Chapter 5. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

Summoning grids—pentacles with attitude—have a number of uses. Unsurprisingly, summoning spirits from the vasty deeps of Hilbert space is one of them. They can also be used, by the foolhardy or terminally reckless, to open gateways to other spaces (most of which are utterly inhospitable to human-like life). Finally, they can be used to create a firewall, like a science fictional force-field only buggier and prone to hacking attacks by extra-dimensional script kiddies with pseudopods. Which is why nobody with any sense uses them casually.

The Apocalypse Codex

5.1 What Firewalls Don’t Do

Since the dawn of the commercial Internet, firewalls have been a mainstay of the defense. Many books have been written about them, including two I co-authored [Cheswick and Bellovin 1994; Cheswick, Bellovin, and Rubin 2003]. That said, their utility, and in particular the protection they provide, has diminished markedly over the years. The time has come to ask whether the general-purpose firewall—the one protecting an enterprise—is still worth its capital, operational, and productivity cost.

When the world was young and Bill Cheswick and I wrote the first edition of Firewalls and Internet Security, laptops were rare, Wi-Fi and hotel broadband were non-existent, and smart phones weren’t even dreamed of. External users logged in to time-sharing machines via the firewall to read their email; companies had very few Internet links to other companies. Even the web was new; the section on it was one of the last things we added to the book before it went to press, and we declined the suggestion that something called a “URL” be employed to state the location of useful resources.

None of that is true today. There is a massive amount of connectivity through and around a typical large firewall, hundreds or even thousands of links. We noted quite some years ago that AT&T had at least 200 links to business partners [Cheswick, Bellovin, and Rubin 2003, p. xiii]; anecdotally, that sort of interconnection has grown greatly in the intervening time. Employees telecommute and travel, staying in touch all the while from a variety of devices including personally owned ones. Attempts to restrict what employees do from their own machines are generally futile (see Chapter 14). Furthermore, much of the important employee traffic to the company, especially email retrieval, is easily encrypted; adding a customs stop at the firewall can weaken security, since the encryption is no longer end to end. Whence, then, the traditional firewall? Does it actually do any good? Note carefully that I’m not saying that firewalls were wrong; I do not believe that at all. Rather, I’m saying that the world has changed and that the decision to rely on them should be reexamined and perhaps abandoned.

It helps to go back to what we wrote in Firewalls. The real problem, we noted, was buggy code; the purpose of the firewall was to keep the bad guys away from the bugs. Today’s firewalls demonstrably cannot do that. Web browsers on Image0 different devices are exposed to malware daily, and you can’t even start to use a hotel network until you turn off all proxying and VPNs. Similarly, all sorts of nastiness is emailed to people every day, often on their unofficial, unapproved, personally owned, external email accounts, accounts that they check from their employee laptops. (Yes, I know that many security policies prohibit such behavior. They also prohibit employees from copying data to flash drives so that they can get work done at home or while they’re on the road. Again, see Chapter 14.)

Beyond that, modern computers—though not (yet?) most tablets or smart phones—all have built-in firewalls; if those are properly configured (see Section 15.3), you may get more security at less cost by scrapping your customs booth. If we enhanced these devices still further to use cryptographically based distributed firewall technology [Bellovin 1999], we’d be in better shape still.

5.2 A Theory of Firewalls

Fundamentally, a traditional firewall is a security policy enforcement device that takes advantage of a topological chokepoint. Let’s look at it analytically. There are three properties necessary for a firewall to be effective:

1. There must exist a topological chokepoint at which to place a firewall. Formally, we can regard the network as a graph and the firewall as a cutpoint that partitions the graph into two or more disjoint components.

2. The nodes on the “inside” of the firewall share the same security policy. (See Section 16.2 for more discussion about creation of security policies.)

3. All nodes on the “inside” must be “good”; all nodes on the outside are, if not actually “bad,” untrusted.

When one or more of these conditions does not hold, a firewall cannot succeed. Today, none are true for the typical enterprise.

