they also discuss features that will improve the tool sets and production processes
for the game. The producer organizes these features in a spreadsheet and assigns
them categories. The team brainstorms about 100 features they want to include in
the game. Figure A.6 is partial list of some of the initial features for Justice Unit.
The goal with the feature brainstorm is to think of everything that could
possibly be included in the game, and then scale down the list and prioritize the
features. The team starts the process of prioritizing the features by having each
project lead rank the features on a scale from 1 to 3, with 3 being most important
and 1 being least important. These rankings are then averaged and the features
are sorted from most important to least important. Figure A.7 is an example of a
ranked and sorted feature list.
The production team takes time to review this list together and will further
refine the rankings. For example, the lead designer is able to make a case that the
lowest ranked feature (support cut and paste functionality in scripting tool), should
actually be moved higher up the list, because this feature will save the designers a
lot of time on the overall design schedule. This time can be better spent playtesting
and polishing the game. Engineering agrees that this feature can be ranked higher,
as it will only take two days for one engineer to implement this functionality.
Each of the features is reviewed in a similar manner until all the features have
been categorized as “must have,” “like to have,” or “nice to have.” The producer
Category Feature
Gameplay dynamic missions objectives
Process mission review process should also include multiplayer levels
establish a system for circulating design documents and updates to documents
to the team
Gameplay easy to understand user-interface
Gameplay replayable missions
Production improve physics so explosions look more realistic
Gameplay ability for player to customize character appearance
Production support cut and past functionality in scripting tool
FIGURE A.6 Initial feature list for Justice Unit.
FIGURE A.7 Rated features for Justice Unit.
Category Feature Prod. Art Design Eng. QA Average
Gameplay dynamic missions objectives 3 3 3 3 3 3
establish a system for circulating design documents and updates to documents
to the team 333333
Gameplay easy to understand user-interface 3 3 3 3 3 3
Process mission review process should also include multiplayer levels 3 3 3 2 3 2.8
Production improve physics so explosions look more realistic 2 3 1 3 1 2
Gameplay replayable missions 2 2 2 1 2 1.8
Gameplay ability for player to customize character appearance 1 2 3 1 1 1.6
Production support cut and past functionality in scripting tool 1 1 3 1 1 1.4
tries to limit the number of features included in the “must have list” to 25 percent
of the total feature list. For example, if there are a hundred features on the list, the
number of “must haves” is limited to around 25. The goal for “like to have” fea-
tures is around 35 percent of the list, and all the other features will be prioritized
as “nice to have.” By limiting the number of features that can be listed in each
category, the team is forced to really consider the importance of a feature and gen-
erate a core feature set that is well-defined and manageable within the schedule.
Define Milestones and Deliverables
Now that the core features have been generally determined, the producer puts
together an initial milestone overview for these major milestones:
First Playable
Code Freeze
Code Release
Third Party Submission (console platform only)
Because the team knows that the game has a hard ship date of October 13,
2009, the producer estimates some general deadlines for completing each of
these major milestones. The producer also loosely defines the content of each
milestone and later on will create more detailed milestone deliverable lists. The
milestone deadlines may change a bit during pre-production and production,
as the team gets a better idea of the progress they are making on Justice Unit,
but this initial milestone overview provides a good idea of when each milestone
should be completed. Figure A.8 is a milestone overview for Justice Unit.
Milestone Deliverable Checklist
Once the overall milestones are determined, the producer can start working on
the specific deliverables for each milestone. The deliverables will include more
specific details, such as which features are completed, which assets are playable
in the game, and how many missions are scripted. Figure A.9 is a partial mile-
stone deliverable checklist for the alpha milestone for Justice Unit.
These milestone deliverables lists will not be fully complete during pre-
production, as there will still be many unknowns about the project. During pre-
production, the producer begins working on these lists and will add to them
as development progresses. More detailed information can be added as the
producer completes the schedule and staffing plan. Eventually these lists will be
used by the QA department and the publisher when they test the milestone build.
The list is the yardstick they will use to the measure the progress of the game. If
the milestone list is not defined and sent with the milestone build for approval,
it will be difficult to track the work that’s been done.
