Letting all Employees Know that Their Jobs are Important

My youngest son, Wilson, played on a championship football team in high school. He was a lineman. If you follow football, you know that a position on the line is not a glorious one. The linemen don’t get much glory; they don’t make the headlines. They do their job quietly and without a lot of recognition.

That particular year, the team had an extremely strong line. They also had a talented backfield consisting of a couple of dynamic running backs with exceptional talent. Before the season began, reporters from the local papers began to follow the team, paying particular interest to the running backs. However, something interesting happened that I observed and have used with my business clients.

The running backs would refer to the strength of the line when discussing the upcoming season with the TV and newspaper reporters. They made sure to share the credit. As a result, the linemen were interviewed by the media. They, in turn, bragged about the talented running backs. During the season, the backs excelled and got most of the headlines, but they continued to give credit after each game to the linemen. Pictures of the line appeared in the media; they began to be recognized unlike any others in the area. They were given a nickname; they had an identity. The groups shared the glory; they were undefeated during the season and went to the state championship as a unit.

When people learn that credit will find its place within their organization, they become a team. Credit should be given, not taken. It will always find its rightful place. If an employee does something successful, the best advice I can give is to share the credit with others on the team. While many will feel that this is giving away what they have worked for, the reality is that the credit will find its way to the rightful recipient. The team, however, will feel appreciation for the sharing of the credit and will work even harder over time. This is the essence of the team concept; it is what we can learn from the best.

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