asian option depends on the average price

of the underlying asset during a predetermined set of periods {0, . . . , T}. For instance, an average price call with strike K corresponds to the contingent claim

and an average price put has the payoff

Average price options can be used, for instance, to secure regular cash streams against exchange rate fluctuations. For example, assume that an economic agent receives at each time t a fixed amount of a foreign currency with exchange rates In this case, an average price put option may be an efficient instrument for securing the incoming cash stream against the risk of unfavorable exchange rates.

An average strike call corresponds to the contingent claim

while an average strike put pays off the amount

An average strike put can be used, for example, to secure the risk from selling at time T a quantity of an asset which was bought at successive times over the period .

Example 5.22. The payoff of a barrier option depends on whether the price of the underlying asset reaches a certain level before maturity. Most barrier options are either knock-out or knock-in options. A knock-in option pays off only if the barrier B is reached. The simplest example is a digital option

which has a unit payoff if the price process reaches a given upper barrier Another example is the down-and-in put with strike price K and lower barrierwhich pays off

A knock-out barrier option has a zero payoff once the price of the underlying asset reaches the predetermined barrier. For instance, an up-and-out call corresponds to the contingent claim

see Figure 5.1. Down-and-out and up-and-in options are defined analogously.

Example 5.23. Using a lookback option, one can trade the underlying asset at the maximal or minimal price that occurred during the life of the option. A lookback call has the payoff

while a lookback put corresponds to the contingent claim

Figure 5.1: In one scenario, the payoff of the up-and-out call becomes zero because the stock price hits the barrier B before time T. In the other scenario, the payoff is given by (ST K)+.

The discounted value of a contingent claim C when using the numéraire S0 is given by

We will call H the discounted European claim or just the discounted claim associated with C. In the remainder of this text, H will be the generic notation for the discounted payoff of any type of contingent claim.

The reader may wonder why we work simultaneously with the notions of a contingent claim and a discounted claim. From a purely mathematical point of view, there would be no loss of generality in assuming that the numéraire asset is identically equal to one. In fact, the entire theory to be developed in Part II can be seen as a discrete-time stochastic analysis for the d-dimensional process X = (X1, . . . , Xd) and its stochastic integrals

of predictable d-dimensional processes ξ. However, some of the economic intuition would be lost if we limited the discussion to this level. For instance, we have already seen the economic relevance of the particular choice of the numéraire, even though this choice may be irrelevant from the mathematicians point of view. As a compromise between the mathematicians preference for conciseness and the economists concern for keeping track explicitly of economically relevant quantities, we develop the mathematics on the level of discounted prices, but we will continue to discuss definitions and results in terms of undiscounted prices whenever it seems appropriate.

From now on, we will assume that our market model is arbitrage-free or, equivalently, that

Definition 5.24. A contingent claim C is called attainable (replicable, redundant ) if there exists a self-financing trading strategy whose terminal portfolio value coincides with C, i.e.,

Such a trading strategy is called a replicating strategy for C.

Clearly, a contingent claim C is attainable if and only if the corresponding discounted claim is of the form

for a self-financing trading strategy = (ξ0, ξ) with value process V. In this case, we will say that the discounted claim H is attainable, and we will call a replicating strategy for H. The following theorem yields the surprising result that an attainable discounted claim is automatically integrable with respect to every equivalent martingale measure. Note, however, that integrability may not hold for an attainable contingent claim prior to discounting.

Theorem 5.25. Any attainable discounted claim H is integrable with respect to each equivalent martingale measure, i.e.,

Moreover, for each P P the value process of any replicating strategy satisfies

In particular, V is a nonnegative P-martingale.

Proof. This follows from VT = H 0 and the systems theorem in the form of Theorem 5.14.

Remark 5.26. The identity

appearing in Theorem 5.25 has two remarkable implications. Since its right-hand side is independent of the particular replicating strategy, all such strategies must have the same value process. Moreover, the left-hand side does not depend on the choice of P P. Hence, Vt is a version of the conditional expectation E[ H | Ft ] for every P P. In particular, E[ H ] is the same for all P P.

