
3D films 158160

4Kids Entertainment’s annual report 451452

50/50 coproductions 134135, 137139

90/10 minimum guarantee deals 162163

abuse of systems and credits 141142

accelerated decays 182183

accelerated revenues 169171

activity range distribution 916

adjusted gross: break-even points 586

ad-skipping 310313

advances 261, 264, 461466, 574575

advertising: ad-skipping 310313; net profits 573574, 575; online distribution 382383, 426428, 548550; television distribution 305317, 359; theatrical marketing 514540, 551556; see also commercials; marketing

advertising-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) 278279, 426428

affiliate fees 571572

agents: licensing revenue 465466

aggregate deals 163164, 194

aggregators: pay television 333334

airline revenues 446, 491494

Amazon 370, 379381, 388, 397400

ancillary advances 115

ancillary revenues 445496; see also revenues

angel investors 93, 119120

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) 7980, 88

Apple 388, 389390, 393394

app markets: merchandising revenue 453455; online distribution 383, 389395, 409411; pay television 320324, 360; television distribution 389390, 409411; theatrical marketing 534

Art Buchwald v. Paramount Pictures 562563

artificial break-even points 578579

artwork: video marketing 543

Asian theatrical distribution 191193

at-the-source recognition 572573

avatars 469471, 495

average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) 475476

awareness locomotives 147

bank credit lines 116119

bankruptcies 150151

Barbie products 469470

bargain bins 254255

Baron, D. 403404

barter 291297

Batman 501502

benefits of D-cinema 157

Betafilm 352

Betamax 77, 79, 199200

blind bidding 149

block bookings 149

blockbuster accelerated decays 182183

blogs 531536

Blu-ray 196, 220223

bookings 175193

books 447448, 471472, 478480

box artwork 543

Boxee 384385

box office 16, 2326, 109, 110, 144146, 158160, 166168, 182193

brand creation 3135, 4649

brand extension 3135, 4649

branding 22

break-even 578579, 584586

broadcast monopolies 346348

budgets: films 498513, 514540; marketing 498544, 546; studios 2628, 110112; television 4345, 546; theatrical productions 514540; video marketing 541544

building costs 264266

bundled subscriptions 397400

bundle pricing 433436

Business Week 240241, 355

cable bundle pricing 433436

cable television 272274, 277278, 282286, 302305; channel range and quantity 4353; financing production 128129; free television 277278; licenses 286; original programming 302305; revenues 483491; theatrical feature films 282285; TV series economics 302305

Carlos, A. 374, 376

Carvalho, C. 477478

cash break-even points 585

cash flows 259264

catch-up services 370

celebrity lawsuits 562564

changing distribution windows 4043

channel streaming 406408

checking: net profits 569

Cinar 141142

Clive Cussler v. Philip Anschutz Company 563

Cloud Atlas 123124, 140

cloud services 7879, 361, 408422

collapsed distribution windows 3940, 5152

Coming to America 562563

commercials: television distribution 311315, 546; theatrical marketing 523540, 554; video marketing 543; see also advertising

compact discs (CDs) 211

compressed sales cycles 223226

computers: history 215; video markets 196

concessions 193194

consent decrees 149

consistent consumer pricing 229230

content costs 237240

content interaction tools 416422

content rights 7475

content tiers 433436

coproductions: financing production 103112, 123124, 134143; international markets 350356; Kirch group 351356; online considerations 139143; studio financing 103112; television distribution 350356

copying and downloads 8290; see also piracy

copying threats 215216

copyrights: digital considerations 74, 7576; intellectual property assets 7180; law 7273; nature 7475; segmentation 7475; see also intellectual property assets

cord-cutting 8082, 361, 383386, 394395

costs: development processes 6668; DVDs 264269; intellectual property assets 6668; international markets 342345; net profits 569570, 573576, 580; television distribution 342345; video markets 237240, 264269

creating ideas 56, 5768

creative collaboration 136139

creative execution 523540

credit 116123

critics 100

cross-platform usage 215

crowdsourcing 120122, 143, 342345

curve peaking, DVDs 223226

daily active users 474

data analytics, merchandising revenue 472478

day-and-date release 166, 507508

debt financings 104

decay curves 181189

dedicated hardware boxes 383386

deferments 574575

deficit continuum 130131

demand creation strategies 508513

demise of joint ventures 1922

developing intellectual property assets 56, 5768

digital: access points 5355; cinema (D-cinema) 151160, 195; considerations, copyright 74, 7576; divide 151160; film rental 158160; lockers 397400; technologies 145, 151160; upfront markets 307315; video recorders (DVRs) 310311, 313, 315, 356359; Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 7576

direct costs 514523, 546

directors, intellectual property assets 5960

direct-to-video markets 218220

Disney: McDonald’s promotional partnership 510; video sell-through markets 209210

distribution: activity ranges 916; costs 268269, 573574, 580; definitions 59; fees 126127, 570572; infrastructures 49; intellectual property assets 5690; loss-leaders 145147; marketing 497; rental models 92; revenue streams 1216; rights 7475, 135136, 137139; television channel range and quantity 4353; television distribution 280285; value drivers 59; windows 36, 4953

distributor–exhibitor splits/deals 160166

diversity: Internet 55; studios and networks 155; television channel networks 4345

domestic viewing revenues 484491

downloads: Amazon 397400; DVDs 215216; intellectual property assets 8290; online distribution 366367, 368369, 441444; pay-per-download ownership 429431; revenues 441444; studios 422423; video markets 198, 206

