The Process of Service

Anyone who listens to my radio shows or hears me speak knows that my emphasis on customer service is centered on the people aspect rather than on the process. I have friendly debates and get somewhat passionate about the importance of attitude and people when it comes to service. I don’t believe that any process works with the wrong people, and believe the right people will make up for a lack of process. That said, the combination of people and process makes for an unbelievable customer experience.

In the next few chapters, I want to focus on what that process should include so that you can make sure that customers are wowed each time they do business with your company. I am going to focus now on the “every contact” process, which your employees should practice with every customer they meet.

These basics are not effective if not practiced. They must be at the top of each employee’s mind every day, every contact. They are just as described—basics. Your particular company may add some specific basics of its own, but these are to be included in every customer experience to ensure that you are set apart from your competition. They will eliminate the appearance of indifference in your company and, with the right people practicing them, will result in your owning your customers. They are a combination of the finest processes followed by the companies we have discussed, and they should be practiced religiously because of one simple truth: They work.

I am more concerned than ever about the level of service that companies offer today. In a service economy, the United States is losing what edge it has had as a leader in service. I am constantly being told of stories of exceptional service in Europe and Asia and that this is the norm, that this is what’s expected abroad. I am told that they currently “get it” better than we do.

As a result, my quest continues. I want to learn from the best, such as those companies discussed in this book, but I also want to continue to explore why the rest of us are no longer getting it, why we are not providing the world standard for service.

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