Remark 5.27. When applied to an attainable contingent claim C prior to discounting, Theorem 5.25 states that

P-a.s. for all P P and for every replicating strategy . In particular, the initial investment which is needed for a replication of C is given by

Let us now turn to the problem of pricing a contingent claim. Consider first a discounted claim H which is attainable. Then the (discounted) initial investment

needed for the replication of H can be interpreted as the unique (discounted) fair price of H. In fact, a different price for H would create an arbitrage opportunity. For instance, if H could be sold at time 0 for a price which is higher than (5.17), then selling H and buying the replicating portfolio yields the profit

at time 0, although the terminal portfolio value VT = T · XT suffices for settling the claim H at maturity T. In order to make this idea precise, let us formalize the idea of an arbitrage-free price of a general discounted claim H.

Definition 5.28. A real number πH 0 is called an arbitrage-free price of a discounted claim H, if there exists an adapted stochastic process Xd+1 such that

and such that the enlarged market model with price process (X0, X1, . . . , Xd , Xd+1) is arbitrage-free. The set of all arbitrage-free prices of H is denoted by Π(H). The lower and upper bounds of Π(H) are denoted by

Thus, an arbitrage-free price πH of a discounted claim H is by definition a price at which H can be traded at time 0 without introducing arbitrage opportunities into the market model: If H is sold for πH, then neither buyer nor seller can find an investment strategy which both eliminates all the risk and yields an opportunity to make a positive profit. Our aim in this section is to characterize the set of all arbitrage-free prices of a discounted claim H.

Note that an arbitrage-free price πH is quoted in units of the numéraire asset. The amount that corresponds to πH in terms of currency units prior to discounting is equal to

and πC is an (undiscounted) arbitrage-free price of the contingent claim

Theorem 5.29. The set of arbitrage-free prices of a discounted claim H is nonempty and given by

Moreover, the lower and upper bounds of Π(H) are given by

Proof. By Theorem 5.16, πH is an arbitrage-free price for H if and only if we can find an equivalent martingale measure for the market model extended via (5.18). must satisfy

In particular, belongs to P and satisfies πH = [ H ]. Thus, we obtain the inclusion in (5.19).

Conversely, if πH = E[ H ] for some P P, then we can define the stochastic process

which satisfies all the requirements of (5.18). Moreover, the same measure P is clearly an equivalent martingale measure for the extended market model, which hence is arbitrage-free. Thus, we obtain the identity of the two sets in (5.19).

To show that Π(H) is nonempty, we first fix some measure P such that For instance, we can take d= c(1 + H)1 dP, where c is the normalizing constant. Under , the market model is arbitrage-free. Hence, Theorem 5.16 yields P P such that dP/dis bounded. In particular, E[ H ] < and hence E[ H ] Π(H).

The formula for πinf(H) follows immediately from(5.19) and the fact that Π(H) . The one for πsup(H) needs an additional argument. Suppose that P P is such that E[ H ] = . We must show that for any c > 0 there exists some π Π(H) with π > c. To this end, let n be such that := E[ H n ] > c, and define

Then P is an equivalent martingale measure for the extended market model (X0, . . . , Xd , Xd+1), which hence is arbitrage-free. Applying the already established fact that the set of arbitrage-free prices of any contingent claim is nonempty to the extended market model yields an equivalent martingale measure P for (X0, . . . , Xd , Xd+1) such that E[ H ] < . Since P is also a martingale measure for the original market model, the first part of this proof implies that π := E[ H ] Π(H). Finally, note that

Hence, the formula for πsup(H) is proved.

Example 5.30. In an arbitrage-free market model, we consider a European call option with strike K > 0 and with maturity T. We assume that the numéraire S0 is the predictable price process of a locally riskless bond as in Example 5.5. Then is increasing t000in t and satisfies For any P P, Theorem 5.29 yields an arbitrage-free price πcall of Ccall which is given by

Figure 5.2: The typical price of a call option as a function of S1is always above the options intrinsic 0 value

Due to the convexity of the function and our assumptions on S0, πcall can be bounded from below as follows:

In financial language, this fact is usually expressed by saying that the value of the option is higher than its intrinsic value 0i.e., 1the payoff if the option were exercised immediately. The difference of the price πcall of an option and its intrinsic value is often called the time-value of the European call option; see Figure 5.2.

Example 5.31. For a European put option the situation is more complicated. If we consider the same situation as in Example 5.30, then the analogue of (5.20) fails unless the numéraire S0 is constant. In fact, as a consequence of the put-call parity discussed in Exercise 5.3.1 below, the time value of a put option whose intrinsic value is large (i.e., the option is in the money) can become negative; see Figure 5.3.