DreamWorks 118119, 248250

drop-offs 181189

dues, net profits 569

Dunn, M. 241243

duties, net profits 569

DVDs: airline revenues 492; cash flows 259264; compressed sales cycles 223226; computers 215; copying threats 215216; cost considerations 264269; curve peaking 223226; economics 259269; emergence 210218; e-tailers 230234, 270; fallback release outlets 219220; formats 250251; future directions 269270; history 200, 205215; international market variations 255258; inventory management 243255; kiosks 231, 232234; life cycles 243251; loss-leading products 229230; marketing programs 223243; mass-market chains 226230; maturation 223226; mechanics of 211212; Netflix 231232, 234240, 369, 400402; next-generation DVDs 220223; next-generation retail environments 230243; online distribution 230243, 257258, 270271, 367, 369, 397, 400402, 411, 423425; parallel imports 212215; pay television 331; physical disc inventory management 243255; physical retailers 423425; piracy 211215, 271, 367; pricing 229230, 243255; profits 243255, 259269; recordable devices 215217; Redbox 231, 232234; rentals 231243; retail environments 203210, 223255; returns management 243251; revenues 217218, 235236, 240243, 259269; royalties 259264; SKU variables 250251; speed adoption 215; stock management 243251; streaming distribution 369, 397, 400402, 411; subscription rental 231232, 234240; television distribution 272274; theatrical marketing 555556; transitions 210218; video marketing 541543; video-on-demand 486487; Warner Bros, history of 214215; window movements 240243; see also video markets

early roots of video markets 199201

e-commerce 455456

economics: airline revenues 493494; DVDs 259269; financing production 98101; hotel/motel revenues 482; licensing revenue 461466; non-theatrical market revenues 494495; online distribution 425437; output deals 326328; pay-as-you-view revenues 488490; pay television 345350; television distribution 285305; video markets 259269; video-on-demand 488490

Edwards, M. 298299

efficiency: intellectual property assets 6869

electronic-sell-through advantages: DVDs 267268

emergence: direct-to-video markets 218220; DVDs 210218; made-for video markets 218220

EM.TV 353356

encoding costs 264266

equity investments 104, 106110, 134135

e-tailers 230234, 270

European Digital Media Association (EdiMA) 89

excluded revenues 567568

exhibition days 319

exhibitor–distributor splits/deals 160166

exhibitor meetings 526527

expenses 573574

experience goods 98101, 497498

external marketing factors 504507

fear factors: online distribution 366367, 368369

feature films 280299; fees 287289; licenses 282289; runs 280282, 285287; terms 285287

feedback loops, intellectual property assets 6061

fees: feature films 287289; financing production 126127; net profits 569, 570572; pay television 318319, 338; free television 339402

Feola, L. 269270

festivals 343344, 527528

fighting piracy 8690

file sharing 7678

films: budgets 498513, 514540; feature films 280299; film clip revenues 478480; firm terms 165; film ultimates 3543; financing production 91114, 116124; marketing 498513, 514540, 551557; merchandising revenue 456, 495; niche marketing 499501; online distribution 145, 171172, 194195, 499501, 517518, 528536, 554555; pre-release windows 552553; primary distribution windows 36; release factors 501508, 551556; rental 158160, 161166; revenue cycles 3639; social games 477478; theatrical distribution 144195, 514540

finance: cable television 128129; coproductions 103112, 123124, 134143; creative collaboration 136139; crowdsourcing 120122, 143; deficit continuum 130131; economic theories 98101; equity investments 104, 106110, 134135; 50/50 coproductions 134135, 137139; film 91114, 116124; government-backed coproductions 140143; hedging risks 134143; hybrid coproduction 137139; independent financing 113116; international schemes 140142; leveraging 106110, 123124; network television 128; online considerations 9398, 131133, 139143; producers 124127; production 91143; production collaboration 136139; product placement marketing 512513; product production challenges 101102; rent-a-distributor model 124127; risk 92, 98101, 130143; state tax subsidies 140143; studio financing 92, 102112; tax subsidies 140143; television 9199, 113115, 127134, 299305; see also revenues

fin/syn rules 299305

first-run syndication 296297

first-run TV series 289291

foreign pre-sales 113115

formats: Blu-ray 220223; distribution activity ranges 10; DVDs 211, 250251; HD-DVD 220223; history 199203

