Appendix D
Affirmations for Type 1: The Perfectionist/Reformer
1. Thank God, I don’t have to be perfect. What a relief.
2. I let go of trying to be good. I just am myself, with my flaws and desires and needs.
3. I have a good time, no matter what.
4. Mistakes are fine. They’re certainly nothing to stress about.
5. I accept people as they are, including me.
6. Some feedback from my inner critic is okay, but I let go of using the critic for constant evaluation. You’re fired!
7. Life is fun, and I do lots of fun things.
8. I don’t have to earn good things. It’s okay to enjoy the bounty.
9. Pleasure is good and I am good.
10. Life is easy. I don’t have to try so hard.
Affirmations for Type 2: The Giver/Cheerleader
1. I make my needs important to me. No one has to guess them.
2. I express myself directly. No more hinting for me.
3. I’m positive, but I accept my self-centered and upset sides.
4. I love to give and I love to have limits, too.
5. I give to myself as much as I give to others.
6. I love appreciation and love to be given to but don’t demand it.
7. I give freely. No one owes me.
8. I sing and dance and fly kites to please me as much as others.
9. I ask for hugs as much as give them.
10. I love to receive. I am one of the most receptive and appreciative people I know.
Affirmations for Type 3: The Achiever/Winner
1. I love to win but also love for everyone else to win.
2. Competition and cooperation are equally fun for me.
3. Whether I succeed or fail makes no difference. I learn and grow either way.
4. I love to do hobbies and interests as much as winning at a big project.
5. I love my work but also spend time developing my relationships.
6. I love my feelings and inner life. They support my success.
7. Whether I get the results I want or not, I enjoy life to the hilt.
8. I am more than my image or role. I am natural and what you see is what you get.
9. I don’t have to be the star, though it’s natural to shine and let others shine.
10. I relax when I need to and don’t overly push my edge.
Affirmations for Type 4: The Romantic/Depth Seeker
1. I feel deeply and sensitively and accept myself.
2. I like feeling centered, being at peace, yet still being the passionate person that I am.
3. I love life and focus on the positive, as well as the difficulties.
4. I love relationships, and feel safe in them. As long as I love me, no one can abandon me.
5. I listen to others and they listen to me. I love the back and forth of supporting each other.
6. I love my creativity. I am always creating something of beauty.
7. I love drama, playfulness, and excitement, as well as loss and pain. All experience is valuable, and I am special that I can go so deep.
8. I am learning to be more objective and observe my feelings and thoughts without losing myself.
9. I let go of longing and focus more on having and accepting how much I have right now.
10. I’m happy with what is. Nothing is missing. I focus on what I want, which increases the odds of creating it.
Affirmations for Type 5: The Observer/Thinker
1. I love my mind and also my body and heart and spirit.
2. I open to and let go of my fear of people. People are fun to be with and learn from.
3. I share more about me, and people like that.
4. I show my emotions more and realize I don’t have to understand everything.
5. I passionately express what I like and want.
6. I observe life and also jump in to learn from experience.
7. I don’t know everything and that’s fine. There is much to learn and I stay excited about that.
8. I express from my intuition and body sense of things, as much as expressing from my ideas.
9. I am rational but appreciate the irrational. I learn from many ways of expression.
10. I live life joyfully and love to engage with others.
Affirmations for Type 6: The Questioner/Guardian
1. Live and let live. I don’t have to know everything.
2. I trust that unseen forces support me and I don’t have to control things to be safe.
3. I allow things to unfold at their own pace and I am open to feeling peaceful.
4. I feel more and more comfortable with my body and mind.
5. I don’t have to get reassurance from you to feel safe and it’s fine to get reassurance, too.
6. I am my own guardian and protector and I like that.
7. I trust that I can handle future situations. I don’t have to plan and prepare so much in advance.
8. I know much of my fear is about the past or in anticipation of the future. I trust that I can feel safer in the present.
9. I have many gifts of solving problems, protecting others and creating important bonds.
10. In taking care of myself, I take care of others.
Affirmations for Type 7: The Optimist/Fun Lover
1. I face pain and discomfort with excitement and opportunity.
2. I love the new, and I accept and enjoy what is known and reliable.
3. I love to experience the quick version and I like to go deep with things, too.
4. I am a jack-of-all-trades and a master of everything.
5. I stay centered and clear, as my mind races from one thing to the next.
6. I listen deeply to people, as well as offer solutions to problems when asked.
7. I enjoy all the ventures in life, including the detours and difficulties.
8. I cheer people up but also listen to and relate to people’s pain.
9. I have empathy for all feelings, including my own.
10. I am a bright shining star and also weather storms well.
Affirmations for Type 8: The Director/Powerhouse
1. I am powerful yet also sensitive and patient.
2. I realize others are not as direct as I am and I accept that.
3. I understand peoples’ fear and insecurity. I support them to have courage and confidence.
4. I’m a leader, yet equal to others and open to their feedback.
5. I don’t have to have it my way. I want to hear your opinion.
6. I love to live life fully and find the moderation I need.
7. I inspire others in my leadership and support others’ leadership.
8. I am committed to serving the best that humanity can be.
9. I am giving and generous and back off if I become too controlling.
10. I am in charge only to the degree that is necessary.
Affirmations for Type 9: The Peacemaker/Accommodator
1. I am assertive and direct when necessary.
2. I face conflict, as I know that I will grow from that.
3. I accept myself as much as I accept others.
4. I clarify and focus on what I want.
5. I act on important self-goals and don’t get distracted.
6. I passionately express what is important to me.
7. I am important and realize the powerful effect I have on others.
8. I realize that it is okay to be an individual and have an ego.
9. I notice when I go along with others too much and need to focus on me instead.
10. I am tolerant of others but can say no and challenge someone when he or she goes against what I believe in.
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