Appendix C
Questions That Reflect Type
Here you will zero in on your own core type. You’ve narrowed down your possible core type to two or three possibilities, so as you work your way through the questions for each type, one type should ring true. You should have a strong response of identification to practically every question in the core type that you are. Other types may describe parts of you, but your core type will be the closest match. Ask your close friends to take the test for you as an additional backup verification.
Type 1
• Are you critical? Do you evaluate everything against a “should” or right way of doing something?
• Do you tend to think in black/white, right/wrong, good/bad ways?
• Are you clear about your moral values and often upset if others don’t seem to have a strong or similar sense of values?
• Do you work hard to do the best job possible? Are you concerned about mistakes, ruminating how you could have avoided them?
• Do you like order? Are you irritated when things are not in order?
• Do you feel guilty if you don’t measure up to your expectations? Do you have guilty pleasures?
• Do you have a hard time relaxing? Do you find yourself worrying about what’s wrong, judging yourself, evaluating yourself harshly?
• Is it hard to trust the natural unfolding of things? Do you tend to try, to make an effort, to make it happen, often making things worse from too much effort?
• Do some people avoid you because they don’t want your judgments and critical advice?
• Do you cross every t and dot every i? Can’t turn things in or complete things unless they are perfect?
Type 2
• Do you notice what people need and have a hard time not providing it for them?
• Do you offer advice and expect that people should be grateful to you for offering it?
• Are you upbeat and positive and don’t think others would accept you if you weren’t? Have to look good and please?
• Do you hide your own needs, even from yourself?
• Do you long for someone to take care of you, give to you without your having to ask?
• Do you love being appreciated? Acknowledged? Loved?
• Are you generous but become angry when you aren’t given back to or at least acknowledged?
• Do you make people dependent on you?
• Are you romantic, focused on relationships?
• Is it hard to focus on yourself? Make yourself as important as others?
Type 3
• Do you focus on success and love to compete and win?
• Would you be devastated if you failed? Do you imagine others would reject you if you failed?
• Are you always about doing, accomplishing, rather than just being?
• Are you positive, with a can-do attitude all the time?
• Are you action oriented and can’t stand people who talk on and on, slow you down or who don’t act?
• Do you have a constant to-do list?
• Do you dress for success? Are you concerned about your image? Is your image who you are?
• Do you long for praise and recognition for your work?
• Can you relax, play, learn with no goals in mind?
• Are speed and efficiency very important? Does it excite you to save time? Do you do several things at once?
Type 4
• Do you have to be unique? Refuse to conform?
• Do you have intense emotions that tend to change often, from elation to despair?
• Do you think about ideal love and feel you never get what you need?
• Do you feel misunderstood? Not listened to deeply enough? Abandoned?
• Do you thrive on depth, personal relating, authentic communication? Are you easily bored by day-to-day reality?
• Do you have a large emotional vocabulary?
• Are individuality and creativity extremely important to you?
• Do you love passionate expression and tend to exaggerate?
• Do you love life but feel that at times life is too painful to manage?
• Do you get feedback that you are very intense?
Type 5
• Do you pride yourself on being objective? Can’t stand people who always put a personal spin on things?
• Are you private and only share personal things with people you know well?
• Are you smart but feel otherwise because there is so much more to learn?
• Are you irritated by slow people, small talk, people who repeat or have nothing real to say?
• Would you rather stay home than attend a social gathering where you feel you won’t have any depth or learning potential?
• Do you enjoy going to interesting lectures, topic-discussion groups, and learning events?
• Do you read a great deal, love the Internet, and prefer to spend time alone, preferably learning?
• Do you repress your feelings or have a hard time sharing them?
• Do you like to think things through before you make decisions? Not share your process with people until you reach your conclusions?
• Are you in your brain all day long thinking about what you are learning and paying less attention to daily basics such as what to eat, what to wear, what to share?
Type 6
• Do you find yourself frequently worrying what might go wrong? Worry about worst-case scenarios?
• Are you safety and security oriented?
• Do you read below the surface, paying as much, if not more attention, to what’s not said as what is?
• Do you tend to be alert, noticing most everything that is happening?
• Do you like to plan in advance and are you thrown off by last-minute changes?
• Is loyalty a major issue for you?
• Do you test people to see if they are reliable? Consistent?
• Do you ask questions—outwardly or in your head?
• Do you like information? Is there never enough?
• Do you have major issues with authority? Concerned about how they use power? Tendency to challenge authority? Other times too trusting?
Type 7
• Is fun a major motivator for you?
• Do you adapt to change more easily than the next person? Excited by change?
• Do you do all sorts of activities? Are you concerned you might miss out on something?
• Are you optimistic? Your mind mostly filled with positive thoughts?
• Does your mind run a mile a minute - thinking, planning for future fun possibilities ?
• Do you dislike being around negative, worried people?
• Do you get distracted easily? Change subjects easily?
• Do you tend to avoid pain, always coming with solutions to avoid pain and find pleasure instead?
• Do you enjoy life, no matter what is happening?
• Is freedom important to you? You can commit but only if you have plenty of options?
Type 8
• Do you like to be in control?
• Do you avoid feeling or sharing your vulnerabilities, fear, doubt, and insecurities?
• Are you impulsive?
• Are you strong, doing anything to avoid being weak?
• Are you a leader and not a follower?
• Do you tend to overdo everything you do? Is it hard for you to have limits?
• Are you irritated by indecisive, insecure, dependent, needy people?
• Are you independent and tend not to ask for help?
• Are you direct, honest, and sometimes blunt?
• Do you like to empower people?
Type 9
• Are you peace and harmony-oriented? Avoid conflict a lot?
• Is comfort important to you?
• Do you avoid risk? Prefer what is easy, known, and comfortable?
• Are you indecisive? See all sides of an issue which often all seem equally important?
• Do you go along with others fairly easily? Do you have a hard time saying no?
• Are you stubborn to change, once you come to a decision on your own?
• Are you passive? Or passive-aggressive? Instead of showing your anger or saying “no”, do you avoid, resist, imply yes, but don’t act?
• Do you tend to get along with most people and feel perplexed if someone isn’t accepting?
• Are you more cooperative than competitive?
• Are you more okay with comfortable feelings but struggle with envy, anger, jealousy, and self-centered, competitive emotions?
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