echnical production refers to game elements that are usually managed as
subprojects within the production cycle. These elements include voice,
music, and motion capture. Massively multiplayer online games are also
discussed, as they have some unique issues to plan for during development.
Voiceover and music contribute a large part to the sound and feel of a game.
A good voiceover performance can make a good game great, and a bad perfor-
mance can make a good game not so great. The same goes for music and motion
capture. On large development projects, these are some of the elements that
are likely to be outsourced, and producers must understand how to schedule for
these within the production phase.
Marketing is also an important part of production, as the marketing needs
directly impact the production process. As marketing is planning the launch of
a title, they need marketing art, developer interviews, and playable builds of
the game well in advance. If the producer cannot accommodate the marketing
needs, the sales of the game are negatively impacted.
This section of the book discusses these subprojects within a game develop-
ment cycle and provides several details on effectively dealing with these unique
needs. Topics include the following:
Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Planning for Voiceovers
Contracting and Licensing Music
Setting Up a Motion Capture Shoot
Working with Marketing
Part IVPart IV
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