
About the Author

Robert Buttrick

Robert Buttrick has worked in a number of the world’s most turbulent industrial sectors including telecommunications and systems engineering. He was accountable for creating and running a project-based framework for managing change within Cable and Wireless, enabling it to plan for, and develop, new systems, products, services and capabilities to meet the ever growing needs of its customers. Prior to this he was a member of the management team which was accountable for managing the company’s UK residential sector, acting as coach to sponsors and project managers, enabling them to succeed in a wide range of business projects. More recently he has been engaged on a £1bn programme to implement health systems in the UK.

Before taking up his corporate career in 1993, Robert was with PA Consulting Group, a management and technology consultancy. There, he specialised in business-led project management, advising clients such as Lloyds TSB Bank, National Rivers Authority, Property Services Agency, Avon Industrial Polymers, National Westminster Bank and RHM.

His early career was as a civil engineer. After graduating from the University of Liverpool with a first class honours degree, he joined Gibb Ltd, who provide consulting, design and management services for infrastructure projects worldwide. He has lived and worked in countries as diverse as Kenya, Mauritius, Yemen, Senegal and Sudan on the evaluation, design and supervision of a number of marine and water resource projects. He has also worked with the World Bank in Washington DC on investment appraisals for major development projects. Following this, he became Gibb’s manager for marketing strategy and analysis.

Robert is a Master of Business Administration (Henley Management College), a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

His main pastime is watercolour painting. His one, unknown, claim to fame is that he once stopped a column of Russian tanks dead in its tracks.

Robert can be contacted via his website, projectworkout.com.

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