four-wall deals 165166

Fox 104, 124125, 148, 152156, 210, 241243, 295, 452

franchise budgets 2728

free television distribution 276278, 359; cable networks 277278; high margins 341342; independent stations 277; international markets 340342; licenses 340341; market segmentation 276278; national networks 276277

free video-on-demand (FVOD) 278280, 358359

frenzy of booking 176177

fulfilment: video markets 246247

future directions: DVDs 269270; pay television 333334

FVOD see free video-on-demand

games 196, 448, 471478, 495, 539540, 554

Game of Thrones 320321

genres: pipeline and portfolio 2930; television 4546

Google 79, 88, 386, 437441

government-backed coproductions 140143

Grokster case, the 7684, 79, 216, 365, 366

gross participations 574575, 579

gross profits 567581

growth: digital cinema 151157; television distribution 339340; video markets 197, 199205

guarantees: licensing revenue 461466; theatrical distribution 161, 162163

guild negotiations 441444

Hale, L. 525526

hardware boxes 383386

HD-DVD 220223

hedge funds 106110

Hedges, J. 132133

hedging bets 147149

hedging risks 134143

Heller, K. L. 89

high budgets 27

high margins 341342

history: DVDs 200, 205217; net profits 561567; online distribution 361369, 442444; television distribution 339340; theatrical distribution 149160; video markets 199217

Hollywood: intellectual property assets 7980

Hollywood accounting 127, 558586

Hollywood guild negotiations 441444

home network hubs 386392

home video business 196271; see also video markets

hotel/motel revenues 446, 480483

house nut deals 161, 163164

Hulu+ 403405

Hulu 370, 377379, 402405, 426428

hybrid coproduction 137139

imputed costs 575576

independent financing 113116

independent free television stations 277

independent online markets 382383

independent’s dilemma, revenue 1516

Indiegogo 120122

indirect costs 538540

individual title values 328329

in-flight entertainment revenues 446, 491494

initial break-even points 584585

initial shipments 245246

innocent infringements 8586

intellectual property assets 5690; cloud services 7879; copies 8290; copyright 7180; cord-cutting 8082; costs 6668; creating ideas 56, 5768; development processes 56, 5768; downloads 8290; file sharing 7678; Grokster case 7678; illegal copies/downloads 8290; Internet 6166; life-cycle management 3543; marketing 6971; on-demand catch up 7879; online considerations 6166, 7579, 8290; optioning properties 6869; peer-to-peer file sharing 7678; piracy 7172, 7680, 8290; pitching ideas 6971; protecting content 56, 7190; remote storage 7879; storage 7879; streaming live television 8082; television 6166, 8082; theft 8290; trademarks 82

interest, net profits 576

interlocking, theatrical booking 180181

intermediate video formats 216217

internal marketing factors 503504

international bookings 189193

international box office release 166168, 193

international festivals 527528

International Herald Tribune 80, 118, 221, 344345, 479; see also notes (pp. 597606)

international markets/services: coproductions 350356; costs 342345; crowdsourcing 342345; DVDs 255258; film revenue cycles 3839; financing production 140142; free television 340342; growth 339340; history 339340; hotel/motel revenues 483; network screenings 291; online distribution 405406, 409411; pay-as-you-view revenues 490491; pay television 345350; streaming networks 405406; television distribution 291, 339356, 409411; video markets 255258; video-on-demand revenues 490491

Internet 361444; budgets 29; crowdsourcing 120122; intellectual property assets 6166; market opportunities and segmentation 5355; pipeline and portfolio 3031; television distribution 315316; see also online

in-theater posters 522523

inventory management 243255

investment: D-cinema 153; distribution rights 135136, 137139; equity stakes 104, 106110, 134135

Johnson, B. 533534

joint ventures 1622; branding 22; demise of 1922; Internet 55; scale needs 22

Kickstarter 120122

Kill, G. 322

kiosks 231, 232234, 271

Kirch group 351356

Kramer, J. 397

Kutcher, A. 532

labels, studios as defined by product ranges 2429

laserdiscs 216217

launch trailers 521522, 552553

legal considerations: copyright 7273; lawsuits 7678, 79, 201203, 562564; online distribution 437444; studios 437444; video markets 199201