The goal is to have a fully defined milestone deliverable list about four to
six weeks before the actual milestone deliverable. This provides enough time
for the team to understand all the expectations of the milestone build and they
can adjust the deliverable list based on the remaining time in the schedule. This
also gives the producer time to identify any risks to the milestone or any areas
where the milestone might slip. Digital Fun, Inc. wants the defined lists a few
weeks ahead of time as well, so they are prepared to check the content of each
milestone when it is delivered by Supergame Studios.
The lead engineer is evaluating which engines will work best for the game and
figuring out the best way to structure the production pipeline. He is leaning
towards using a licensed engine, mainly because they have money in the budget
FIGURE A.8 Milestone overview for Justice Unit.
Desired ship date
13-Oct-09 First Playable Alpha Code Freeze Beta Code Release
Third Party Submission -
Estimated Deadline
CONSOLE: 27-Jun-08
PC: 25-Aug-08
CONSOLE: 27-Sep-08
PC: 25-Nov-08
CONSOLE: 27-Apr-09
PC: 25-Jun-09
CONSOLE: 27-May-09
PC: 25-Jul-09
CONSOLE: 27-Jul-09
PC: 25-Sep-09
CONSOLE: 17-Aug-09
PC: n/a
General Time
12 - 18 months before code
8 - 10 months before code
3 - 4 months before code
2 - 3 months before code
First code release candidate
available to QA 3 weeks
before final code release
deadline. PC game must be
code released about 3 weeks
before desired ship date.
Submit code release candidate
at least 8 - 12 weeks before
desired ship date.
Basic functionality for a few
key features are in to
demonstrate very basic game
Key game play functionaltiy is
in for all game features.
Features work as designed,
but may be adjusted and
changed based on feedback.
Game runs on target hardware
platform. Tools completed.
Production pipeline completed.
Code complete for all features.
Only bug-fixing from this point
forward. No new features are
added, unless approved by
senior management.
Code complete, only bug fixing
from this point forward.
Full code freeze. During this
phase only crash bugs can be
fixed. Critical bugs can be
fixed with approval.
Code final. If submission is
rejected, only specific bugs as
requested by the third party
will be fixed for re-submission.
Two to three key art assets are
created and viewable in the
build. The assets demostrate
the look and feel of the final
version of the game.
Assets are 40 - 50% final, with
placeholder assets for the rest
of the game.
Assets are 80 - 90% final, with
placeholder assets for the rest
of the game.
All art assets are final and
working in game. Only major
bug-fixes from this point
Full art freeze. No art fixes,
unless it is to fix a crash bug.
Art final. If submission is
rejected, only specific bugs as
requested by the third party
will be fixed for re-submission.
Basic features are defined, key
game play mechanics have
basic documentation and a
playable prototype if possible.
All design documentation is
completed. Feature
implementation is in progress.
40 - 50% of design production
tasks are completed. Major
areas of game are playable as
Game is 80 - 90% playable.
Playtesting feedback is being
All design assets are final and
working in the game. Only
major bug fixes from this point
forward. Minor game play
tweaks can be done, based on
playtest feedback.
Full design freeze. No design
fixes, unless it is to fix a crash
Design final. If submission is
rejected, only specific bugs as
requested by the third party
will be fixed for re-submission.
The sound of the game is
determined, including
voiceover, music, sound
effects. Samples are available
to communicate the sound
vision of th game.
40 - 50 % of sound effects are
in a working. Voiceover
design is in progress,
placeholder VO files are
recorded. Music in process of
being composed.
Final voiceover is recorded
and in-game. Final music is in
game. Sound effects are 80 -
90% implemented.
All final sound assets are in
and working in the game. Full sound freeze.
Sound final. If submission is
rejected, only specific bugs as
requested by the third party
will be fixed for re-submission.
Work with publisher to
determine which languages
are needed. Select
localization vendor and send
them design documents and
first playable. Define
localization pipeline.
Work with vendor to determine
asset delivery schedule. Send
glossaries, cheat codes,
walkthroughs to vendor. Test
localization pipeline to ensure
translations are displayed
Final text and VO assets are
sent for translation.
Translations are completed
and returned to developer for
Final language assets are
integrated into the game.
Linguistic testing is completed.
Send builds to appropriate age
ratings boards to secure final
rating. Full localization freeze.
