Part III: Managing People 91
Chapter 6 Hiring And Retaining Talent 93
6.1 Introduction 93
6.2 Hiring Talent 94
Screening Resumes 95
Interviewing Talent 98
Providing Feedback 100
6.3 Retaining Talent 101
6.4 Training 103
Game Development Resources 105
Organizations 105
Conference and Trade Shows 105
General Game Industry Information 106
6.5 Chapter Summary 106
Chapter 7 Teams 107
7.1 Introduction 107
7.2 Project Leadership 109
7.3 Picking Leads 110
7.4 Team building 112
Getting to Know Each Other 114
Role Definition 116
Cross-Training 117
Seating Arrangements 118
Team Meetings 119
Team Website 120
7.5 Team Buy-in and Motivation 121
Warning Signs 122
Addressing the Warning Signs 124
Showing Appreciation 125
Sharing Vision 125
Team Survey 126
7.6 Quality of Life 128
7.7 Chapter Summary 131
Chapter 8 Effective Communication 133
8.1 Introduction 133
8.2 Written Communication 134
8.3 Oral Communication 134
8.4 Nonverbal Communication 136
8.5 Establishing Communication Norms 137
8.6 Communication Challenges 138
Resolving Conflict 138
Delivering Bad News 140
Giving Effective Feedback 141
8.7 Chapter Summary 142
Part IV: Technical Production 143
Chapter 9 Massively Multiplayer Online Games 145
9.1 Introduction 145
9.2 Differences Between MMOs and Other Games 146
9.3 Pre-Production 147
Technology Issues 147
Design Issues 149
Art Issues 150
Production Team 151
9.4 Production 153
9.5 Post-Production 155
9.6 Chapter Summary 155
Chapter 10 Voiceover 157
10.1 Introduction 157
10.2 Planning for Voiceover 158
Voiceover Design 158
Technical Considerations 159
File Formats 160
Voiceover Script 162
Placeholder Voiceover 163
Schedule and Staffing 164
10.3 Choosing a Sound Studio 166
Bid Packages 167
10.4 Casting Actors 169
Union Versus Non-Union 170
Celebrity Voices 171
Preparing Character Descriptions 172
Auditions 172
Selecting and Booking Actors 176
10.5 Recording Voiceover 177
Preparing for Recording Session 177
Directing Actors 178
Selecting Takes 179
Audio Deliverables 180
10.6 Voiceover Checklist 180
10.7 Chapter Summary 180
Chapter 11 Music 183
11.1 Introduction 183
11.2 Planning for Music 184
Music Design 184
Technical Considerations 185
Schedule and Staffing 186
Bid Packages 188
11.3 Working with a Composer 189
11.4 Licensing Music 190
11.5 Chapter Summary 192
Chapter 12 Motion Capture 195
12.1 Introduction 195
12.2 Planning for Motion Capture 196
Motion Capture Requirements 197
Motion Capture Shot List 198
Schedule 198
12.3 Working with a Motion Capture Studio 199
Bid Packages 199
12.4 Preparing for a Motion Capture Shoot 200
12.5 Motion Capture Checklist 202
12.6 Chapter Summary 203
Chapter 13 Marketing and Public Relations 205
13.1 Introduction 205
13.2 Working with Marketing 206
Development Milestone Schedule 206
Game Documentation 206
Focus Groups 207
13.3 Packaging 208
Manuals 208
Box Art 210
Keyboard Reference Cards 210
13.4 Demos 210
Planning for a Demo 210
Console Demos 211
Localized Demos 212
13.5 Marketing Assets 212
13.6 Game Builds 213
Working with Public Relations 213
Press Tours 213
Interviews 214
Developer Diaries 214
Tradeshows 214
13.7 Asset Deliverable Checklist 214
13.8 Chapter Summary 215
Part V: Pre-Production 217
Chapter 14 Game Concept 219
14.1 Introduction 219
14.2 Beginning the Process 220
Brainstorming 221
Initial Concept 223
Genre 223
Platform 224
SWOT Analysis 224
Competitive Analysis 226
Approval 227
14.3 Define concept 229
Mission Statement 229
Game Setting 230
Gameplay Mechanics 230
Story Synopsis 231
Concept Art 232
Audio Elements 232
14.4 Prototyping 233
14.5 Risk Analysis 236
14.6 Pitch Idea 239
14.7 Project Kick-off 239
14.8 Concept Outline 240
14.9 Chapter Summary 240
Chapter 15 Game Requirements 241
15.1 Introduction 241
15.2 Define Game Features 242
15.3 Define Milestones and Deliverables 244
15.4 Evaluate Technology 249
15.5 Define Tools and Pipeline 249
15.6 Documentation 252
Design 253
Art 254
Technical 255
15.7 Risk Analysis 257
15.8 Approval 258
15.9 Game Requirements Outline 258
15.10 Chapter Summary 258
Chapter 16 Game Plan 261
16.1 Introduction 261
16.2 Dependencies 262
16.3 Schedules 264
Creating a Schedule 265
Tracking Tasks 275
16.4 Budgets 278
Creating a Budget 278
Managing a Budget 281
16.5 Staffing 283
16.6 Outsourcing 284
Communication 286
16.7 Middleware 287
16.8 Game Plan Outline 290
16.9 Chapter Summary 290
Part VI: Production 293
Chapter 17 Production Cycle 295
17.1 Introduction 295
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