Chapter 9. IBM Tivoli NetView integration 291
Figure 9-9 Open a map
9.3 Adapter installation
The installation of the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager NetView Adapter
consists of two tasks:
? Installing and configuring the adapter on your NetView server. Most of the
required steps are performed by an installation script. We will describe the
sample installation in our lab environment in 9.3.1, Installing the NetView
part of the adapter on page 292.
? Executing a script on the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager database
server to upgrade a few database tables. The data will be used by the IBM
Tivoli Business Systems Manager common listener. You can find these
installation steps in 9.3.2, Installing the TBSM part of the adapter on
page 293.
292 Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 2.1: End-to-End Business Impact Management
9.3.1 Installing the NetView part of the adapter
The NetView part of the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager Adapter is
available as a single tar archive. Put the file into an empty directory on the target
system and issue a tar command to split the archive into its components. After
splitting the file, you should see three files in the directory you chose, similar to
Example 9-3.
Example 9-3 Directory contents
capecod:/nv713 #ls -la
total 11856
drwxr-sr-x 2 sys sys 2560 Nov 08 10:55 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 bin bin 1024 Nov 14 13:12 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 101 staff 5333 Sep 26 2001 Install.ksh
-rw-r----- 1 root sys 3031040 Nov 07 17:08 tbsmadapter_aix_1_1_nv71_20011114.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 3020800 Nov 14 2001 tbsmadapter_aix_kit.tar
To install the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager adapter you need root
permissions. This is normal, as most configuration tasks on NetView require root
permissions. To install the IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager adapter on the
NetView Server, execute the Install.ksh script. The script:
? Extracts the files in the archive
? Places the contents of the archive into their correct locations
? Preserves existing configuration files if this is a repeat install or upgrade
? Registers the tbsmadapter daemon to NetView
A typical output of Install.ksh is shown in Example 9-4.
Example 9-4 TBSM adapter installation output
capecod:/nv713 #Install.ksh
Install.ksh (15:49:53): Installation of TBSM Adapter for NetView kit started.
Install.ksh (15:49:53): TBSM Adapter software loaded correctly.
ovaddobj - Static Registration Utility
Successful Completion
Install.ksh (15:49:53): TBSM Adapter daemon successfully added to NetView Configuration.
Install.ksh (15:49:53): Installation of TBSM Adapter for NetView kit was successful.
capecod:/nv713 #
Note: As of the writing of this book, the archive nvlaunch.tar referenced in this
section is not distributed with either IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager or
the NetView adapter. Contact your IBM Tivoli representative for this.
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