
developing your, 6872

measuring, 5575

mindset and, 81

willingness and, 70

ability and commitment, reinforcing, 152153


and listening, 4649

what you're hearing, 104

acknowledgment, 108114, 143

inner, 114

the 6-step checklist and, 105, 140

acknowledgment and agreement, 113114

acting as a multi-partial third party, 4344

advocacy, 114124, 144

the 6-step checklist and, 105, 140

agreement, writing an, 159160

agreement and acknowledgment, 113114


lexicon, 912

principles, 78


and engaging, 3952

the conflict partner's energy, 46

anger, noticing your own, 22

appreciation, mindset of, 3132

Appreciative Inquiry, 3132

Argyris, Chris, 2, 116117

asking open-ended, honest questions, 4849

asking questions, energy and, 107

asking questions to discover new information, 44

assessing the willingness to commit, 5758

assessments, comparing, 50

assumptions, challenging your, 4445

attack, reframing an, 2627

attitudes that are detrimental to the process, 3234

Auden, W. H., 90

awareness, breathing with, 88

behavior, being aware of your, 2223

behavior style inventory, 150

behavior styles, contrasting, 50


contribution versus, 111113

noticing your own, 22


and conflict, 111

and justification, 113

body language, 70

inquiry and, 107

Boyatzis, Richard, 23

brain science, 51

breathing with awareness, 88

building mutually agreeable solutions, 104

building rapport in your first joint session, 132134

catalysts, identifying conversation, 7273

center of gravity, focusing on your, 88

centered, the concept of being, 8586

centered and uncentered, the difference between being, 86

centered presence, 10, 2426, 96

teaching, 7880

centered reflection, the 6–step

checklist and, 105

centered state, potential of the, 90


and intention, 86

and the learning mindset, 8090

as a choice, 86

as a mind-body state, 8485

centering, 141

the 6-step checklist and, 140

the art of, 8384

centering prompts, creating, 8889


reflecting on potential, 151

reflecting on, 140

resolving, 140

clarify purpose, continuing to, 115

clarity of purpose, 2526, 9798

teaching, 9295

clearing your mind, inquiry and, 107


gaining, 6668

reinforcing ability and, 152153

common-sense approach, the, 42

communicating a contrary viewpoint, 103

communication, non-verbal, 6465

communication skills, 7980

acknowledgment and, 108

communication strategies,

demonstrating, 101126

comparing assessments, 50

compassion, appealing to, 42

conclusions, noticing your own premature, 22

confidence, reinforcing, 140


entering into the, 14

hours dealing with workplace, 5

internal shifts during, 58

intervening in, 3

learning from, 2526

questions leaders have about, 1213

successful resolution of a, 35

the costs of unaddressed, 56

the physical tension of, 6061


and blame, 111

and personal power, 68

and the fixed mindset, 8283

as opportunity, 13

coaching, 4

conversation, entering a, 92

in the workplace, resolving, 2

journal, keeping a, 89

resolution, learning mindset and, 1314

skills, teaching, 151

understanding, 49

conflict energy,

guiding, 131132

using, 27

conflict habits,

developing new, 69

effective choices and, 6970

conflict-management style, positive, 22

conflicts, resolving remaining, 148151

connecting vs. resistant language, 6164

connection, shifting from resistance to, 5961

connection during individual sessions, 49

constructive role models, 83

contrary viewpoint, communicating a, 103

contrasting behavior styles, 50

contrasting learning styles, 50

contribution, the concept of, 112

contribution versus blame, 111113

control, giving up, 63


entering a conflict, 92

knowing your purpose for the, 104

conversation catalysts, identifying, 7273

conversation openings, powerful, 146147

conversations, difficult, 104105

creating centering prompts, 8889

Crum, Thomas, 7, 19, 78, 80, 87, 92

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 95

cues, picking up on social, 70


listening with, 46

mindset of, 3031

debating, 47

defensive energy, 83

demonstrating communication strategies, 101126


power, 77100

presence, 77100

development of solutions, watching the, 145

difficult conversations, 104105

difficulties with one-on-one conflict, 91

documenting the session, 7374

dojo, 10

Drucker, Peter, 21, 46, 68, 69

Dweck, Carol, 8081

Edmondson, Amy C., 121

effective choices and conflict habits, 6970

empathy, appealing to, 42

employee conflict, preparation for, 4

employees, praising, 83


asking questions and, 107

defensive, 83

guiding conflict, 131132

energy and obstacles, 94

engage, questions to ask before you, 3435

engaging and aligning, 3952

engaging the conflict partner's energy, 46

enthusiasm, building, 92

evading a situation, 42

extroversion, 50

eye contact, inquiry and, 107

facial expressions, 70

facilitator, multi-partial, 45

facts, sharing, 116117

fixed mindset, characteristics of the, 82

flexible thinking, 8485

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 103

goal, understanding as a, 105106

goals, clarity of, 31

Goleman, Daniel, 23

gravity, focusing on your center of, 88

Greeny, Joseph, 39, 55, 81, 121

growth mindset, characteristics of the, 82

guiding conflict energy, 131132


developing new conflict, 69

effective choices and conflict, 6970

hearing, acknowledging what you're, 104

Heart at Peace concept, 91

Heen, Sheila, 108, 115116, 118

hidden objectives to resolving conflict, 5960

homework assignments, giving, 40

honest questions, asking, 4849

identifying conversation catalysts, 7273

ignoring a situation, 42

impact, intent and, 118121

including others in the process, 160161

individual sessions,

connection during, 49