Levin, J 152153, 154155

Levinsohn, P. 550

licensed products/property 460

licenses/licensing: cable networks 286; content rights 7475; definitions 456458; feature films 282289; free television 340341; joint ventures 1819; net profits 569; pay television 317319, 336339; revenue 456466; television distribution 282289, 317319

life-cycles: DVDs 243251; intellectual property assets 3543; television channel range and quantity 4953; video markets 243251

limited opening budgets 499501

live + ratings concept 313316

live stage production revenues 478480

local independent stations 277

location considerations: theatrical booking 175177; video markets 257

logistics: video markets 246247

long tail considerations 298299

Lord of the Rings, The 564

loss-leaders 145147, 229230

Louis C.K. experiment 413414

low budgets 27

Lynch, Merrill. 117118

McCabe, J. 488

McDonald’s, Disney promotional partnership 510

made-for video markets 218220

manufacturing costs 266267

Marcus, L. 419420

Marenzi, G. 272273

market development 255258

market encompassing distribution activity ranges 916

market evolution: television distribution 280285; theatrical distribution 149160

marketing 497557; budgets 498544, 546; costs 268269; date release strategies 507508; day-and-date release strategies 507508; demand creation strategies 508513; DVDs 223243; films 498513, 514540, 551557; game tie-ins 539540; intellectual property assets 5690; limited opening budgets 499501; mega-films 551556; merchandising 509512, 539540, 554; online distribution 439441, 499501, 517518, 528536, 548550, 554557; piracy 556; product placements 512513, 552; promotional partnerships 509512, 538539; release factors 499508, 551556; strategies 498513; talent involvement 508509, 525; television distribution 514, 519520, 546548, 556; theatrical distribution 145166, 514540, 551556; third-party help 508513; timing considerations 501508, 551556; video marketing 540546; video markets 199210; viral messaging 500501

market leaders, pay television 349350

market opportunity 155

market research 536538

markets and festivals 343344

Marvel Entertainment 117118

mass-market chains 226230

maturation, DVDs 223226

media costs 514520, 526, 541557

media promotions 526, 551556

mega-film marketing 551556

megaupload 8485

merchandising: licensing program revenues 456466; marketing 509512, 539540, 554; program anchors 82; revenues 446480, 495496; toy revenues 447, 452455, 466480

metrics: social games 473477; video-on-demand 279280

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer v. Grokster, Ltd 7678, 79

Meyer, B. 442443

MGM Worldwide Television 1718, 22, 110, 149, 273, 553

microblogs 531536

mini-majors 117118

minimum guarantees 162163, 461466

mock-up costs 6768

money making strategies 558586

monopolies 346348

monthly active users 474

moratorium: video markets 254

motel revenues 446, 480483

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA): intellectual property assets 79, 8384, 8688; online distribution 365; theatrical distribution 166167, 515

move-overs 183184

MPA: intellectual property assets 79

MSOs: streaming online distribution 407408

Mullany, J. 565567, 582584

multiplexes: pay television 319, 320324, 359; theatrical distribution 150151

multipurpose boxes 386388

multi-screen access 361, 389390

Museum of Broadcast Communications 299300

music industry 366367, 478480

Nalle, N. 300301, 440441

national free television networks 276277

negative control 1415

negative costs 574, 576

negative pickups 115116

Netflix: competition 237240; content costs 237240; cost considerations 237240; DVDs 231232, 234240; online distribution 365, 369373, 395396, 400402; physical business decline 237; Qwikster debacle 235236; rights 239; streaming focus 237; subscription rental growth 234235; video markets 231232, 234240

net profits: advances 574575; advertising 573574, 575; at-the-source recognition 572573; breakeven points 578579; calculation 567580; costs 569570, 573576, 580; deferments 574575; distribution costs 573574; distribution fees 570572; excluded revenues 567568; fees 569, 570572; gross participations 574575, 579; history 561567; imputed costs 575576; included revenues 567568; money making strategies 558586; moving targets 578579; negative costs 574, 576; online accounting 558560, 580584, 586; phantom revenues 576577; revenue sharing 558560, 580584, 586; taxes 576577

network hubs 386392

networks: coverage, television 291294; diverse roles 155; financing production 128; licenses 282285; online distribution 361, 369381, 408422; television channel diversity, quantity and reach 4345; venture capitalists 91143