Property 1 fails because of the number of links a typical company has, links that do not go through “the” firewall. These links may be to suppliers, customers, joint venture partners, outsourcees, what have you.

Property 2 fails because of the number of computers used today. With so many nodes, the policies have to differ drastically. When firewalls first became popular, only a small subset of employees needed Internet connectivity. For all practical purposes, there was no web. Email was not the way business was done. Documents were faxed rather than scanned and attached. If, by some chance, your company needed connectivity to another company, you leased a circuit from the phone company, but that wasn’t a gross exposure because most companies didn’t have very much connectivity even internally. (Bear in mind that Firewalls came out 1Image years before the release of Windows 95, the first Microsoft operating system with TCP/IP support. You could get TCP/IP, but it was an add-on product from some outside vendor. Most machines were not upgraded in that fashion.)

Property 3 fails, too, partly because of the large population on the inside, and partly because of mobile nodes: if they get infected when they’re on the outside, they’re effectively bad guys when inside the firewall.

There’s a corollary to this: firewalls can work in environments where these conditions still hold. To take a neglected but important case, most residences are protectable by firewalls. (Admittedly, parents and teenagers often disagree on the proper security policy or even on what constitutes “good” behavior. Besides, consumers have smart phones and laptops, too. Computer-savvy parents will sometimes set up a separate “teen-net,” isolated from “parent-net.”)

It is worth noting that these three properties, with the possible exception of Property 3, are not absolute; tolerating minor deviations is feasible. You can have two or possibly three firewalls—with more than that, coordinating policy is hard, and there’s too much chance of return traffic going through a different firewall—you can have a small number of different policies for machines like the mail server, etc.

Given this model, we can construct scenarios where firewalls are effective. A degenerate case is a single machine. If we regard the firewall as residing between the network interface and the TCP/IP stack (and this is, in fact, how it is often implemented), all three conditions are obviously satisfied. What makes this interesting is where policy comes from. All current operating systems permit the machine’s administrator to set the policy for that machine. Some packages permit a central administrator to ship policy to many endpoints. Finally, if we use cryptographically verified identity to accomplish our partition (and thus use a virtual network topology rather than a physical one), we achieve the distributed firewall described in [Bellovin 1999].

A more interesting case is a departmental print server. The policy is simple: anyone within the department is allowed to print; no one outside is allowed to print at all. Property 2 is therefore satisfied. Departments typically don’t have rich connectivity, thus satisfying Property 1. Finally, since by policy anyone on the inside has permission to use the printers, everyone is by definition good, satisfying the final property.

There’s one wrinkle. If the department has an external link, perhaps to a supplier, systems on the far side of that link should be barred from reaching the printer. That could be accomplished by a packet filter on the router handling that connection; alternately (and per the discussion below on threat models), it can be ignored.

It is fair to ask what other choices there might be. Any network connected device needs some sort of access control; many do not provide it, or do not do a good job of it. Your typical printer, for example, does not support TLS or logins and passwords; if it did, many computers would have trouble talking to it. However, some sort of access control is necessary; I do not want some bored teenager launching a denial of service attack on my paper budget or on my printers’ hardware [Cui and Stolfo 2011]. (I recently bought a new home printer with IPv6 support—which I promptly turned off because there was no access control option; anyone who knew its name or IP address could have reached it.)

There are other services that are commonly used within a department or other small group; file servers are the obvious example. These often do have their own authentication; nevertheless, the service provided is sufficiently sensitive (and the underlying code has been sufficiently buggy, at least in the past) that an extra layer of protection is useful.

The solution is a point firewall, a simple firewall in front of a limited set of resources. Point firewalls work because of their scope: they are not trying to protect arbitrarily many devices, they are not enforcing complex rules, they are not dealing with thousands of exceptions. There is also a more subtle philosophical difference: their primary function is not just bug deflection; rather, they are add-on access control mechanisms. Nevertheless, since they are enforcing a policy they qualify as firewalls.

