The development team can use a placeholder manual file until the final version
is ready.
Box Art
The final layout and packaging for the box are typically created by the market-
ing team. Providing assets for the box is usually easier than furnishing assets for
the manual, because the marketing department usually writes the box text. The
developer just needs to double-check the box text, providing corrections or sug-
gestions as necessary. Typically, the developer just provides screenshots for the
back of the box. As always, it’s important to be aware of packaging deadlines for
console versions, since these require third-party approval prior to printing.
Keyboard Reference Cards
Keyboard reference cards provide the commands and layout for PC games,
which are either a separate deliverable, or a foldout from the manual cover.
If your project includes a reference card, it should be noted on the develop-
ment schedule, so that QA has time to check the game’s functionality against
the card. A separate layout card will need to be created and tested for each ad-
ditional language, so be aware of international keyboard layouts when creating
this deliverable.
13.4 DEMOS
Demos are marketing tools that build enthusiasm for a game by allowing con-
sumers to play a game prior to purchasing it. You can provide demos to player
via the Internet or as a stand-alone disc. Demos can be created after the game’s
code release, but it is sometimes necessary to create a demo during the game’s
production. Though this is far from the ideal situation for the development team,
releasing a demo near the game’s ship date can create a buzz and boost sales.
Planning for a Demo
A demo should be planned for months in advance. Even if the marketing team
decides during the pre-production phase that a demo isn’t necessary, it’s good
to plan for one just in case. A demo will be required at some point, whether it’s
for a tradeshow, as an incentive to pre-order the game, or as a way to build con-
sumer interest in the game. Planning for a demo costs nothing, and it ensures
that you’re ready to deal with a last-minute request to create a demo. The demo
plan doesn’t need to be detailed; it can be formulated during pre-production,
and updated throughout the development process. It should outline:
Content: Talk to the marketing team to determine the specific content for
the demo. Which levels are featured? Which characters are playable? Which
features will be showcased? The content should provide players with a good
feel for the game, but should leave them wanting more.
Preliminary production schedule: After the scope of the demo has been
determined, the team can begin work on specific assets and features. If a
specific level will be showcased in the demo, that level should be built and
polished first. All of these details need to be worked into the production
schedule, so that the demo features can be planned for in advance. If a fea-
ture is cut, you can update the demo schedule as you’re updating the pro-
duction schedule.
Testing schedule: The QA department can schedule time for testing the
demo if they know far enough in advance when the demo will be ready. It
may be necessary to pull some testers off of game testing in order to test
the demo, particularly if the demo is being produced while the game is still
in development. QA can also hire more personnel during that time period,
ensuring that there are enough testers to cover both projects.
Key magazine deadlines: Ideally, the marketing team prefers to receive
a demo prior to the game’s release. If the demo is going to be featured on
a magazine disc, then there are specific deadlines for each issue. The lead
times for print magazines can be long, and a completed demo may be re-
quired months in advance. For instance, if the demo will be featured in a
magazine’s October issue, the developers need to submit the final version of
their demo in July.
Technical guidelines: If the demo is included on a magazine’s disc, it may
need to adhere to certain technical guidelines, such as file size limit. If the
demo is for a console game, it will need to function with the magazine’s
demo launcher. It’s important to check with the magazine to gather the nec-
essary information prior to submitting the demo to them.
In the unlikely event that the marketing team decides that the game doesn’t
require a demo, this plan can be used to create a strong, polished version of the
game, which can then be featured at press events, conferences, and tradeshows.
Console Demos
If the team is creating a console demo, there are additional factors to consider:
Are PAL and NTSC versions required? When creating a console demo
for the international market, PAL and NTSC versions may be required. If
this is the case, be sure that the game is playable in both modes.
Does the demo need to be submitted to a third-party for approval?
Console demos have to be submitted to third parties for approval prior to
release. The approval time can vary, depending on how many titles the pub-
lisher is trying to approve. It’s good to allow two weeks for third-party demo
approval. This includes time for the resubmission of a demo, in the event
that an issue is discovered during the first submission.
Has the demo fulfilled the technical requirements? There are specific
technical requirements for Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo demos. Check
with your third-party account manager for specifications.
If you plan for the aforementioned, it will help to streamline your develop-
ment process. Be sure that everyone on your team knows the demo completion
deadline, and maintain a detailed schedule that allows for development, testing,
and submission.