new distribution windows: life-cycle management 4043

New Millennium 362369

next-generation DVDs 220223

next-generation retail environments 230243

niche marketing 499501

Nielsen ratings 308311, 313

non-theatrical market revenues 446, 494495

off-balance sheet financings 104106

off-network syndication 296297

on-demand access 361, 368369

on-demand catch up 7879

online distribution 361444, 548550, 558560, 580584, 586; accounting 558560, 580584, 586; advertising 382383, 426428, 548550; Amazon 370, 379381, 388, 397400; app markets 383, 389395, 409411; break-even points 586; cable bundle pricing 433436; channel streaming 406408; cloud services 361, 408422; content tiers 433436; convergence considerations 363365; cord-cutting 361, 383386, 394395; dedicated hardware boxes 383386; developing intellectual property assets 6166; downloads 366367, 368369; DVDs 230243, 257258, 270271, 367; economics 425437; films 145, 171172, 194195, 499501, 517518, 528536, 554555; financing production 9398, 131133, 139143; Google 437441; hardware boxes 383386; history 361369; hubs 386392; Hulu 370, 377379, 402405; independent markets 382383; integrating television distribution 388392; intellectual property assets 6166, 7579, 8290; international services 405406, 409411; legal considerations 437444; Louis C.K. experiment 413414; marketing 439441, 499501, 517518, 528536, 548550, 554557; merchandising revenue 453456; multipurpose boxes 386388; multiscreen access 361, 389390; music industry 366367; Netflix 365, 369373, 395396, 400402; networks 361, 369381, 408422; New Millennium 362369; on-demand markets 368369; original content 369381; over-the-top access 383, 391; ownership considerations 423433; pay-per-download ownership 429431; personalization 416422; physical retailers 423425; pipeline and portfolio 3031; piracy 7679, 8290, 366367; resistance considerations 437444; revenues 425437, 453456, 469478, 495496; revenue sharing accounting 558560, 580584, 586; search engines 381382; smartphones 390391, 392395, 417422; social game revenues 472478; socialization 416422; social media 316317; social networking 550; streaming networks 369381, 395408, 426428; studios 382383, 422425, 437444; subscriptions 397400, 431433; tablets 391395; television 6166, 131133, 272274, 278280, 297299, 315317, 359360, 383395, 408413, 416422, 426436, 548549; theatrical distribution 145, 171172, 194195, 499501, 517518, 528536, 554555; toy revenue 469471; transactional video-on-demand 428433; UltraViolet consortium 408409, 411; user experience influences 363; video content consumption 362369; video markets 230243, 257258, 270271; video-on-demand 368369, 426433; YouTube 370, 374377, 413416, 437441

on-the-go services 320324

opportunity costs: television marketing 546

optimal feedback loops 6061

optioning properties 6869

original content 369381

original programming 302305, 329333

output deals 324332

overheads 1314, 1617, 575576

override concepts 571572

over-the-top access 383, 391

ownership considerations 423433

P&L models 197, 264

Pacific, theatrical distribution 191193

parallel imports 212215

Paramount 1718, 22, 26, 103107, 127, 148149, 345348, 355, 509, 553, 562, 591, 607

password-sharing 320321

pay-per-download ownership 429431

pay-per-view (PPV) revenues 446, 481, 483491, 496

pay television 317339, 359360; aggregators 333334; app markets 320324; broadcast monopolies 346348; deal terms 336339; DVDs 331; economics 345350; exhibition days 319; fees 318319, 338; financing production 129130; flexible schemes 334336; future directions 333334; international markets 345350; licenses 317319, 336339; market leaders 349350; monopolies 346348; multiplex channels 319, 320324, 359; online distribution 369370; on-the-go services 320324; original programming 329333; output deals 324332; piracy 320321, 359; product monopolies 346348; ratings 331332; revenue 329332; rights 338339; runs 319, 336337; scale needs 346348; subscription video-on-demand 334336; terms 337338; trendsetters 349350; video-on-demand 331, 334336

peer-to-peer file sharing 7678

per-screen averages 179181

personalization: online television distribution 416422

Peter Jackson v. New Line 564

PFD see production–financing–distribution

phantom revenues 576577

physical disc inventory management 243255

physical rental business decline 237

physical retailers 237

pickups 115116, 291

pilots 290

pipeline: distribution revenue streams 14; joint ventures 1617; studios as defined by product ranges 2935

piracy: DVDs 211215, 271, 367; intellectual property assets 7172, 7680, 8290; marketing 556; music industry 366367; online distribution 367; pay television 320321, 359; video markets 211215, 271

pitching ideas 6971

pitch season 289290

Pixar 5960, 248250

playlists 416422

point-of-purchase 543544

point-of-sales (POS) 253254

portable systems, video markets 196

portfolios: studios as defined by product ranges 2935; television channel range and quantity 4649

positive control 15

posters 522523, 543544, 552553

post-release windows 555556

PR: marketing 523528, 531536, 544545, 547, 554

premiums 465

pre-release windows 552553

pre-sales 113115

press: marketing 523528, 544545, 547, 552553

price/pricing: DVDs 229230, 243255; erosion 254255; protection 252253; reductions 251252; video markets 243255, 257258

primary distribution windows 36

prints 178179, 573

private equity investments 106110

producers: financing production 124127

product: monopolies 346348; placements 9395, 512513, 552; production challenges 101102; quantity 4353; ranges 2235, 4353

product differentiation 4546

product diversification 222223

production: collaboration 136139; costs 580; loss-leaders 145147; slate 103112

production–financing–distribution (PFD) deals 102103

profiling release patterns 147149

profits: DVDs 243255, 259269; gross profits 567581; net profits 558586; participation accounting 560561, 584586; theatrical distribution 147; video markets 196, 243255, 259269