If we add the threat environment to our model, we can generalize still further. In particular, we will assess the properties separately for different threat levels. When we do, we see that enterprise firewalls do provide a modicum of protection against low-skill hackers. Specifically, let’s consider joy hackers.

Property 2 is effectively true; typically, everyone has the same policy against the sorts of attacks launched by joy hackers. A simple “no inbound calls” policy, plus rules to force all mail and perhaps web traffic through specific virus scanner-equipped gateways will likely handle all of the usual attacks from that grade of bad guy.

Property 1 is more subtle. If we temporarily ignore links to other companies, we’re left with the usual handful of connections to ISPs; these are the traditional locations for firewalls. This property is thus satisfied.

It is Property 3 that is the most interesting for this scenario. I will assert that at the joy hacker level, to a first approximation all employees are honest good guys. Yes, there is embezzlement, insider trading, and the usual rate of petty thefts from the stockroom or the paper cabinet (Bell Labs used to use four ring loose leaf binders, apparently to discourage people from bringing these home as school supplies). However, what little low-grade technical malfeasance there is tends to be locally targeted; employees will attack what they know, and by definition unskilled attackers do not have the tools or knowledge to learn the extended network topology, especially to other companies. We thus satisfy Property 3 and Property 1.

The risk from mobile devices remains, but today’s dangerous viruses are not the work of script kiddies. We can thus conclude that traditional enterprise firewalls do provide some protection.

Our protection breaks down if we consider opportunistic hackers, and of course all bets are off when dealing with MI-31. An opportunistic hacker is capable of launching sophisticated viruses and worms, working out (or stumbling on) a path through interconnected companies (or using a worm that does the same thing), and so on. We thus lose Property 1. Property 2 also fails, because a sophisticated attacker can find and exploit weaker policies. Still, the biggest risks can be deflected, at least partially, if we can protect the external links (Chapter 11).

Targetiers don’t have much technical skill, but they are targeting you. If nothing else, it means that we lose Property 3 because such people will resort to physical presence in their attacks. Depending on just how much skill they have, they may also be able to exploit links between companies, which violates Property 1. In other words, enterprise firewalls do not protect against higher grades of attackers.

It is important to realize that the three properties were applicable all along; however, in the mid-1990s the threat profile was very different. There were few targetiers or Andromedans, with the arguable exception of Cliff Stoll’s Stasi-controlled East Germans [1988; 1989]. There were opportunistic attackers, including some very good ones, but with no interconnected companies and few mobile devices their scope of operation was limited.


Another way to think about firewalls is to realize that no firewall can provide protection at any layer other than the one at which it operates. A typical packet filter, for example, works at layer 3 and a bit of layer 4 (the port numbers); as such, it can filter by IP address and service. It can’t look at MAC addresses (especially from more than one hop away because it never sees them!), nor can it look inside email messages. The trouble is that a good firewall needs to operate at multiple layers. It may need to do TCP normalization, to deal with attackers who are playing games with the subtle semantics of TCP [Handley, Kreibich, and Paxson 2001]; it definitely needs to scan email for viruses, block nasty web sites, and more. Furthermore, the trend in recent years has been to layer more and more non-web protocols on top of HTTP or HTTPS, rather than directly on TCP or TCP+TLS; simple port number filtering or circuit relaying will no longer do the job. (HTTP is sometimes referred to as the “universal solvent for firewalls.”) Indeed, even in Firewalls we described the need for FTP and X11 application proxies; the need has gotten much more urgent since then.

One result of the increased attention to higher-level protocols has been the rise of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) [N. Anderson 2007]. A DPI firewall has rules and policies that look at more or less arbitrary parts of packets. This is difficult, and not just because of performance issues; in general TCP implementations will split up messages as they see fit, forcing a DPI system to reassemble packets and keep extra state. Furthermore, the ability to express policies in terms of the contents of packets has led to evermore complex policies; these themselves are a significant source of trouble.