Localized Demos
If a localized demo is being developed, there are several other factors to
How many languages will be in the demo? If the demo will be localized,
you need to factor in time for the organization of assets, the translation pro-
cess, the integration of localized text, and the testing phase. These tasks will
take a few weeks. The marketing department needs to inform the team in
advance about the languages that they’ll need for the demo. If time is short,
find out if an English-only version will suffice. The production of a localized
demo mid-project can have a negative impact on the development schedule,
since it involves the work of several developers.
Will the demo be multilingual? If so, a delay in one language can put the
other languages at risk. Be sure to carefully schedule the translation, integra-
tion, and testing of each language, so that all translated assets are integrated
at the same time.
How will language selection be handled? If you’re creating a multilin-
gual demo, your team will need to know how the demo selects a language for
display. This language selection can be stored in a configuration file, so that
language selection is remembered the next time the demo is launched.
The marketing department also needs other assets from the development team,
such as high-resolution art and gameplay footage. To prepare for the delivery of
these assets, work with the marketing team to establish a schedule during the
pre-production phase. Some of these additional assets include:
Screenshots—high resolution screenshots of in-game action
Gameplay footage—used for creating game trailers and commercials
High resolution artwork—artwork that is suitable for use as a magazine cover
or posters
During the development cycle, the marketing team will want builds of the game
that they can show to journalists, retail buyers, and potential customers in order
to build buzz for the game. The press and retail buyers are aware that they’re
looking at a game in development, so they don’t expect to see a polished ver-
sion of the game until it ships. Whenever builds are made available, be sure
to include a document that details features, bugs, installation instructions, and
any other pertinent information. Since members of the development team can’t
demo the game to all potential buyers and journalists, it’s good to include any
instructions or caveats pertaining to the demo. The document should be easy to
read, and should provide contact information in case assistance is required. The
demo should be accompanied by a brief that details how to demo the game in
order to show it off in the best possible light.
You should consider ‘fingerprinting’ builds that are sent outside of the devel-
opment team. This entails attaching a unique marker to every build that is deliv-
ered outside the team. A master list is then maintained of all fingerprinted builds,
and the recipients of said builds. If a build leaks on the Internet, the unique
marker can be used to determine which build was leaked. Commercial software
programs and proprietary solutions are available for software fingerprinting.
Other builds that the marketing team may request include tradeshow builds,
preview builds, review builds, and builds on request, such as builds that allow for
the capture of gameplay footage.
Working with Public Relations
The public relations (PR) department is responsible for interfacing with mem-
bers of the media in order to create publicity for the game. Members of the PR
team set up interviews and press tours, and they advise the development team
on what core elements of the game should be communicated.
Press Tours
Press tours are one method of promotion for high-profile titles. Confirm dates for
press tours as early as possible in the development process, particularly if you’re
working on a high-profile title. Make sure that the schedule is built around the
development team’s timetable; it’s not advisable to have developers traveling
during critical milestones.
Prior to the press tour, be sure that developers who are slated for interna-
tional press tours are carrying valid passports, to avoid delays. Also plan in ad-
vance for any builds that will be shown during the press tour. As is the case with
tradeshow builds, some parts of the game may be shown, with access to other
parts of the game restricted.
If the developers are too busy for a press tour, the marketing team might
bring in a small group of journalists to visit the development studio. The hands-
on presentation and gameplay can be accompanied by PR representatives from
the game’s publisher who assist the development team in presenting the game.
During the game development process, journalists will conduct interviews with
various members of the development team. Most of these can be handled via
email, and require no advance planning. However, it’s important to note the
deadline for emailed interviews. For interviews with international journalists,
time needs to be allotted for translation prior to publication.
Developer Diaries
Developer diaries are created by the development team to help with PR and
marketing. These are written by the devs, and describe the work that’s being
done on the game. Typically, there’s dedicated space on the game’s web site
where developer diaries are posted and updated.
Tradeshows are a powerful tool for generating publicity for a game. For larger
tradeshows, developers may need to attend and demo the game. This is a big
draw for journalists, who enjoy speaking directly to members of the develop-
ment team about the game and its core features.
If devs are going to demo the game at a tradeshow, it’s good to practice playing
the game in front of a crowd, so that they don’t appear flustered or confused if inter-
rupted or questioned. They should be familiar with the game’s core features, includ-
ing those present in the demo and those that will be available in the final version.
Figure 13.2 shows a sample asset deliverable checklist. The first column shows
the asset, the second column indicates the delivery date, and the third column
provides a general timeframe for when the asset will be needed. Some projects
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