programming sales renaissance 412413

programming schedules/lead-ins 547

promotional partnerships 509512, 538539

property travels 190

protecting content 56, 7190

protecting distribution windows 3940

providers: pay-as-you-view revenues 485486; video-on-demand 485486

purchase/sell-through markets 205210

quality control: licensing revenue 458460

quantity: studios as defined by product ranges 2324; television channels 4353

Quinn, T 151152

Qwikster 235236

Raimi, S 300301

range of product 2235, 4353

ratings 280285, 305317, 331332

reach: television channels 4353

recommendation engines 416422

recordable devices 215217

record books 172175

recoupment, royalties 261, 264

Redbox 231, 232234

Redniss, J. 549550

reduced distribution fees 126127

regional encoding 214

relationships: studios as defined by product ranges 2429

release strategies/timing: decay curves and drop-offs 181189; marketing 499508, 551556; online considerations, theatrical distribution 171172; pattern profiling 147149; theatrical distribution 147149, 166172; video markets 255258

remakes 34

remote storage 7879

remote streaming access 397400

rent-a-distributor model 124127

rentals: DVDs 231243; video markets 201, 203210, 231243

repeats 343, 359

replenishments, video markets 246247

residential video-on-demand 484491

residuals: net profits 570

retail buy-in and support 457458

retail environments: DVDs 223255; retail execution 543544; video markets 203210, 223255, 543544

returns: DreamWorks Animation 248250; DVDs 243251; Pixar 248250; reserves 248250; video markets 243251

revenues 445496; acceleration 169171; airlines 446, 491494; books 447448, 471472, 478480; cable transmission 483491; distribution 1216; DVDs 217218, 235236, 240243, 259269; film clips 478480; films 3639; financing production 127; Hollywood accounting 558586; hotels/motels 446, 480483; joint ventures 1819; licensing programs 456466; live stage productions 478480; merchandising 446480, 495496; money making strategies 558586; motels 446, 480483; music 478480; net profits 558586; non-theatrical markets 446, 494495; online accounting 558560, 580584, 586; online distribution 425437, 453456, 469478, 495496; pay-per-view 446, 481, 483491, 496; pay television 329332; sharing 558560, 580584, 586; television channel range and quantity 4953; television distribution 272273; toys 447, 452455, 466480, 495; trademarks 456466; transactional video-on-demand 446, 483491; transmedia 447449; video markets 196197, 202, 205210, 217218, 235236, 240243, 259269; video-on-demand 446, 481, 483491, 496; see also finance

review sites 145

rights: copyright 74; licensing revenue 460461; Netflix 239; non-theatrical market revenues 446, 494495; pay television 338339

ring tones 496

risk: experience goods 98101; financing production 92, 98101, 130143; hedging 134143; merchandising revenue 449456; shouldering 92; television 130133

Roffman, H. 471

Roku 383384, 388, 396

rolling break-even points 586

royalties: advances 261, 264; DVDs 259264; licensing revenue 463464; recoupment 261, 264; video markets 259264

runs: feature films 280282, 285287; pay television 319, 336337; television distribution 319, 336337; theatrical distribution 161, 177178

Sahara case–Clive Cussler v. Philip Anschutz Company 563

sales windows 3543

scale needs: joint ventures 22; pay television 346348

scatter markets 308

Schmitz, K. (aka Kim Dotcom) 8485

screen counts 178179

screenings: theatrical distribution 173, 526527, 554

search engines 381382

seasonality: film marketing 501508

segmentation 155; copyright 7475; free television 276278; television channel range and quantity 4749

sell-through markets 205210

sequels 3133, 3435

series economics 301305

settlement: theatrical distribution 165

shared windows: television distribution 282285

shifting distribution windows 3943, 5052

short tail considerations 298299

skipping advertisements 310313

SKU variables 250251

Sky (also BSkyB) 20, 319, 345, 349, 409412

slates 103112

smartphones 390391, 392395, 417422

sneaks 173

social games 472478

socialization 416422

social media 145, 316317, 361

social networking 100101, 531536, 550

social watching 416, 420421

Sony 77, 79, 199203, 387, 388

Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios 201203

specialization: television channels 4353

specialized markets 10

specialty labels 2429

speed adoption, DVDs 215

Spider-Man 466468

spin-offs 3335

standards: D-cinema 157158

Star Wars 283284, 447449, 466468

state tax subsidies 140143

station groups 344345

stock management 243251

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) 7980, 88

storage 7879

story beats 7071

storyboards 6768

streaming: networks 369381, 395408, 426428; television 8082, 297299; video 231232, 234240

strikes 441444

studios: budgets 2628, 110112; coproductions 103112; defined by product ranges 2235; distribution infrastructures 49; diverse roles 155; fund investments 110112; downloads 422423; equity investments 104, 106110; films 92; financing 92, 102112; hedge funds 106110; Internet 55; joint ventures 1622; legal considerations 437444; off-balance sheet financings 104106; online distribution 382383, 422425, 437444; private equity investments 106110; production slate 103112; product ranges 2235; range of product 2235; rent-a-distributor model 124127; slates 103112; venture capitalists 91143

