
It’s fabulous to experience a whisper of an idea turn into a completed book, but without the encouragement and assistance of many people, that whisper could have easily dissipated into the ether. I owe a lot of gratitude, and no doubt coffees or martinis (or both) to the following good folks.

Susan Rimerman, Ted Waitt, Cliff Colby, Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, Nancy Davis, Scott Cowlin, Sara Jane Todd, and everyone else at Peachpit Press encouraged this project and made it happen.

Mimi Heft designed the book and provided first-class templates in which I could work. Unlike many authors, I write directly into the book’s layout using Adobe InDesign, so working in a template that’s properly styled and professionally designed is a privilege.

My editing and production team, led by Susan Rimerman, made all the practicalities happen: Scout Festa made me wish I could write as fast and as sharp as she’s able to copyedit my text; Karin Arrigoni managed the crush at the end of the project to produce a top-rate index; and Tracey Croom put her production talents to good use shepherding the laid-out files and keeping my work on the up-and-up.

Chris Morse and Chris Horne gave me access to early prerelease versions of their app Photosmith 2 so I could include it in the book.

Glenn Fleishman helped maintain my link to the outside world as virtual officemate—and occasional in-person lunch or coffee companion—and patiently listened to my laments and successes.

Agen G. N. Schmitz also put up with my electronic chatter, but more importantly wrote Chapter 8.

Dana and David Bos granted permission for me to use photos I’ve shot of their daughter, Ainsley.

Peter Loh provided invaluable photo studio equipment.

Tor Bjorklund donated the wood used in many of the studio photos.

The owners and staffs of Aster Coffee House and Herkimer Coffee here in Seattle provided great places to work when I needed to get out of my office, and happily took my money when I needed more coffee. Which was often.

Kim Carlson built the App Reference appendix and served as a fantastic photographer’s assistant and propmaster, but most importantly kept me sane and supported this project starting with my first inkling of an idea.

And Ellie Carlson continues to serve as a great model and a good sport when I turn the camera on her. She’ll thank me when she’s older. Right?

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