Move a File

When you need to store a file in a new location, the easiest way is to move the file from its current folder to another folder on your Mac. When you save a file for the first time, you specify a folder on your Mac’s hard drive. This original location is not permanent, however. Using the technique in this section, you can move the file to another location on your Mac’s hard drive. You can use this technique to move a single file, multiple files, and even a folder.

Move a File


001 Locate the file that you want to move.

002 Open the folder to which you want to move the file.

To create a new destination folder in the current folder, click File and then click New Folder, or press shift.eps+maccmd.jpg+n.eps.

003 Click and drag the file and drop it inside the destination folder.

Note: If you are moving the file to another disk drive, you must press and hold maccmd.jpg while you click and drag the file.


A The file disappears from its original folder.

B The file moves to the destination folder.

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