All images were scanned from Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène by Comte Emmanuel de Las Cases, illustrated by Charlet (Ernest Bourdin Editeur, Paris, 1842, two volumes), with the following exceptions:

  • The illustration for Chapter 6 was made out of a map of the battle of Fredericksburg, found on, and used with the permission of Paul McWhorter who runs that very rich site on the American Civil War.

  • The illustration for Chapter 9 comes from Notre Armée by de Lonlay, illustrated by the author (Garnier Frères, Paris, 1890, p. 931).

  • The illustration for Chapter 12 comes from Les Guerres de la Révolution by Camille Pelletan, Paris, Société d'Éditions d’Art (Collection L.-Henry May, G. Mantoux), no date [end 19th-beginning 20th century; first published, Paris, Colas, 1884], p.95 (10th series), coll. Durelle-Marc, and is published courtesy of the Centre d’Histoire du Droit de l’Université Rennes 1 (

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