Quiz 11
What’s My “Office Politics” IQ?
Relationships matter in the workplace. Whether we like it or not, our people smarts, diplomatic skills, discretion, and instincts for self-preservation all play a role in our level of success. Indeed, we can probably all think of people who wound up on the fast track—or the unemployment line—due to their high (or low) degree of political office savvy.
What’s your level of emotional sophistication when it comes to office politics?

Take the Test

For each of the following statements, indicate the letter of the statement you agree with:
1. When it comes to your boss, you believe your role is …
a. To make her look good.
b. To prove you know more than she does.
c. To stay out of her way.
2. When it comes time to volunteer for a challenging assignment, you …
a. Step up if it is something you can handle.
b. Are sure you will get it, even if you’re not sure how to do it.
c. Hide in the restroom.
3. When it comes time for your performance review, you …
a. Are reluctant to blow your own horn.
b. Make sure you are well prepared to detail your accomplishments.
c. Are still hiding in the restroom.
4. If you get a call from a headhunter, you …
a. Brag to your colleagues.
b. Are very discreet, even if you are interested.
c. Rush off to make copies of your resumé on the office copying machine.
5. If a co-worker tries to take credit for your accomplishments, you ...
a. Immediately call him out in front of everyone.
b. Diplomatically make sure your boss knows about your contributions.
c. Just grin and bear it.
6. If you see a co-worker being rewarded by your boss, even though her work is subpar, you …
a. Confront your boss and point out this person’s ineptitude.
b. Tread carefully while trying to determine what your boss appreciates about her.
c. Weep.
7. If a co-worker hints that he wants you to do something you think is unethical, you …
a. Ask, “What’s in it for me?”
b. Distance yourself from him and make it clear you believe his behavior is unacceptable.
c. Immediately tattle.
8. A customer complains about you to your boss, and you think the complaint is unfair. You …
a. Explain to your boss why the customer is a jerk.
b. Call the customer and chew her out.
c. Assure your boss you will clear up any misunderstanding and repair the customer relationship.
9. If a co-worker is taking up too much of your time with chitchat, you …
a. Tell him to stop wasting your time.
b. Ask your boss to tell him to stop wasting your time.
c. Tell him you can’t talk right now, then limit run-ins as best you can.
10. If someone you think of as a trusted mentor repeatedly gives you bad advice, you …
a. Distance yourself and stop taking his advice.
b. Make excuses for him and keep following his lead.
c. Publicly accuse him of sabotaging you.
11. If a supervisor is sexually harassing you, you …
a. Assume you have no choice but to put up with it.
b. Phone his spouse.
c. Investigate appropriate complaint channels offered by Human Resources.
12. If a co-worker routinely hogs all the time in meetings, you …
a. Make every effort to speak before she gets the floor.
b. Roll your eyes, sigh, and loudly tap your fingers while she talks.
c. Lie to her and tell her a meeting has been cancelled.
13. You know two co-workers are having an affair, but their relationship is not affecting their work or yours. You …
a. Gleefully spread office gossip.
b. Tell them to stop.
c. Mind your own business.
14. A very competitive co-worker has lied to you, apparently to try to undermine you. You …
a. Are careful to verify any information she gives you in the future.
b. Automatically assume everything she says henceforth is a fabrication.
c. Knowingly spread a false rumor about her.
15. You receive an inflammatory e-mail from your boss reprimanding you for something you did not do. You …
a. Immediately fire back a defensive e-mail and copy the world.
b. Request a personal meeting with your boss and explain your side of the issue.
c. Barge into your boss’s office and threaten to quit.

Scoring and Explanation

Give yourself one point for each of your answers that matches the following answer key:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. B
A score of 13-15 indicates that you have a very high office politics IQ. The workplace is filled with emotional landmines, but you manage to sidestep them. You know when to speak up, when to lay low, and when to get more information before you act. Chances are you are on your way to an illustrious career.
A score of 10-12 indicates that you have a moderately high office politics IQ. Try to be a little less impulsive in your reactions, as this will lead to a higher level of self-protection. There are times when circumstances are unfair, but don’t be unfair to yourself by making bad situations worse.
A score of 9 or below suggests that your office politics IQ needs some work—lest you find yourself out of work. You need to take a deep breath—or preferably many deep breaths—before you react to a situation. The more angry or frustrated you feel, the longer you need to wait before embarking on a course of action. Don’t let your emotions rule you. Remind yourself that it is within your power to rule them.
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