Chapter 2. Components and functions 29
menu bar and tool bar) activated. Operators can
perform the same basic monitoring and
problem-determination tasks as with the regular
console, and administrators can perform additional
tasks such as creating shared filters.
Health Monitor Server Monitors the health and availability of IBM Tivoli
Business Systems Manager processes and queues.
This machine enables you to monitor the performance
and availability of IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager components. You can monitor the various
services, disk utilization, database space, system
queues, and connections to the various data sources.
You may need additional servers for test and quality assurance systems. For IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager distributed implementation, some of these
functionalities can be merged. The recommended configuration of IBM Tivoli
Business Systems Manager distributed consists only of a database server and a
merged server. The merged server consists of the propagation server,
application server, and the common listener function.
2.2 Base services
The IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager base services consists of a set of
Windows services running on the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager servers.
This section provides an in-depth description of the IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager base services. The discussion consists of:
? 2.2.1, Components and data flow on page 29
? 2.2.2, Installation directory structure on page 39
? 2.2.3, Windows registry structure on page 40
? 2.2.4, Log files on page 43
2.2.1 Components and data flow
To better understand how IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager components
interact, see the diagram in Figure 2-2 on page 30. It shows the interaction of the
base services servers component.
30 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
Figure 2-2 TBSM flowchart
The main components are shown in dark gray boxes, while the other IBM Tivoli
Business Systems Manager components are shown in light gray boxes. Non-IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager components are shown in white boxes.
The database server is the centerpiece, to which all components eventually
connect. Specific components for connection to other pieces are shown, such as
the Source/390 in z/OS and Agent Listener and Common Listener in distributed
systems. For TCP/IP based connection, the Source/390 will connect directly to
the Event Handler server.
In IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager V2R1, installation is simplified to a
certain number of components. Table 2-1 on page 31 shows the list of services
that are installed and run for each component. Most components relate to
specific servers; however, some components may be combined in certain
TBSM Servers
Host Integration
Event Handler
Common Listener
Tivoli Data
Web Console
Distributed Data
( Netview, ITM)
Task Server
Event Enablement
Web Console
Health Monitor
Tivoli NetView
for zOS
Health Monitor
Chapter 2. Components and functions 31
Table 2-1 IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager services by component
The following sections discuss the role of each service.
Server Services Notes
Database server ASIDBValidater
ASIEvent Enablement
ASITSDEvent HandlerSvc
Agent Listener is installed
from the Distributed TEC
listener component that
generally resides in this
Console Server ASIDBValidater
Propagation Server ASIDBValidater
ASIEnqueueProxy Server
Propagation agent is started
with ASIPAgent.exe
Event handler server ASIDBValidater
For SNA-based connection:
Distributed TEC
ASIAgentListenerSvc This is usually installed in the
database server
Health Monitor server ASIHealthMonitor Health monitor can be
installed in the history server
Web console server TivoliPresentationServices
Web server services from
Tivoli presentation services
for the Web console
Common listener ASICommonListener Common listener can be
installed together with
application or propagation
History Server - No services installed
Health Monitor Client - No services installed
32 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
Tivoli BSM Database Validater (ASIDBValidater)
This service validates the availability of database connections for all IBM Tivoli
Business Systems Manager servers. The database validater service runs on all
IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager servers. All other IBM Tivoli Business
Systems Manager services that access the database are made dependent on
this service.
The database validater periodically runs the query shown in Example 2-1. This
query can be found under the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager registry key
ComponentsASIDBValidaterSettings in the value of TestSQL. We have
formatted the query display.
Example 2-1 Database validater query
if db_name()='master' begin
if exists (select * from sysobjects
where type='X' and name='xp_createnotificationevent')
if exists (select * from sysobjects
where type='X' and name='xp_creatependingevent')
if exists (select * from sysobjects
where type='X' and name='xp_createrulecmdevent')
else select * from sysobjects where name='sysobjects'
Tivoli BSM Propagation Agent Dispatcher (ASIPADispatcher)
The Tivoli BSM propagation agent dispatcher manages the propagation agents.
It calls the remote execution server in the propagation server the propagation
agent. When an event is generated, it notifies the enqueue proxy server on the
propagation server to put the events into the propagation agents queue file.
Currently, restarting the propagation agent dispatcher is the only appropriate way
to start or restart the propagation agent.
When the Propagation Agent Dispatcher is stopped, it stops the propagation
agent on the propagation server through the remote execution server.
Tivoli BSM Staged Event Loader (ASIStagedEventLoader)
This service is responsible for loading events to the IBM Tivoli Business Systems
Manager database. This process must run continuously. This process works with
the ObjectEvents database.
Chapter 2. Components and functions 33
Tivoli BSM Task Server (ASITaskServer)
This component is used to issue commands on the monitored resources. Two
types of commands are supported:
? z/OS command through Tivoli NetView for z/OS
? running a Tivoli Management Framework task
It invokes the send command using the tgmtask utility.
Typically, the task server running on the database server only holds the
connection to Tivoli NetView for z/OS through the NETCONV session. If you are
not managing any resources that belong to the z/OS, you may disable this
The task server that is used for Tivoli Management Framework tasks runs on a
Tivoli Enterprise Console server together with the event enablement service.
This task server is installed using the Tivoli Management Framework winstall
command. The task server that runs a Tivoli Management Framework task must
be running under a Tivoli-authorized administrator user ID, and the machine must
be a managed node in a Tivoli Management Region (TMR).
Tivoli BSM Event Enablement (ASIEventEnablement)
This component is supposed to be used in the distributed components with the
Agent Listener service to handle Tivoli Enterprise Console events. The service
that is installed in the database server is
not used. You may want to disable this
The event enablement process has to run on the same machine as the Tivoli
Enterprise Console to receive events from it.
Tivoli BSM MVS IP Listener (ASIMVSIPListenerSvc)
This process waits for the connection from z/OS. This IP-based listener is used
for bulk file transfers from z/OS. Specifically, it handles discovery of resources
that are sent using the program GTMAOPE0, typically by listening to port 1021. It
can handle character conversion and localization. More discussion on this
process is provided in Chapter 11, z/OS data feeds and discovery on page 347.
Tivoli BSM TSD Event Handler (ASITSDEventHandlerSvc)
This component is used for integration with problem management software,
typically Tivoli Service Desk. It processes problem ticket closure events that are
generated by the problem management product and applies them to the
appropriate IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager information. More discussion
on problem management is given in Chapter 15, Automatic problem ticketing on
page 465.
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