Exercise 5.3.1 (Put-call parity in a multi-period model). Consider an arbitrage-free market model t0with a single risky asset, S1, and a riskless numéraire, for some r > 1. Suppose that an arbitrage-free price πcall has been fixed for the

Figure 5.3: The typical price of a European put option as a function of S1compared to the options 0 intrinsic value

discounted claim a European call option with strike K 0. Then there exists a nonnegative adapted process X 2 with and such that the extended market model with discounted price process (X0, X1, X2) is arbitrage-free. Show that the discounted claim is attainable in the extended model, and that its unique arbitrage-free price is given by

Our next aim is to characterize the structure of the set of arbitrage-free prices of a discounted claim H. It follows from Theorem 5.29 that every arbitrage-free price πH of H must lie between the two numbers

We also know that πinf(H) and πsup(H) are equal if H is attainable. The following theorem shows that also the converse implication holds, i.e., H is attainable if and only if πinf(H) = πsup(H).

Theorem 5.32. Let H be a discounted claim.

(a) If H is attainable, then the set Π(H) of arbitrage-free prices for H consists of the single element V0, where V is the value process of any replicating strategy for H.

(b) If H is not attainable, then πinf(H) < πsup(H) and

Proof. The first assertion follows from Remark 5.26 and Theorem 5.29.

To prove (b), note first that

is an interval because P is a convex set. We will show that Π(H) is open by constructing for any π Π(H) two arbitrage-free prices and for H such that < π < To this end, take P P such that π = E[ H ]. We will first construct an equivalent martingale measure P such that [ H ] > E[ H ]. Let

so that

Since H is not attainable, there must be some t {1, . . . , T} such that Ut Ut1 / Kt L1(P), where

By Lemma 1.69, KtL1(P) is a closed linear subspace of L1(Ω,Ft , P). Therefore, Theorem A.60 applied with B := {Ut Ut1} and C := Kt L1(P) yields some Z L(Ω,Ft , P) such that

From the linearity of Kt L1(P) we deduce that

and hence that

There is no loss of generality in assuming that |Z| 1/3, so that

can be taken as the density d/dP = of a new probability measure P. Since Z is Ft-measurable, the expectation of H under satisfies

where we have used (5.22) in the last step. On the other hand,Thus, := [ H ] will yield the desired arbitrage-free price larger than π if we have P.

Let us prove that P. For k > t, the Ft-measurability of and Proposition A.16 yield that

For k = t, (5.21) yields E[ (Xt Xt1) Z | Ft1 ] = 0. Thus, it follows from E[| Ft1 ] = 1 that

Finally, if k < t then P and coincide on Fk. Hence

and we may conclude that P.

It remains to construct another equivalent martingale measure such that

But this is simply achieved by letting

which defines a probability measure P, because the density d/dP is bounded from above by 5/3 and below by 1/3. P P is then obvious as is (5.23).

Remark 5.33. So far, we have assumed that a contingent claim is settled at the terminal time T. A natural way of dealing with an FT0-measurable payoff C0 0 maturing at some time T0 < T is to apply our results to the corresponding discounted claim

in the market model with the restricted time horizon T0. Clearly, this restricted model is arbitrage-free. An alternative approach is to invest the payoff C0 at time T0 into the numéraire asset S0. At time T, this yields the contingent claim

whose discounted claim

is formally identical to H0. Moreover, our results can be directly applied to H. It is intuitively clear that these two approaches for determining the arbitrage-free prices of C0 should be equivalent. A formal proof must show that the set Π(H) is equal to the set

of arbitrage-free prices of H0 in the market model whose time horizon is T0. Here, P0 denotes the set of measures P0on (Ω,FT0 ) which are equivalent to P on FT0 and which are martingale measures for the restricted price process (Xt)t=0,...,T0 . Clearly, each P P defines an element of P0 by restricting P to the σ-algebraFT0 . In fact, Proposition 5.34 below shows that every element in P0 arises in this way. Thus, the two sets of arbitrage-free prices for H and H0 coincide, i.e.,

It follows, in particular, that H 0 is attainable if and only if H is attainable.