The result of this shift is that firewalls have gotten far more complex. There are many more different application that are of interest; each of them requires custom code on the firewall to enforce policies and to delete or otherwise defang sketchy stuff. This is bad for security. It pays to look back at what Cheswick and I wrote in Firewalls:

Axiom 1 (Murphy) All programs are buggy.

Theorem 1 (Law of Large Programs) Large programs are even buggier than their size would indicate.

Proof: By inspection.


Corollary 1.1 A security-relevant program has security bugs.

Theorem 2 If you do not run a program, it does not matter whether or not it is buggy.

Proof: As in all logical systems, (falsetrue) = true.


Corollary 2.1 If you do not run a program, it does not matter if it has security holes.

Theorem 3 Exposed machines should run as few programs as possible; the ones that are run should be as small as possible.

Proof: Follows directly from Corollary 1.1 and Corollary 2.1.


Corollary 3.1 (Fundamental Theorem of Firewalls) Most hosts cannot meet our requirements: they run too many programs that are too large. Therefore, the only solution is to isolate them behind a firewall if you wish to run any programs at all.

In other words, the reason that firewalls were secure is that they ran many fewer programs, and hence didn’t have as much vulnerable code. Given the hundreds of applications that a modern firewall has to support, and given the complexity of some of those applications (e.g., SIP), it is far from clear that less code is involved. In fact, an enterprise firewall today, supporting very many users, endpoints, and policies, is arguably running more Internet-facing code than a typical host. Perhaps the code is higher quality, and perhaps the firewalls are better administered than end user machines—but perhaps not.

The code complexity issue is another driver for smaller, more specialized firewalls. The XML-scanning firewall protecting some database machine may be just as buggy as the same code on an apatosaurus-sized firewall for the enterprise, but if it fails it exposes one database machine, not an entire company.


We can therefore draw some conclusions about the role of firewalls in today’s net.

• Small-scale firewalls, protecting a network about the size run by a single system administrator, still serve a useful function. Generally speaking, these will be packet filters and hence not require extra hardware.

• Complex server applications are rarely amenable to firewall protection, unless the firewall has some very, very good (and very, very well-written) sanitizing technology.

• An enterprise firewall retains value against low-skill attackers but is actually a point of risk, not protection, when trying to filter complex protocols against sophisticated adversaries. If you have such services that must be accessible from the outside, use packet filtering on the enterprise firewall and a separate protection layer near the server itself. This is discussed in more detail in Section 11.3.

• Arguably, mobile devices—laptops, tablets, smart phones—should never be fully trusted, not because they use wireless connections, but because they’re much more likely to carry malware (see Property 3). This suggests that your wireless LAN should be outside the firewall, with a VPN+filter for access by iToys and the like. The suggestion is analyzed in greater detail in Chapter 9.

5.3 Intrusion Detection Systems

“Do you mean to admit that you may have been invaded and searched—tracelessly?” Alcon fairly shrieked the thought.

“Certainly,” the psychologist replied, coldly. “While I do not believe that it has been done, the possibility must be conceded. What we could do, we have done; but what science can do, science can circumvent.”

Second Stage Lensman

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a backup security mechanism. It assumes that your other defenses—firewalls, hardened hosts, goat entrails (tofu entrails for vegetarian security professionals) offered up in the dark of the moon—have failed. The task then is to notice the successful attack as soon as possible, which permits minimization of the damage, either via automated systems or their backup humans.

Most of what I’ve said about antivirus technology is true of IDSs as well. An IDS can be signature or anomaly based; the same advantages and disadvantages apply. The key difference is deployment scenarios and hence inputs; antivirus programs operate on files, whereas IDSs are more multifarious.

IDSs are generally classified as network or host intrusion detection systems; for the latter, they can operate on network or host behavior or content. Each of these approaches has benefits and limitations.