opportunities during, 5051

individual sessions and asking questions, 44

individually, meeting, 4245

inner acknowledgment, 114

inquiry, 106107, 142143

mindset of, 3031

the 6-step checklist and, 105, 140

instruction, personalized, 44

intent and impact, 118121

intention, centering and, 86

internal shifts during conflict, 58

intervening in conflict, 3


clarifying your purpose for, 2526

your mindset during an, 19

interventions, third-party supervisor, 22

introversion, 50

joint sessions, comparing assessments during, 50

judgment, noticing your own, 22

justification and blame, 113

Kahane, Adam, 9091

ki, 1

extending your, 2425

translations of the word, 910

King, Martin Luther, 91

Ladder of Inference, 2, 117


connecting, 6164

resistant, 6164

learning conversation, conduct a, 102104

learning conversation foundation, 122

learning mindset, centering and the, 8090

learning mindset and conflict resolution, 1314

learning style inventory, 150

learning styles, contrasting, 50

letter of agreement, creating a, 74

listening and acknowledging, 4649

listening with full attention, inquiry and, 107

listening, non-judgmental, 44

logistics, 147148

looking forward, 129136

management, dealing with conflict and, 5

McMillan, Ron, 55, 121

meditation, 3

meeting, topics for the first joint, 133

mental behavior, being aware of your, 2223

mind-body state, responsive, 85


centering and the learning, 8090

growth, 81

having a positive, 2123

mindset and ability, 81

mirror neurons, 23

modeling respect, 121124

motivation, building, 92

motivation to change, the, 5758

multi-partial facilitator, 45

multi-partial third party, acting as a, 4344

multi-partial vs. neutral, 45

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 5

naïve realism, 121122

negative intent, reframing, 3334

neutral vs. multi–partial, 45


listening with, 46

mindset of, 2830

non-judgmental listening, 44

non-verbal communication, 6465

non-verbal cues, picking up on, 70

objectivity, listening with, 46

obstacles, energy and, 94

obstacles to resolving conflict, 5960

one-on-one conflict, difficulties with, 91

open-ended questions, asking, 4849

openings, creating, 4951

opportunity, conflict as, 13

optimism, getting a sense of, 65

pain, points, identifying 67

Patterson, Kerry, 55, 121

Patton, Bruce, 108, 118

pep talks, 42

performance, working on an employee's, 67

personal power, 2426, 96

managing conflict and, 68

teaching, 9092

personalized instruction, 44

physical behavior, being aware of your, 2223

physical tension of conflict, the, 6061

pleasure, finding a new path with, 67

positive conflict-management style, 22

positive mindset, having a, 2123

possibilities for resolution, sensing, 49

possibility, mindset of, 2728


developing, 77100

maximizing, 2632

personal, 2426, 96

powerful conversation openings, 146147

practices that are detrimental to the process, 3234

praising employees, 83

premature conclusions, noticing your own, 22


centered, 2426, 96

developing, 77100

maximizing, 2632

teaching centered, 7880


including others in the, 160161

understanding the, 3536

productivity, working on an employee's, 67

prompts, creating centering, 8889

purpose for the conversation, knowing your, 104

purpose, 141142

clarity of, 2526, 9798

connecting with a, 67

continuing to clarify, 115

maximizing, 2632

teaching clarity of, 9295

the 6-step checklist and, 105, 140

the importance of, 1011


that are not useful, 142

that are useful, 142

quality of being skills, 79

questions, individual sessions and asking, 44


leaders have about conflict, 1213

that broaden the topic or learning, 73

that deepen the topic or learning, 73

to ask before engaging, 3435

to discover new information, asking, 44

rapport, your first joint session and building, 132134

rapport-building sessions with employees, 22

realism, naïve, 121122

reflecting on potential challenges, 151

reflection 137156

reframing, 2627

reframing negative intent, 3334

Reid, Marc, 6

reinforcement, 137156

reinforcing ability and commitment, 152153

resistance to connection, shifting from, 5961

resistant vs. connecting language, 6164

resolution, sensing possibilities for, 49

resolve, 137156

resolving remaining conflicts, 148151

respect, modeling, 121124

responsive mind-body state, 85

role models, constructive, 83

role-playing, 124

roles, clarity of, 31

Schulz, Kathryn, 59

setback, acknowledging a, 3132

sharing facts, 116117

Simmons, Philip, 32

skill-building sessions with employees, 22


communication, 7980

doubting your, 32

quality of being, 79

social cues, picking up on, 70

solutions, 144145

building mutually agreeable, 104

the 6-step checklist and, 105, 140

watching the development of, 145

starting your day centered, 88

Stone, Douglas, 102, 108, 118

strategies, demonstrating communication, 101126

strengths, reinforcing, 3132

Switzler, Al, 121

third-party supervisor interventions, 22

Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument, 5

time, finding, 3233

topics for the first joint meeting, 133

Ueshiba, Morihei, 7

unaddressed conflict, the costs of, 56

understanding as a goal, 105106

unwillingness, the non-starter of, 61

Ury, William, 46

validation, 49

verbal cues, picking up on, 70

viewpoint, communicating a contrary, 103

What's In It For Me? (see, WIIFM)

WIIFM, 5859


ability and, 70

getting a sense of, 65

measuring, 5575

willingness to commit, assessing the, 5758

working on yourself alone, 1937

workplace conflict, hours dealing with, 5

workplace, resolving conflict in the, 2

writing an agreement, 159160

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