Proposition 5.34. Consider the situation described in Remark 5.33 and let be given. Then there exists some P P whose restriction to FT0 is equal to

Proof. Let P be arbitrary, and denote by Z T0 the density of with respect to the restriction of to the σ-algebra FT0 . Then Z T0 is FT0-measurable, and

defines a probability measure on F. Clearly, P is equivalent to and to P, and it coincides with P0on FT0 . To check that P P, it suffices to show that Xt Xt1 is a martingale increment under P for t > T0. For these t, the density ZT0 is Ft1-measurable, so Proposition A.16 implies that

Example 5.35. Let us consider the situation of Example 5.30, where the numéraire S0 is a locally riskless bond. Remark 5.33 allows us to compare the arbitrage-free prices of two European call options and with the same strikes and underlyings but with different maturities T0 < T. As in Example 5.30, we get that for P P

Hence, if P is used to calculate arbitrage-free prices for C0 and C, the resulting price of C0 is lower than the price of C:

This argument suggests that the price of a European call option should be an increasing function of the maturity.

Exercise 5.3.2. Let Yk (k = 1, . . . , T) be independent identically distributed random variables in L1(Ω,F, P), and suppose that the Yk are not P-a.s. constant and satisfy E [ Yk ] = 0. Let furthermore

Then X is a P-martingale when we consider the filtration given by F0 = {, Ω} and Ft = σ(Y1, . . . , Yt) for t = 1, . . . , T. We now enlarge the filtration by adding insider information of the terminal value X T. That is, we consider the enlarged filtration

(a) Show that X is no longer a P-martingale with respect to (Ft).

(b) Prove that the process

is a P-martingale with respect to the enlarged filtration (Ft).

(c) The insider information of the terminal value XT implies the existence of self-financing strategies with positive expected profit. Construct a strategy that maximizes the expected profit

within the class of all (Ft)-predictable strategies ξ with t| 1 P-a.s. for all t.

5.4Complete markets

We have seen in Theorem 5.32 that any attainable claim in an arbitrage-free market model has a unique arbitrage-free price. Thus, the situation becomes particularly transparent if all contingent claims are attainable.

Definition 5.36. An arbitrage-free market model is called complete if every contingent claim is attainable.

Complete market models are precisely those models in which every contingent claim has a unique and unambiguous arbitrage-free price. However, in discrete time, only a very limited class of models enjoys this property. The following characterization of market completeness is sometimes called the second fundamental theorem of asset pricing.

Theorem 5.37. An arbitrage-free market model is complete if and only if there exists exactly one equivalent martingale measure. In this case, the probability space (Ω,FT , P) can be decomposed into finitely many atoms, whose number is bounded from above by (d + 1)T.

Proof. If the model is complete, then H := A for A FT is an attainable discounted claim. It follows from the results of Section 5.3 that the mapping is constant over the set P. Hence, there can be only one equivalent martingale measure.

Conversely, if |P| = 1, then the set Π(H) of arbitrage-free prices of every discounted claim H has exactly one element. Hence, Theorem 5.32 implies that H is attainable.

To prove the second assertion, note first that the asserted bound on the number of atoms in FT holds for T = 1 by Corollary 1.42. We proceed by induction on T. Suppose that the assertion holds for T 1. By assumption, any bounded FT-measurable random variable H 0 can be written as

where both VT1 and ξT are FT1-measurable and hence constant on each atom A of (Ω,FT1, P). It follows that the dimension of the linear space L(Ω,FT , P[ · |A]) is less than or equal to d + 1. Thus, Proposition 1.41 implies that (Ω,FT , P[ · |A]) has at most d + 1 atoms. Applying the induction hypothesis concludes the proof.

Below we state additional characterizations of market completeness. Denote by Q the set of all martingale measures in the sense of Definition 5.13. Then both P and Q are convex sets. Recall that an element of a convex set is called an extreme point of this set if it cannot be written as a nontrivial convex combination of members of this set.

Property (d) in the following theorem is usually called the predictable representation property, or the martingale representation property, of the P-martingale X.

Theorem 5.38. For P P the following conditions are equivalent:

(a) P = {P}.

(b) P is an extreme point of P

(c) P is an extreme point of Q.

(d) Every P-martingale M can be represented as a stochastic integral of a d-dimensional predictable process ξ:

Proof. (a)(c): If P can be written as P = αQ1 + (1 α)Q2 for α (0, 1) and Q1, Q2 Q, then Q1 and Q2 are both absolutely continuous with respect to P. By defining

we thus obtain two martingale measures P1 and P2 which are equivalent to P. Hence, P1 = P2 = P and, in turn, Q1 = Q2 = P.