style guides 459460

style ranges 30

sub-distributor fees 571572

subscriptions: Amazon 397400; DVDs 231232, 234240; online distribution 397400, 431433; video-on-demand 334336

success correlation: theatrical marketing budgets 518520

Swasey, S. 401402

syndication 291305

tablets 392395, 453455

talent agreements 564567

talent involvement 508509, 525

tariffs 569

taxes 140143, 576577

teaser trailers 521522, 552553

technology titans versus Hollywood 7980

television distribution 272360; ad-skipping 310313; advertising sales 305317, 359; app markets 389390, 409411; barter 291297; brand extension 3435; budgets 4345, 546; cable television 272274, 277278, 282286, 302305; channels defined by range and quantity 4353; channel streaming 406408; cloud services 408413, 416422; commercials 311315, 546; coproductions 350356; costs, international markets 342345; crowdsourcing 342345; deficit continuum 130131; digital upfront markets 307315; digital video recorders 310311, 313, 315, 356359; direct costs 546; distribution patterns 280285; DVDs 272274; economics 285305; feature films 280299; fees 318319; finance 9199, 113115, 127134, 299305; fin/syn rules 299305; first-run syndication 296297; first-run TV series 289291; free television 276278, 359; free video-on-demand 278280, 358359; genres 4546; growth 339340; history 339340; hubs 386392; integration 388392; intellectual property assets 6166, 8082; international markets/services 291, 339356, 409411; licenses 282289, 317319; live + ratings concept 313315; live + still ratings concept 314315; long tail considerations 298299; market evolution 280285; marketing 514, 519520, 546548, 556; media costs 546548; merchandising revenue 448, 449452, 495; multipurpose boxes 386388; network coverage 291294; network licenses 282285; Nielsen ratings 308311; offnetwork syndication 296297; online distribution 6166, 131133, 272274, 278280, 297299, 315317, 359360, 383392, 408413, 416422, 426436, 548549; pay television 317339, 359360; personalization 416422; pickups 291; pilots 290; pitch season 289290; PR 547; press 547; programming sales renaissance 412413; programming schedules/lead-ins 547; ratings 280285, 305317; repeats 343, 359; risk 130133; runs 280282, 319, 336337; scatter markets 308; series economics 301305; shared windows 282285; short tail considerations 298299; smartphones 390391, 392395, 417422; socialization 416422; social media 316317; streaming services 297299; syndication 291305; theatrical feature films 280289; theatrical marketing budgets 514, 519520; timing considerations 289290, 291294; TiVo 357358; traditional ratings 308311; upfront markets 305317; US free television 276278; video-on-demand 272273, 278280, 298299, 315, 357, 358360; windowing 272, 280285

tentpole budgets 2728, 110112, 521522

terms: pay television 337338; television distribution 285287

theatrical booking 175193; blockbuster accelerated decays 182183; decay curves 181189; drop-offs 181189; frenzy of booking 176177; interlocking 180181; location considerations 175177; per-screen averages 179181; prints 178179; run lengths 177178; screen counts 178179

theatrical distribution 144195; accelerated revenues 169171; advertising 514540, 551556; aggregate deals 163164, 194; Asia 191193; bankruptcies 150151; blogs 531536; bookings 175193; boom international markets 193; box office 145146, 158160, 166168, 187193; budgets 514540; China 191193; commercials 523540, 554; competition 168169; concessions 193194; creative execution 523540; D-cinema (digital cinema) 151160, 195; digital divide 151160; digital film rental 158160; digital technologies 145, 151160; direct costs 514523; distributor–exhibitor splits/deals 160166; DVDs 555556; Europe 191; exhibitor–distributor splits/deals 160166; exhibitor meetings 526527; festivals 527528; films 158160, 161166, 514540; four-wall deals 165166; guarantee deals 161, 162163; hedging bets 147149; history 149160; house nut deals 161, 163164; indirect costs 538540; interactivity 529531; international bookings 189193; international box office release 166168, 193; loss-leaders 145147; major chain bankruptcies 150151; market evolution 149160; marketing 145166, 514540, 551556; market research 536538; media costs 514520; media promotions 526, 551556; microblogs 531536; minimum guarantee deals 162163; multiplexes 150151; net sum 540; online distribution 145, 171172, 194195, 517518, 528536, 554555; Pacific 191193; pattern profiling 147149; posters 522523, 552553; post-release windows 555556; PR 523528, 531536, 554; press 523528, 552553; profiling release patterns 147149; property travel 190; ratings decline, television distribution 280285; record books 172175; release strategies/timing 147149, 166172; rental 158160, 161166; revenue acceleration 169171; runs 161, 177178, 280282; screenings 173, 526527, 554; settlement 165; social networking 531536; success, correlation of 518520; television distribution 280289; theatrical booking 175193; third-party costs 538540; timing release strategies 166172; trailers 520522, 528531, 552553; US box office release 166168; websites 528531; weekend release openings 172175; zones 161, 175176

theft, copyright (piracy), 8290

theme parks 448, 450

third-party credit 116123

third-party marketing 508513, 538540, 544545

three dimensional (3D) films 158160

time slots 4546

timing considerations: first-run TV series 289290; licensing revenue 458459; release factors 501508, 551556; television distribution 289290, 291294; theatrical distribution 166172