The big attraction of anything network based is the same as the big attraction of a firewall: it’s scalable, in that there are typically many fewer networks to instrument than hosts. In fact, the firewall is one very common location to install a network IDS, since by definition all traffic from the outside is supposed to pass through that chokepoint.

Doing intrusion detection in the network, by grabbing packets in flight, is difficult. The obvious problem is dealing with encrypted traffic; more seriously, it’s all too easy to miss packets. There are also theoretical issues with enemies who try to exploit odd corner cases in the network protocol specs [Handley, Kreibich, and Paxson 2001], though such behavior seems to be rare or unknown in the wild. (If the Andromedans are doing this, perhaps they haven’t yet been caught at it?)

The simplest form of network IDS relies on IP addresses and port numbers: if the packets are going to destinations that some parties shouldn’t try to reach, you know there’s a problem. The technique is analogous to the “network telescope” concept [Cheswick 2010; C. Shannon and Moore 2004]: if some IP addresses are deliberately left empty, packets sent to them (or from them!) are a priori suspicious. The same can be true of certain ports on sensitive hosts, especially if you have good information on just who can legitimately send to them.

If that’s all you want to do, though, don’t bother trying to look at packets. Your routers are already doing that; some places have built IDSs based on routers’ NetFlow data.1

1. “PaIRS: Point of contact and Incident Response System,”

More sophisticated network monitoring can be done as well. There are comparatively simple systems that look for simple patterns of data, such as Bro [Paxson 1998; Paxson 1999] or Snort [Roesch 1999]. DPI systems [N. Anderson 2007] are more sophisticated; they look at higher layers of the stack and are often used for various sorts of governmental monitoring [Poe 2006].

The fundamental problem with any form of network IDS is that it lacks context. Yes, DPI and other forms of network monitoring can detect suspicious packets, but it’s difficult for even the best network scanners to reassemble every file in transit and then scan it for malware. That sort of thing is much easier to do on hosts. Hosts can also look at log files; more importantly—and all but impossible to do on the wire—they can scan their own file systems for unexpected changes [G. Kim and Spafford 1994a; G. Kim and Spafford 1994b; G. Kim and Spafford 1994c]. Finally, host based IDSs are network independent; they can detect problems no matter how they arrive, whether via the Internet or carried in on an infected USB flash disk.

Host-based IDSs can do one more thing more easily than their network partners: they can emulate network protocols, above the level of any encryption. Depending on their purpose, they can be part of or intermediaries for the real network daemons; alternatively, they can be pure fakes, doing nothing but detecting things that you hope will never happen. This is an ancient technique [Bellovin 1992], but it is useful nevertheless.

5.4 Intrusion Prevention Systems

We have a VPN, and firewalls, and you do not want to mess with them because the design spec for the Laundry’s firewall software is not to keep intruders out, but to make them undergo spontaneous combustion when they get in: as Bob puts it, it’s the only way to be sure.

The Annihilation Score

Suppose a network IDS does detect something unpleasant. Then what? An intrusion prevention system (IPS) can best be described as an IDS with an attitude. Rather than simply detecting something bad, they try to do something about it. The trick is avoiding collateral damage, or at any rate collateral damage that’s worse than what the attack would have caused if left unmolested. The worst situation is a successful attack whose goal was to induce you to perform harmful actions.

Consider, for example, the Slammer worm [Moore et al. 2003]. Slammer spread via a single UDP packet to port 1434, used by a Microsoft SQL server. Because UDP does not require a 3-way handshake the way TCP does, the worm spread extremely quickly; its growth rate was limited by the outbound bandwidth of infected hosts. One can postulate an IPS that noticed links being clogged, saw a tremendous spike in traffic to a rarely seen port, and automatically set up a filter rule blocking such packets. It makes perfect sense, and that is in fact what was done by many ISPs. Now imagine a variant of Slammer that emitted three packets to UDP port 53 for every one it sent to 1434. The packets to 53—DNS—would, for this example, be harmless, but would a network based IPS know that? All that it can see are three facts: links are being clogged by an unprecedented flood of traffic; many of the unusual packets are to port 1434; even more of them are to port 53. Would it try to shut down both ports? If so, the IPS would effectively turn off the Internet. (N.B. I’ve slightly simplified the details of this enhanced attack; correcting it is left as an exercise for the reader.)