(c)(b): This is obvious since P Q.

(b)(a): Suppose that there exists a P which is different from P. We will show below that in this case can be chosen such that the density d/dP is bounded by some constant c > 0. Then, if ε > 0 is less than 1/c,

defines another measure P different from P. Moreover, P can be represented as the convex combination

which contradicts condition (b). Hence, P must be the unique equivalent martingale measure.

It remains to prove the existence of P with a bounded density d/dP if there exists some P which is different from P. Since P, there exists a set A FT such that P[ A ] [ A ]. We enlarge our market model by introducing the additional asset

and we take P instead of P as our reference measure. By definition, is an equivalent martingale measure for (X0, X1, . . . , Xd , Xd+1). Hence, the extended market model is arbitrage-free, and Theorem 5.16 guarantees the existence of an equivalent martingale measure such that the density d/dP is bounded. Moreover, must be different from P, since P is not a martingale measure for Xd+1:

(a)(d): The terminal value MT of a P-martingaleM can be decomposed into the difference of its positive and negative parts:

and can be regarded as two discounted claims, which are attainable by Theorem 5.37. Hence, there exist two d-dimensional predictable process ξ+ and ξ such that

for two nonnegative constants and Since the value processes

are P-martingales by Theorem 5.25, we get that

This proves that the desired representation of M holds in terms of the d-dimensional predictable process ξ := ξ+ ξ.

(d)(a): Applying our assumption to the martingale Mt := P[ A | Ft ] shows that H = A is an attainable contingent claim. Hence, it follows from the results of Section 5.3 that the mapping is constant over the set P. Thus, there can be only one equivalent martingale measure.

Exercise 5.4.1. Consider the sample space

and denote by Yt(ω) := yt, for ω = (y1, . . . , yT), the projection on the tth coordinate. As filtration we take F0 := {, Ω} and Ft := σ(Y1, . . . , Yt) for t = 1, . . . , T. We consider a financial market model with two assets such that the discounted price process is of the form

for a constant X0 > 0 and two predictable processes (σt) and (mt). We suppose that 0 |mt| < σt for all t.

(a) Show that if P is a probability measure on Ω for which P[ {ω} ] > 0 for all ω, then there exists a unique equivalent martingale measure P.

(b) By using the binary structure of the model, and without using Theorem 5.37, prove the following martingale representation result. If P is as in (a), every P-martingale M can be represented as

where the predictable process ξ is given by

Exercise 5.4.2. Consider a complete market model with T = 2 and discounted price process (Xt)t=0,1,2, defined on some filtered probability space (Ω,F, (Ft)t=0,1,2, P). By P we denote the unique equivalent martingale measure in this complete model. Now we enlarge the model by adding two external states ω+ and ω, corresponding to additional information revealed at time t = 2. That is, we define := Ω×+, ω}, Fˆ := σ(A × +}| A F), and

The fact that the additional information is revealed at time t = 2 means that we choose the price process

and the following filtration,

For 0 < p < 1 we furthermore define the probability measure on Fˆ via

(a) Show that each measureis an equivalent martingale measure for the extended model.

(b) Argue that the extended model is incomplete and find a nonattainable contingent claim.

(c) Does every equivalent martingale measure belong to the set If yes, give a proof, if not, find a counterexample.

5.5The binomial model

A complete financial market model with only one risky asset must have a binary tree structure, as we have seen in Theorem 5.37. Under an additional homogeneity assumption, this reduces to the following particularly simple model, which was introduced by Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein in [61]. It involves the riskless bond

with r > 1 and one risky asset S1 = S, whose return

in the tth trading period can only take two possible values a, b such that

Thus, the stock price jumps from St1 either to the higher value St = St1(1+b) or to the lower value St = St1(1 + a). In this context, we are going to derive explicit formulas for the arbitrage-free prices and replicating strategies of various contingent claims.

Let us construct the model on the sample space

Denote by

the projection on the tth coordinate, and let

The price process of the risky asset is modeled as

where the initial value S0 > 0 is a given constant. The discounted price process takes the form

As filtration we take

Note that F0 = {, Ω}, and

F := FT coincides with the power set of Ω. Let us fix any probability measure P on (Ω,F) such that

Such a model will be called a binomial model or a CRR model. The following theorem characterizes those parameter values a, b, r for which the model is arbitrage-free.

