Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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Photograph by Pierre Verdy/AFP/Getty Images.
Photograph by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images.
The Plan Timelinecreate detailed master schedule
Lineupdevelop show lineup with rotation of models
Themeestablish central concept to use as guideline
Budgetestimate overall expenses with line-item breakdown
The Place Location Scoutingchoose and secure venue
Site Visitwalk through to design event parameters
Consultationsmeet with lighting and sound techs
The Team Talentscout models, hair, makeup, stylist, etc.
Modelsaudition and cast models
Hair and Makeupcollaborate on designing the look
Stylistselect accessories based on concept
Dressersfind students, volunteers, professionals
Music Developmentselect and hire DJ or prerecord soundtrack
The Announcement Graphic Designselect and hire designer
Invitation Designdevelop and approve graphics
Save-the-Date or Teaser—choose print and/or email
Postage and Distributionselect method and budget for delivery
Email Blast—send e-communications prior to event
Website Coordinationplan dedicated website or area on established site
Press Releasesdevelop newsworthy story angles into releases
Calendar Listingssubmit copy for free listings
Programsdevelop, approve, and print
Publicitydesign media campaign
Placementsensure product samples are strategically visible
Stuntsstage theatrical series of public acts
The Prep Fittingsensure proper fitting of models
Pressingiron and steam garments
Packagingprepare garments for transport
Inventorytake stock of everything being transported
Gift Bagorganize and assemble
Rehearsalestablish choreography at run-throughs
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Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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Entry Strategy Delivery and Load-in—transport line and staff
The Surgeset up backstage and front of house
Dressing Areaplace racks, tables, mirrors, storage
Hair and Makeup Stationsplace mirrors, tables, stools, power source
Cateringprovide food and beverage for staff
Garment Prepunpack, inventory, and organize
Sound Check—test music and microphones
Rehearsalrun through with models, music, and lighting
Backstage Designer—ideally free to oversee
Assistant Designer—execute designer directives
Production Assistant—act as runners
Accessory Manager—oversee accessories
Hair Stylist—prep hair
Makeup Artistapply makeup
Dresserssupport models
Stylistcheck models one last time
Feederfeed models onto runway
Choreographerblock models
Staging Stage Manager—coordinate all stage needs
Setcoordinate runway, backdrop, signage, seating
Décor—set up flowers, table coverings, pipe and drape systems
Special Effectsproduce special lighting, pyrotechnics, videos
Documentation Photographer(s)document runway, party, backstage
Videographer(s)document runway, party, backstage
Management House Manager—coordinate designer, venue, and vendors on-site
Production Staff—provide food and beverage, coat check, and valet services
Multimediaoversee lighting and sound tech teams
Securityprotect backstage and front of house
Guest Relations Greeterswelcome and direct guests
Ticket Takerscheck guest list and act as gatekeepers
Ushersescort guests to seats
VIP Staff—provide special services
Take-awaystore and distribute gift bags
Food and Beverageset up and serve
Entertainmentamuse with pre- and postshow music and visuals
Transportation and Parkingprovide directions, validations, valet
Photograph by China Photos/Getty Images.
Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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Shows 217
Jeanswest Cup Casual Wear Design Contest, China Fashion
Week Spring/Summer 2009, Beijing
Photograph by China Photos/Getty Images.
Exit Strategy Breakdown Staff—dismantle according to preassigned duties
Inventoryaccount for everything
Guest and Staff Exitscue guests, schedule staff for departure
Transportationarrange for return trip
Postproduction Pressing and Repairsrefresh garment samples as need
Photo and Video Editingprocess raw footage a.s.a.p.
Outreachsend video or photo recaps to special clients and press
Archivingrecord and file press clippings, images, video, and memorabilia
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