An IPS can do many things. As with an IDS it can be host or network resident; both sitings have advantages and disadvantages. Depending on where it is located, it can block connections, quarantine files, modify packets, and more [Scarfone and Mell 2007]. Forrest and Somayaji described one that slowed down suspect processes, rather than killing them [2000]; this scheme doesn’t do irrevocable harm if it’s guessed incorrectly.

Ultimately, the IPS problem rests on three pillars: very good detection, selection of countermeasures, and matching the countermeasures to confidence in identification of the root cause of the problem. This last issue is much less studied than the second, which in turn is much less studied than the first.

5.5 Extrusion Detection

Extrusion detection is a specialized form of IDS. It’s aimed at one particular form of harm: someone trying to steal your data and export it. The trick is picking up the outbound data transfer. There are two challenges: picking out the right data, amidst all of the legitimate (or at least normal) traffic, and distinguishing authorized from unauthorized transfers. This latter isn’t trivial; uploading a chip design to a foundry can be the normal way of doing business, while sending it to the Andromedans’ web server most likely is not. Extrusion detection has one principal advantage over many other types of security systems: it can cope with rogue insiders.

There are a number of ways to perform extrusion detection. One of the simplest is the honeypot: create fake files that will attract the attention of a spy, commercial or governmental, and wait for someone to grab one. This has been done a number of times, most famously by Stoll [1988; 1989] in the “Wily Hacker” incident. (Bill Cheswick and I subtitled Firewalls “Repelling the Wily Hacker” in homage to Cliff, and we used that phrase with his permission.) Briefly, he discovered intruders in a University of California computer system and traced them to Germany. To allow enough time for technicians to trace the attackers’ phone calls—this was in the days of dial-up modems—he created fake documents about the Strategic Defense Initiative, a missile defense system, and waited for someone to look at them. His trap was successful; the attackers’ response included sufficient indicia of espionage that he notified the FBI.

In the more usual scenario, you don’t know whether you’ve been penetrated. Accordingly, the proper honeypot strategy requires a wide range of believable-seeming decoys. Exactly what decoys you should create depends on your system; you want something that resembles normal items on that system. Bowen at al. [Bowen 2011; Bowen et al. 2009] describe a number of types of decoys—“honey documents”—including fake logins for banking web sites; they also define criteria for decoy generation. One notable aspect to their work was the use of web bugs, normally used by advertisers to track consumers on the web. With a web bug, opening the document causes an attempt to fetch a file (typically a 1 × 1–pixel transparent GIF) from a monitored HTTP server.

Naturally, a sufficiently knowledgeable attacker can dodge many decoys. Someone who suspects web bugs, for example, would simply read exfiltrated documents on an offline computer. Indeed, intelligence agencies’ classified networks are generally disconnected from the outside world [R. A. Clarke and Knake 2010], so no strategy that relies on active documents can succeed. A different approach is needed, one based on IDS technology.

The big advantage of honey documents is that they’re transport independent. That is, no matter how the files are exfiltrated, the trap can be sprung on any network connected machine used to view them. Even printing them out first doesn’t help; the monitors will detect the documents being opened inside the enterprise.

You may be able to detect network based exfiltration while the documents are being transported if your network is configured in a firewall-friendly manner, that is, if Property 1 holds. An extrusion detection module can be installed at the firewall; it can then attempt to detect misbehavior from amidst the noise of routine Internet traffic. As with IDSs, one can approach this from a signature or anomaly detection perspective. Signature detection can look for certain documents or perhaps markings—should the strings “Company Confidential” or “Top Secret UMBRA” appear in outbound mail?—or anomaly detection. Anomaly detection might be as simple as volume—does this person or IP address normally send so much data? Does someone in that organization normally send so much?—or it may be based on the statistical characteristics of the outbound data.