Theorem 5.39. The CRR model is arbitrage-free if and only if a < r < b. In this case, the CRR model is complete, and there is a unique martingale measure P. The martingale measure is characterized by the fact that the random variables R1, . . . , RT are independent under P with common distribution

Proof. A measure Q on (Ω,F) is a martingale measure if and only if the discounted price process is a martingale under Q, i.e.,

for all t T 1. This identity is equivalent to the equation

i.e., to the condition

But this holds if and only if the random variables R1, . . . , RT are independent under Q with common distribution Q[ Rt = b ] = p. In particular, there can be at most one martingale measure for X.

If the market model is arbitrage-free, then there exists an equivalent martingale measure P. The condition P P implies

which holds if and only if a < r < b.

Conversely, if a < r < b then we can define a measure P P on (Ω,F) by

where k denotes the number of occurrences of +1 in ω = (y1, . . . , yT). Under P, Y1, . . . , YT, and hence R1, . . . , RT, are independent random variables with common distribution P[ Yt = 1] = P[ Rt = b ] = p, and so P is an equivalent martingale measure.

From now on, we consider only CRR models which are arbitrage-free, and we denote by P the unique equivalent martingale measure.

Remark 5.40. Note that the unique martingale measure P, and hence the valuation of any contingent claim, is completely independent of the initial choice of the objective measure P within the class of measures satisfying (5.26).

Let us now turn to the problem of pricing and hedging a given contingent claim C. The discounted claim can be written as

for a suitable function h.

Proposition 5.41. The value process

of a replicating strategy for H is of the form

where the function vt is given by

Proof. Clearly,

Each quotient St+s/St is independent of Ft and has under P the same distribution as

Hence (5.28) follows from the standard properties of conditional expectations.

Since V is characterized by the recursion

we obtain a recursive formula for the functions vt defined in (5.28):


Example 5.42. If H = h(ST) depends only on the terminal value ST of the stock price, then Vt depends only on the value St of the current stock price:

Moreover, the formula (5.28) for vt reduces to an expectation with respect to the binomial distribution with parameter p:

In particular, the unique arbitrage-free price of H is given by

For h(x) = (xK)+/(1+r)T or h(x) = (Kx)+/(1+r)T ,we obtain explicit formulas for the arbitrage-free prices of European call or put options with strike price K. For instance, the price of Hcall := (ST K)+/(1 + r)T is given by

Example 5.43. Denote by

the running maximum of S, and consider a discounted claim H = h(ST , M T). For instance, H can be an up-and-in or up-and-out barrier option or a lookback put. Then the value process of H is of the form


This follows from (5.28) or directly from the fact that

where maxtuT Su/St is independent of Ft and has the same law as MTt/S0 under P. The same argument works for options that depend on the minimum of the stock price such as lookback calls or down-and-in barrier options.

Exercise 5.5.1. For an Asian option depending on the average price

during a predetermined set of periods {0, . . . , T}, we introduce the process

Show that the value process Vt of the Asian option is a function of S t, At, and t.

Let us now derive a formula for the hedging strategy = (ξ0, ξ) of our discounted claim H = h(S0, . . . , ST).

Proposition 5.44. The hedging strategy is given by


Proof. For each ω = (y1, . . . , yT), ξt must satisfy

In this equation, the random variables ξt, X t1, and Vt1 depend only on the first t 1 components of ω. For a fixed t, let us define ω+ and ω by

Plugging ω+ and ω into (5.30) shows

Solving for ξt(ω) and using our formula (5.27) for Vt, we obtain

Remark 5.45. The term Δt may be viewed as a discrete derivative of the value function vt with respect to the possible stock price changes. In financial language, a hedging strategy based on a derivative of the value process is often called a Delta hedge.

Remark 5.46. Let H = h(ST) be a discounted claim which depends on the terminal value of S by way of an increasing function h. For instance, h can be the discounted payoff function h(x) = (x K)+/(1 + r)T of a European call option. Then

is also increasing in x, and so the hedging strategy satisfies

In other words, the hedging strategy for H does not involve short sales of the risky asset.

Exercise 5.5.2. Let T0 {1, . . . , T 1} and K > 0. The payoff of forward starting call option has the form

Determine its arbitrage-free price and hedging strategy.

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