Quiz 8
How Creative Am I?
Everyone’s capable of creativity, especially during childhood. That’s when we are all open to wonder and awe, and when the fun of experimentation is part of everyday life. But not all of us develop enduring creative habits or sustain innovative ways of thinking that last a lifetime.
If you wonder if you’re as creative as you can be or as you might like to be, take this assessment and find out.

Take the Test

For each of the following statements, indicate the number of the statement that corresponds to your level of agreement or disagreement:
1. Strongly disagree
2. Somewhat disagree
3. Feel neutral or are not sure
4. Somewhat agree
5. Strongly agree
1. I tend to follow my hunches.
2. Some of my best ideas about a project pop up when I’m not actually working on it.
3. I have a childlike appreciation of new, silly, or playful things.
4. I think humankind has already made most of its great leaps.
5. Sometimes I solve problems in my dreams.
6. I am very flexible—if one approach doesn’t work I’ll just try another.
7. I don’t see the point of working at something just for the fun of it.
8. In my mind, I have sometimes associated certain sounds or numbers with certain colors.
9. I have come up with unusual solutions to problems.
10. I see the world differently than others and want to share my worldview.
11. I am primarily motivated by money.
12. Often I just know things without knowing how I know them.
13. I sometimes find humor in things when most others don’t.
14. I don’t consider an idea to be creative unless it is useful.
15. Some people think of me as an oddball.
16. I enjoy puns and other wordplay.
17. I am primarily motivated by a desire for recognition.
18. Once I already have in mind the way I want to do something, I won’t change the way I do it.
19. When I read a novel, I have vivid pictures of the characters and settings in my mind.
20. I am very concerned with other people’s opinions of me.
21. I always have a Plan B.
22. I like to try new combinations of food, clothing, and other things.
23. I am comfortable with unconventional people.
24. I am uncomfortable breaking rules.
25. I think it is cheating to be inspired by someone else’s work.
26. Even if something is good, it can always be better.
27. I have gotten up early or stayed up late to pursue an idea.
28. If someone laughs at me, that’s her problem.
29. When I am working on something I like, I lose track of time.
30. Nothing is impossible.

Scoring and Explanation

Before tallying your total points, be sure to reverse the score (5 = 1, 4 = 2, 3 = 3, 2 = 4, 1 = 5) for the following items: 4, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25. Remember, in reversing the score, high numbers are traded for low and vice versa. Unless you reverse the scores for the items listed—and only for the items listed—your result will be inaccurate. See the Introduction to this book for a full explanation of reverse scoring.
Tally your points:
A score of 125-150 indicates that you are highly creative. You are unconventional, unorthodox, and unlikely to do things a certain way just because that’s the way they’ve always been done. You are internally motivated and eternally curious. You feel most alive when you are pursuing an idea that’s gotten hold of you, and you won’t be dissuaded when you’re on a creative roll.
A score of 95-124 indicates that you have some definite creative tendencies, but you are not always comfortable marching to your own drummer. Perhaps if you gave a bit less credence to the judgments of traditional types, you’d have a true breakthrough.
A score of 94 or below indicates that many of your creative abilities are currently latent. Remember, everybody has the potential for creativity, so if you’d like to up your score, consider dabbling in some new pastimes. Start by exposing yourself to the company of creative types, and allowing yourself to simply fantasize.
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