There are some interesting wrinkles here that makes extrusion detection harder in some ways than firewalls or intrusion detection. For one thing, someone exporting information is freer to use encryption because he or she can control both ends of the channel. By contrast, an attacker breaking in to an organization can only encrypt traffic if the vulnerability being exploited uses encryption. Of course, once the penetration is complete, the attacker can install any sort of back door desired, including encrypted ones. Even if encryption is used, the defenders aren’t helpless. While crypto does hide the precise content being sent, it can’t hide the volume; more importantly, encrypted data has a very unique flat byte distribution; this, too, is anomalous if from a source or to a destination that does not normally receive such. An example is shown in Figure 5.1, which compares the byte frequency distribution of a JPG file and an encrypted version of the same file.


Figure 5.1: A byte frequency plot for a JPG file and an encrypted version of the same file. (The x = 0 value was omitted, since the frequency of 0 in the JPG file was so high that it obscured the other differences.) The horizontal line is Image, what a perfectly even distribution would be. Note that JPG and other highly compressed formats like MP3 are harder to distinguish from random data; encrypted files in general do (and should) look very random. In a test of 1024-byte blocks, Oprea et al. found that less than 2% had an entropy that appeared close to that of random data [2005].

In some situations, the firewall-like topology need not be of the user network, but rather of the data-providing network. Imagine a data center with a web front end serving thousands of clients around the world. There is no feasible perimeter around the users; however, all sensitive data is flowing out through that web server. Proper log files and analysis of them (see Section 16.3) can also be a form of extrusion detection. Indeed, the lack of such analysis has been claimed to be at fault in the WikiLeaks diplomatic cables case; see the box on p. 73. Some organizations already track all outbound traffic. In the United States, some financial sector companies are required to log and retain certain communications [FINRA 2010; FINRA 2011]; these records can be analyzed for improper exports. Of course, the rest of the perimeter needs to be secured to preclude other forms of export.

One can view intrusion and extrusion detection systems as in some sense the dual of firewalls. The latter attempts to prevent trouble; the former attempt to detect it. Firewalls are primarily concerned with what the communications endpoints and protocols are; detection systems are more concerned with the contents. Firewalls are generally centralized; detection systems function better if decentralized. Both yield benefits; both have their limitations.

5.6 Analysis

It is very clear that the trend towards decentralization is going to continue. Ever-cheaper processing power makes it possible to put CPUs more or less everywhere; increasingly, these CPUs have communications capabilities. Today, interacting with some of these varied computers is optional; more and more, it will become a necessity. A generation ago, an airplane flight required a paper ticket that you exchanged for a cardstock boarding pass at the airport. Today, tickets are electronic and you’re encouraged to print your own boarding pass, but if you want you can often display it as a 2-D barcode on your smart phone. In not very many years, smart phones will become the normal way to fly, with temperamental barcode scanners replaced by network communication with the passenger’s phone. Will corporate security policies permit installation of the necessary app on employees’ iToys? They’ll have to.

There are also considerations of physical laws. If you’re in Tokyo and trying to download some local content, routing your request via the corporate firewall in Rio de Janeiro will slow you down; neither DARPA nor the ITU can increase the speed of light, and bandwidth is intimately linked to latency. It’s not just that security policies that ignore reality will be ignored (though that will happen, too); rather, it’s that they’ll start to interfere very seriously with productivity. People derive inner satisfaction (and better merit reviews) if they’re more productive; they derive neither from obeying security policies they generally don’t understand. Only if there is a problem will there be consequences, but 99% of the time ignoring policy results in no harm whatsoever. It’s the last 1% that gets them—and their employers—in very big trouble.