TiVo 357358

Total Drama Island 529530

toys: revenues 447, 452455, 466480, 495

Toy Story 7071

trade fees 569

trademarks 82, 456466

traditional ratings 309311

trailers 520522, 528531, 543544, 548, 552553

transactional video-on-demand 231232, 270, 428433, 446, 483491

Transformers 468469

transmedia: revenues 447449

trendsetters: pay television 349350

Turner-Laing, S. 410411

20th Century Fox 153156, 210, 241243

Twitter 532, 535536

UltraViolet consortium 408409, 411

under the radar: budgets 27

United States (US): box office release 166168; financing production 142143; free television 276278

Universal (including Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios, MCA/Universal) 17, 18, 22, 24, 42, 51, 127, 167, 211219, 201203, 278, 347349, 561, 562

upfront markets 305317

US see United States

user experience influences 363

user interfaces 421422

Uslan, M. 501502

U-verse 389

value drivers 59

van Waveren, T. 529530

Variety: Joint ventures 21; budgets 28; international variation 38; Poseidon 111112; Universal 167; fees 283, 284, 288; ratings 304, 311314; Hulu 404; television distribution 288289, 313314; TV series economics 304; Virtual MSOs 407; see also notes (pp. 587607)

venture capitalists: study analogy, 2, 9193

versions: distribution activity ranges 1011

VHS format 203

Viacom 75, 80, 205, 277, 283, 382, 421, 439, 468, 509, 598

videocassettes 196

video CDs (VCDs) 216217

video content consumption 362369

video games 448, 471472, 495, 554

video marketing 541546; artwork 543; budgets 541544; commercials 543; media costs 541557; point-of-purchase 543544; posters 543544; PR 544545; press 544545; retail execution 543544; third-parties 544545; trailers 543544

video markets: bargain bins 254255; cash flows 259264; cost considerations 237240, 264269; direct-to-video markets 218220; DVDs 229230, 243255; early

roots 199201; economics 259269; formats 199203; fulfilment 246247; future directions 269270; growth 197, 199205; history 199217; initial shipments 245246; international marketplaces 255258; inventory management 243255; kiosks 231, 232234, 271; legal wrangles 199201; laserdiscs 216217; life cycles 243251; logistics 246247; made-for video markets 218220; market development 255258; marketing 199210; maturation 223226; Netflix 231232, 234240; next-generation DVDs 220223; online retail 230243, 257258, 270271; physical disc inventory management 243255; pipeline and portfolio 3031; piracy 211215, 271; price reductions 251252; pricing 243255, 257258; product diversification 222223; profits 243255, 259269; purchase/sell-through markets 205210; Redbox 231, 232234; release timing 255258; rentals 201, 203210, 231243; replenishments 246247; retail environments 203210, 223255, 543544; return reserves 248250; returns management 243251; revenues 196197, 202, 205210, 217218, 235236, 240243, 259269; royalties 259264; sell-through markets 205210; shipments 245246; Sony Betamax 199203; stock management 243251; transactional VOD 231232, 270; video markets 196271; video-on-demand 198, 231232, 234, 241, 270; virtual stores 230243; see also DVDs

video-on-demand (VOD): distribution value drivers 6, 8; market opportunities and segmentation 5355; metrics 279280; monetization changes 279280; online distribution 362, 368381, 426433; pay television 331, 334336; revenues 446, 481, 483491, 496; television distribution 272273, 278280, 298299, 315, 357, 358360; video markets 198, 231232, 234, 241, 270

viral messaging 500501

virtual MSOs 407408

virtual print fees (VFP) 156

virtual print programs 153154

virtual stores 230243

virtual worlds 469471

Wachowski’s experiment 123124

Walden, D. 301302

Walmart 423425

Warner Bros 83, 111, 120, 124, 148, 214215, 221, 234, 238239, 288, 320, 341, 477, 594595

van Waveren, T. 529530

Web media see Internet; online

media website: theatrical marketing 528531

weekend per-screen averages 180

weekend release openings 172175

windows: airline revenues 493; DVDs 240243; film marketing 552556; hotel/motel revenues 480481; market opportunities and segmentation 3543; non-theatrical market revenues 494; pay-as-you-view revenues 486488; pay television 317318; television channel range and quantity 4953; television distribution 4953, 272, 280285; video-on-demand, revenues 486488

word-of-mouth limited openings 499500

Yen, K. 414415

YouTube 370, 374377, 413416, 437441

Zynga analysis 473

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