Localization final. If
submission is rejected, only
specific bugs as requested by
the third party will be fixed for
Basic game requirements and
game plan are completed.
Full production has begun.
The game requirements and
game plan are fully completed
and approved. If working with
licenses, all licenses are
secured and an approval
process is in place.
Manual is in process of being
written. Marketing assets are
being generated.
Manual is complete. External
vendors are finished with work.
All approvals for licenses are
secured. Development team
can start rolling off project.
All production tasks are
completed. If submitting game
to console manufacturer, the
submission forms are filled in
and ready to go.
Production final. Only
managing submission process.
Can test game against the first
playable milestone
deliverables defined in the
game requirements phase.
Game is now playable a full
game, although there are
some rough edges and holes
in some of the functionaltiy.
Playtesting can begin. Can
test against the alpha
deliverables expected for this
Test plan is 100% complete.
Full game functionality can be
tested and bugged. Play
testing continues. Can test
against the code freeze
milestone deliverable list.
All aspects of game can be
fully tested and bugged.
Some playtesting continues in
order for design to put the final
polish on the game.
Test code release candidates
for any crash bugs that will
prevent the game from
Testing continues on
submission candidate(s) until
game recieves final approval.
and it will save them some time in the long run, especially if they use an engine
that is stable and established and has a good customer support program. There
are a few modifications that will be made to any licensed engine. The lead en-
gineer wants to make sure the engine licensor will provide suitable technical
support so that any issues with the engine modifications can be quickly resolved.
He has received SDKs for each engine he is evaluating. He also seeks input from
the artist and designer on the level design and scripting tools for each engine
(if these tools are available as part of the license).
Special consideration is given to creating a pipeline that will allow the team
to easily generate multi-platform builds. It is ideal to create a pipeline where the
FIGURE A.9 Milestone deliverable checklist for Justice Unit.
Alpha Deliverable for Sept 28, 2008
Last Updated Aug 29, 2008
-The following levels are asset complete, with game play scripting:
*Justice Hall
*Villain’s Lair
-The following levels are have basic geometry and are viewable in game, but have no game play scripted:
*City Hall
*Office Complex
-The following characters are asset complete:
-The following characters are viewable in game, but don’t have final textures
-UI color scheme and font are final and approved
-UI flow is prototyped in Macromedia Flash
-Basic UI screens are implemented and functioning:
*Start screen
*Profile screen
*Options screen
-In-game UI has placeholder art with basic functionality for:
*Health bar
-Placeholder VO cues and sound designs are implemented for the following levels:
*Justice Hall
*Villain’s Lair
-Sound designs completed for remaining levels in the game
-Scripting tools completed and functioning
-Art tools completed and functioning
-Networking APIs are implemented
-Build process finalized and in place
artists only need to check in one set of assets that can be used on each platform,
instead of having to check in three sets of assets—one for the PC version, one
for the console version, and one for the handheld version. The lead engineer is
investigating the best way to handle asset conversion for each platform and is
hoping to generate a way for the pipeline to automatically incorporate the ap-
propriate assets from the source control system in order to build each version of
the game.
The lead engineer also wants to have a process that is easy to work with.
People should be able to check assets in and out with a problem. He also wants
to add in some checks that are run each time something new is checked into
the build, so that any simple errors can be remedied right away. The engineer
plans to make a recommendation on how to structure the pipeline sometime
in pre-production. The sooner he makes a decision, the sooner he can get an
engineering team working on the pipeline.
During pre-production, Supergame Studios will generate some design, art, and
technical documentation. The QA lead also works on some playtesting plans and
will begin putting the main test plan together. These documents will be living
documents and will change throughout the development process, so the producer
creates an area on the team wiki to publish the documents. This solu tion provides
an easy way to update the documents, track the changes, and communicate these
changes to the team. Everyone is directed to go to the team wiki for the current
version of all documents. When more people are added to the team, one person
in each discipline will be assigned the task of checking the documentation on a
daily basis and ensuring that all changes have been added to the wiki.
The lead designer has the most documentation to write, and at some point
during pre-production an additional designer will join the project to assist with
prototyping, playtesting, and writing documentation. The list of design docu-
ments needed for Justice Unit include:
Character backgrounds and dialogue
Mission designs
Control scheme
Player actions
Weapons, special objects, power-ups
Voice recognition
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