Things might change. We’re currently at a point where there are three plausible, currently visible directions in which technology can move. First, it might move to a purely decentralized model, where there is no perimeter and any device can be used for anything. The rise of the “gig economy” [Editorial Board, New York Times 2015] will push in that direction. Second, a cloud plus random device solution may dominate. In that case, although today’s perimeter-and-firewall solution will vanish, the cloud-based servers can become a locus for logging, intrusion and extrusion detection, and other forms of protection against large-scale attacks. Finally, things can stay about the way they are today. I say “about” because there are too many advantages to the other two paths for the status quo to hold completely, but the extent to and rate at which it will erode remain unclear.

There’s a potential variant on the “lots of devices” model that might arise: the local ad hoc network scenario. In it, a user’s device (somehow) associates itself with other devices in the neighborhood. The obvious and probably non-threatening examples are things like hotel room displays, keyboards, and the like; perhaps more interestingly, one can imagine a laptop taking over some sort of mobile Wi-Fi hotspot or connecting to a local disk or neighboring laptop to share content. In scenarios like this one, the perimeter is fuzzier still.

The conclusion is that we have to figure out how to push our security policies towards the edges. This is not the simplistic “I don’t believe in firewalls” chant of 20 years ago; the need for good security policies—generally, organizational security policies—and mechanisms is stronger than ever; we just have to change how and where we enforce them. This may be the real conundrum of the “bring your own device” movement; it’s not that consumer devices are necessarily less secure than corporate-issued ones as it is the difficulty of an IT department installing its own policies on an employee’s widget. Quite likely, they have neither the authorization nor the knowledge to do so, especially for newer or rarer widgets.

Better virtualization and policy languages will help. If the work environment can be properly isolated from the play environment, and if a system-independent policy language can be devised (and of course implemented by consumer gadgetry purveyors), this issue can be avoided. It’s not an easy task, since it will be necessary to implement this functionality in such a way that malware can’t disable it.


Intrusion detection and its counterpart intrusion prevention are widely seen as the most promising avenues to pursue, given that purely defensive measures have not succeeded despite more than forty years of effort [Wulf and A. K. Jones 2009]. The challenge, though, is considerable; not only must an IDS cope with a change in people’s legitimate activities, it must cope with changing software and changing technology. A new release of a web browser might sandbox each tab or window, which would produce different patterns of system calls than the older versions did; similarly, the rise of mobile devices to, say, read email via a cellular network will reduce the contribution of LAN-based mailers to the total traffic mix and thus change its overall characteristics. These sorts of changes are legitimate and probably inevitable, but the same package that has to adapt to these changes must also detect the very subtle changes of a new “low and slow” attack.

Extrusion detection is even more challenging than policy enforcement. Generally speaking, physical access wins; it is very hard to prevent the owner of a device from getting at any or all of its contents. One thing that will help is if vendors implement a distributed logging system. Even in, say, a peer-to-peer distributed corporate file system, a request for a file should generate a log message back to some central correlator. I would argue that for security purposes, logging is even more important than delivering the data; a user will retry the download but won’t be similarly motivated to resend missed log messages.

It is hard to predict what other trends will take root even in the next five years, let alone ten or twenty. The human and organizational need for collaborative work will not change, but the mechanisms will. A generation ago, people swapped floppy disks. (Two generations ago, it was decks of punch cards.) We moved from there to central repositories and/or emailing files back and forth. Today, collaboration is moving towards the cloud. How long will that continue? Will peer-to-peer mechanisms take over instead? If I’m on a train or plane, I’d rather not have to deal with an intermediary when I’m working with someone a few rows back; I’d rather use a mobile network. That part looks feasible—but how will it be done securely, and how will transactions be logged?

What is really needed is a way for packets or messages of security interest to be flagged reliably, thus simplifying policy enforcement [Bellovin 2003]. Until that happens, all of these mechanisms will be imperfect.

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