Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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Special thanks are due to the designers and fashion professionals interviewed here:
Joseph Abboud, Katherine Bowers, Carla Ferndez, Fern Mallis, Dawn Mello, Isaac Mizrahi,
Gretta Monahan, Pam Parmal, Ralph Rucci, Yeohlee Teng, and Philip Treacy.
And to Alicia Kennedy, my editor, Chris Grimley and Kelly Smith, our graphic designers, and
Justin Cote and Victoria Dominguez, my assistants.
Thanks to Robert Frye, Viola Gonzalez, Tina Calderin, Jorden Irizarry, Rebecca Gonzalez, Kilsy
Curiel, Rafael Villalona, Fred Rogers, Jake and Ena Calderin, Jennifer Hudson, Jaycey Wether-
ington, Jaclyn McGeehan, Jamie Mendoza, Kathleen Pilarski, Patricia and Wallace Frye, Rich-
ard Brooks, Mary Garthe, Louis Selvitella, Javier Berdecia, Tracy Aiguier, Lisa Baker, Cynthia,
Alex and Zak Atkinson, Jacobo and Edith Calderin, Fructuoso, Gloria and Leslie Gonzalez, Car-
men Rita Gonzalez, James Hannon, Sondra Grace, Richard Bath, Cheryl Richardson, Richard
Ventura, Mariclaire Hession, Cloud Devine, Laura Soelter, Doreen Mendez, Meredith Byam-
Miller, Dianna Matherly, Mary Higgins, Bethany Van Delft, Gina Fox, Mike and Rosita Boudjouk,
Forough Vaziri, Pedro Miranda, Shirley Sweet, Anita Trottman, Mrs. Garofalo, Mrs. Walsh, Betty
Riaz, Christine Liu, Donna Rice, Robert Birnbaum, Maggie Trichon, Alfred Fiandaca, Frank
Xavier, Katherine Dibble, Jess Meyer, Haven Tyler, Beate Becker, Jim Goshen, Ray Cadrin, Lois
Ingledew, Tania Haddad, Rachael Lahren, Rosina Rucci, Jennifer Lurie, Nina Tryon, Laurie Aus-
tin, Ian Wagasky, Myra Hackel, Brianne Carmody, Anne Vanderheyden, Christina Ramirez.
And to the faculty, administration, and students, past and present, at the School of Fashion
Design in Boston, Massachusetts.
Job:02-30034 Title:RP-Fashion Design Ref and Spec Book
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