Text Assets
The game should be stored in a format that is easy to access, translate, and
integrate. This will save the developer time, when the assets need to be orga-
nized and sent out for translation. Several things can make the text assets more
localization-friendly. For instance, don’t hard-code any of the in-game text.
Instead, make it all accessible from string tables stored in the game. This method
makes it much easier to organize, integrate, and test the translations, because the
developer knows exactly which files must be localized.
Art Assets
Avoid storing text in art assets whenever possible and use game code to display all
the text instead. If text needs to be part of an art file, be sure to put the text in a
separate layer on the source file so it can easily be replaced with translated text.
Voiceover Assets
As discussed in Chapter 10 “Voiceover,” it is important to define a filenaming
convention that allows the voiceover files to easily identified. The same goes
for localized VO files—establish a naming convention that allows someone to
quickly understand what language is used for any given VO file. Also, music,
voiceover, and sound effects should be stored on separate tracks so that the dia-
logue can be easily replaced with translated VO.
International Characters and Fonts
The engine needs to be able to handle both uppercase and lowercase versions
of special linguistic characters, such as ä, Õ, and Ç. Currently, Unicode is the
standard for representing text characters, since it provides a unique number for
every character regardless of the platform, software program, or programming
language. This gives the game code the capability to display more than 65,000
unique characters, including Asian and Cyrillic. Keep in mind that if the lan-
guage uses an Asian or Cyrillic font, the engine must be double-byte enabled and
capable of displaying bidirectional text.
Choose a font that is easily read on televisions and computer monitors.
Televisions display at a lower resolution, so don’t choose fonts that will be diffi-
cult to read when they are displaying international characters. Keep in mind that
some languages, such as Japanese, display better in larger fonts. However, make
sure that the font size is not too large. If it is too large, there will be issues with
overlap when displaying other languages.
User Interface
The User Interface (UI) has many localization challenges. The text usually over-
laps or is cut off, forcing the translator to come up with an abbreviation or an