Preface to the second edition

Since the publication of the first edition we have used it as the basis for several courses. These include courses for a whole semester on Mathematical Finance in Berlin and also short courses on special topics such as risk measures given at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, at the Department of Operations Research at Cornell University, at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, and at the 8th Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes in Puebla. In the process we have made a large number of minor corrections, we have discovered many opportunities for simplification and clarification, and we have also learned more about several topics. As a result, major parts of this book have been improved or even entirely rewritten. Among them are those on robust representations of risk measures, arbitrage-free pricing of contingent claims, exotic derivatives in the CRR model, convergence to BlackScholes prices, and stability under pasting with its connections to dynamically consistent coherent risk measures. In addition, this second edition contains several new sections, including a systematic discussion of law-invariant risk measures, of concave distortions, and of the relations between risk measures and Choquet integration.

It is a pleasure to express our thanks to all students and colleagues whose comments have helped us to prepare this second edition, in particular to Dirk Becherer, Hans Bühler, Rose-Anne Dana, Ulrich Horst, Mesrop Janunts, Christoph Kühn, Maren Liese, Harald Luschgy, Holger Pint, Philip Protter, Lothar Rogge, Stephan Sturm, Stefan Weber, Wiebke Wittmüß, and Ching-Tang Wu. Special thanks are due to Peter Bank and to Yuliya Mishura and Georgiy Shevchenko, our translators for the Russian edition. Finally, we thank Irene Zimmermann and Manfred Karbe of de Gruyter Verlag for urging us to write a second edition and for their efficient support.

Berlin, September 2004

Hans Föllmer

Alexander Schied

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