

AC, 13, 169

ADC, 50, 169

Algorithm, 169

Aliasing, 78, 114, 169

Alternating current, 13, 14, 169

AM (amplitude modulation), 40, 69, 169, 170

Amplifier, 169

Amplitude, 10, 169

Amplitude modulation (AM), 40, 69, 169, 170

Analog filters, 119, 170

Analog signal, 7, 170

Analog-to-digital converter, 50, 59, 62, 71, 93, 136, 170

Anti-aliasing filter, 89, 121, 170

Attenuation, 170

Audio, 8, 170

Audio tone, 8

Auto-Tune, 55

Averager, 123, 170


Band reject filter, 170

Bandpass filter, 122, 153, 170

Bandstop filter, 122, 170

Bandwidth, 39, 170

Binary number formats

defined, 161

examples, 163

Binary numbers

defined, 127, 131, 171

hexadecimal, 176

hexadecimal notation, 166

octal, 179

octal notation, 166

offset binary, 165, 179

sign-extend, 165

sign-magnitude, 162, 181

two’s complement, 163, 184

unsigned, 161, 184

word length, 161, 184

Bit, 131, 171

Broadcast, 171

Byte, 134, 171


Carrier frequency, 69, 172

Cascaded filters, 172

Cell phone, 2, 172

Center frequency, 172

Chip, 134, 172

Circuit, 10, 172

Clock signal, 19, 172

Compact disk (CD), 53, 86, 139, 172

Composite wave, 34

Continuous signals, 8, 19, 172

Continuous wavelet transform, 109

Correlation, 96, 103, 107, 109

Cosine wave, 16, 173

Cutoff frequency, 173

Cycles per second, 26, 173


DAC, 173

dB, 173

DC, 12, 173, 174

Decibels, 145, 173

Decimal numbers, 128, 173

Decimation, 63, 114, 174

DFT, 96, 174

Digital filter, 122, 174

Digital number, 43, 45, 174

Digital signal, 174

definition #1, 44

definition #2, 45

example, 50

Digital signal processing, 174

Digital signal processor, 174

Digital to analog converter, 174

Digital video disk (DVD), 139, 174

Direct current (DC), 173, 174

Discrete Fourier transform, 174

defined, 96

example, 103

Downsample, 174

DSP, 1, 52, 174


Edison, Thomas, 13

EKG, 3

Electrocardiogram, 3

Envelope of RF signal, 155


Fast Fourier transform, 96, 174

FFT, 96


analog, 119, 170

anti-aliasing, 170

band reject, 170

bandpass, 122, 153, 170

bandstop, 122, 170

cascaded, 172

defined, 174

digital, 122, 174

finite impulse response, 175

frequency response, 121, 175

half-band, 175

highpass, 122, 177

impulse response, 177

infinite impulse response, 177

linear phase, 177

lowpass, 121, 150, 180

moving averager, 123, 178

nonrecursive, 178

passband, 121, 179

phase response, 180

recursive, 181

stopband, 121, 182

transition region, 183

transversal, 183

Finite impulse response filters, 175

FIR, 175

FM (frequency modulation), 157, 175

Fourier transform

discrete, 96, 174

fast, 96, 107, 174

Frequency, 25, 175

cycles per second, 26

radians per second, 28

Frequency modulation (FM), 41, 157, 175

Frequency response, 121, 153, 175

Frequency-domain plots, 31


Gain, 175

Ghz, 175

Gigabits (Gb), 175

Gigabytes (GB), 175

Ground, 175


Half-band filter, 175

Harmonic distortion, 37, 175

Harmonics, 34, 175

HDTV, 176

hertz, 26, 176

Hertz, Heinrich, 27

Hexadecimal numbers, 166, 176

High fidelity, 41, 176

High-definition television, 176

Highpass filter, 122, 177


IIR, 177

Image compression, 114

Impulse response (filter), 177

Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, 177

Integers, 177

Integrated circuit, 134, 177

Interpolation, 63, 177


JPEG, 114, 177


kHz, 177

Kilobits (Kb), 177

Kilobytes (KB), 177

ksps, 177


Least significant bit (lsb), 161, 177

Light refraction, 29

Linear phase filter, 177

Loudspeaker, 8, 177

Lowpass filter, 121, 150, 178


Marconi, Guglielmo, 159

Marquette, Michigan, 8

Megabits (Mb), 178

Megabytes (MB), 178

Mhz, 178

Microchip, 178

Microphone, 10, 178

Mixing, 22, 178


AM, 40, 69, 169, 170

FM, 157, 175

Most significant bit (msb), 161, 178

Moving averager, 123, 178

MPEG, 115, 178

Msps, 178


Nibble, 178

Noise, 4, 178

Nonrecursive filter, 178


base-10 (decimal), 128

base-2 (binary), 130

base-4, 129

Nyquist sampling criterion, 62, 82, 86, 178


Octal numbers, 166, 179

Offset binary numbers, 165, 179

Oscilloscope, 10, 179


Passband, 121, 179

PC board, 179

Period, 19, 179

Periodic sampling, 49

Periodic wave, 18, 180

Phase response (filter), 180

Pixel, 134, 176, 180

Pressure wave, 8

Printed circuit board, 180


Quantization, 180


Radians per second, 28, 180

Radio frequency, 155, 181

Recursive filter, 181

Refraction, 29

RF, 155, 181

RF signal envelope, 155

Richards, Keith, 39

Richter scale, 147


Sample, 181

Sample frequency, 181

Sample rate, 52, 62, 71, 181

Sample rate conversion, 63, 181

Sampling, 49

Sampling frequency, 62

Scientific notation, 27, 141, 181


analog, 7, 170

continuous, 172

digital, 45, 50

Signal-to-noise ratio, 181

Sign-magnitude binary numbers, 162, 181

Sine wave, 14, 181

Sinusoidal waves, 13, 181

SNR, 181

Sound, 8, 86, 146

Sound levels (dB), 146

Spectrum, 25, 29, 68, 181

Spectrum analysis

defined, 182

example, 103

Spectrum analyzer, 182

Square wave, 19, 182

Stopband, 121, 182

Stopband attenuation, 182


Tachometer, 183

Tesla, Nikola, 13, 159

Time domain, 183

Time-domain plots, 29

Touch-tone telephone, 58

Trace, 180, 183

Transceiver, 183

Transistor, 183

Transition region, 183

Transversal filter, 183

Triangular wave, 20, 183

Two’s complement binary numbers, 163, 184


Unsigned binary numbers, 161, 184

Upsample, 184


Voltage, 10, 184

AC, 13, 14, 170

DC, 12, 173



composite, 34

cosine, 16, 173

periodic, 18, 180

pressure, 8

sine, 14, 181

sinusoidal, 13, 181

square, 19, 182

triangular, 20, 183

Waveform, 10, 184

Wavelets, 107

Westinghouse, George, 13

Word length, 161, 184

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