Receive and Read Email Messages

You must connect to your mail provider’s incoming mail server to retrieve and read messages sent to you. When another person sends you an email message, that message ends up in your email account’s mailbox on the incoming mail server maintained by your ISP or email provider. However, that company does not automatically pass along that message to you. Instead, you must use Mail to connect to your mailbox on the incoming mail server and then retrieve any messages waiting for you.

By default, Mail automatically checks for new messages every 5 minutes while you are online, but you can also check for new messages at any time.

Receive and Read Email Messages

Receive Email Messages


001 Click Get Mail (9781118462249-ma163.tif).


A The Mail Activity area lets you know if you have any incoming messages.

B If you have new messages, they appear in your Inbox folder with a blue dot in this column.

C The 9781118462249-ma096.tif icon in the Dock shows the number of unread messages in the Inbox folder.

Read a Message


001 Click the message.

002 If you do not see the full message, click See More.


003 Read the message text in the preview pane.

Note: If you want to open the message in its own window, double-click the message.

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